Chapter 358
These few people were honest and honest, and they kindly said to him: "Outsider, don't meddle in your own business, stay away from this child, if he is infected with the disease, it will be bad."

Jiang Ling: "Looking at his condition, he seems to be dehydrated. It should be fatal."

The old man came up and said, "outsiders, you don't know that many people in our village have been infected with this disease, but those who are infected will have vomiting and diarrhea, bloody stools and abdominal pain. Within seven days, people will not be able to bear it. This time The disease is contagious, so don't get too close."

Jiang Ling: "For those who are newly infected with this disease, the number of times of diarrhoea will increase, and it will be as thick as water?"

The old man: "Exactly, and because of this epidemic, the county magistrate did not allow us to take refuge in the city. Many people have died in these ten miles and eight townships. There are only a few dozen people left in our village, and we can't stand the trouble anymore." .”

As he spoke, he asked the two men to quickly carry the child away.

But Jiang Ling said: "This may be dysentery, the child is just dehydrated, so it won't kill him, you guys don't want to do evil."

The two peasants didn't understand what dysentery was or not, but the old man became confused when he heard what he said: "Outsider, don't you know medical skills?"

Jiang Ling: "Is there no doctor in your village?"

The old man sighed: "The doctor died a long time ago, and his family was also the first batch of the disease. It has been two months since he died."

In such an era, most of those who practice medicine in the countryside are barefoot doctors.The medical skills are superficial, and it is common that the disease cannot be cured.

Dysentery, in future generations, is not a serious disease.

But in this era, once it happens, it is common for a village or a town to die. Once infected, it all depends on the physique.

But as the saying goes, no matter how tough a man is, he can't stand San Pao Xi.

A disease that adults can't bear, if it's a child, it's basically a disease that can only wait to die.

"Let's put it down, he can't die."

Jiang Ling called the two farmers to put him down, they both cooperated, probably because they saw Jiang Ling's unusual clothes and thought he was a high school boy.

After all, they can't afford to provoke them.

Since Jiang Ling wanted to intervene, they didn't care about it, and lifted him a little away, and put him on the side of the pier.

The old man didn't say much anymore, as far as he was concerned, the child would definitely not survive.

But the child's mother, hearing Jiang Ling's words, suddenly had a flame of hope in her despairing eyes, she ran over crying, knelt on the ground and kowtowed to beg him, begging him to save the child.

Jiang Ling took out the medicine box, took out a bottle of glucose and an infusion tube from it, and let Qingshuang and He Xiang look at it nicely, while inserting the needle into the vein of the child's arm.

Dehydration is so severe that some glucose supplementation is essential.

Afterwards, two ofloxacin capsules were fed.

During the infusion, the child has been lethargic.

After the infusion was completed, he was dazed and finally woke up.

With the supplement of glucose, his complexion looked much better and he was able to speak.

Seeing that he had woken up and was still able to speak, his mother burst into tears of joy.

When the others saw it, they were all astonished.

It must be known that during this period of time, more than a hundred people in their village have died of diseases.

Except for a few people with good physique and survived, the others basically died.

But today, no matter who looks at this child, he looks like he is about to die.

But after this foreigner tossed and tossed, it took only nearly half an hour before and after, and he came back to life.

Judging by the child's complexion, it is indeed much better.Not only is a person awake, but he is also able to speak.

The child's mother was overjoyed, took the child, and was grateful to Jiangling, knelt and worshiped.

The prestigious old man also came in front of him again, and bowed to him, his words were very excited: "Little gentleman, you can cure this disease, you are really a living god!"

Jiang Ling smiled: "This is not a disease, but it is dysentery, also known as stagnation. But it is more serious than ordinary dysentery, and it is contagious. The key to this disease is prevention and control. If it is properly controlled, there is no need to be afraid of this disease at all. "

"This... this... is it true?"

The old man seemed to be in disbelief.

So many people died in their village, in the end, they heard Jiang Ling say that this is actually not a disease.

It can only be blamed that there are not many people who really understand medical skills, and some in the city who really understand medical skills may not be willing to treat this disease.Because of the good treatment, a group of poor people don't have much money to give.If it is not cured, you have to lose your reputation.

"Dare to ask Mr. Xiao, how to prevent and treat this disease?"

"Wash your hands frequently, don't drink unclean water, it is best to boil it before drinking, and the food is the same. If you can do these things, the disease can be cured."

"This this……"

It turns out that it can be prevented so easily?The old man lost his mind for a moment, then begged him again: "Mr. Xiao, since you know how to treat this disease, can you help us save a few more patients with mild symptoms?"

While talking, he searched his body, and finally found three copper coins: "We are a poor peasant family, we have fled here, and we don't have any money. Just these three coins, please be merciful and help us, Mr. Xiao."

When he asked, many refugees in the surrounding area gathered around him.

Seeing this, Jiang Ling gave him a few boxes of ofloxacin: "For mild symptoms, just take this medicine. Take two pills at a time, twice a day, in the morning and evening. Remember, don't drink unclean water. You take this medicine and distribute it to them."

The old man hurriedly accepted the medicine, as for the three copper coins, Jiang Ling naturally did not want him.

"Mr. Xiao came from another place. Is this to enter this county? It's a pity that the gate of the city is closed now, and the outside is very chaotic. It is probably impossible to enter."

"You are all guarding here, since you are not allowed to go in, why bother to continue guarding?"

The old man sighed: "Mr. I don't know, this county magistrate is actually not bad. Although we are not allowed to enter the city, he will throw some food every day. We will stay here, and we will not starve to death. Besides, we are infected. If the disease can be cured, maybe the county magistrate will let us in at that time."

Hearing this, Jiang Ling was a little surprised.

Being willing to take care of the people shows that the county magistrate here is indeed a conscientious one.

Jiang Ling: "I don't even want to enter the city, but I just want to take a boat to go east. I don't know when this boat will be available?"

The old man: "Take a boat to the east? The east is very chaotic now, so please don't go there, Mr. Xiao. Besides, the owner of the boat is dead, and he is also infected with the disease. All the people on the boat died. They sailed from the east to the east. It's pitiful that after coming out of my hometown in Jiacun, and within three days after entering the county, they all fell ill and failed to save any of them."

Jiang Ling: "Oh? So now this boat is an ownerless thing?"

The old man: "Probably."

The old man took the medicine and distributed it to the sick. Qingshuang and Hexiang couldn't bear the smell of the place, so Jiang Ling took them aboard the boat.

A large ship has eighteen oars on both sides. If you want to drive it, you have to have dozens of coolies.

He Xiang looked troubled, she knew that Jiang Ling could move the wupped boat with just a thought and a little spiritual power.

But if this big ship wants to be driven by spiritual power, it must be huge.

Dang even suggested: "Sir, why don't we go back to our own boat?"

Jiangling: "It's okay for a small boat in Wupeng to sail through slow-flowing waters, but if it encounters rapids or enters a big river, it's not worrying. How can it be as comfortable as this big boat? Anyway, this boat is ownerless, so we can take it away."

He Xiang: "But how does this boat move?"

"verb: move?"

Jiang Ling smiled mysteriously, and touched Nie Qian in his arms with his fingers through the clothes.

Knowingly, she turned into a beam of light, flashed out of his arms, and slipped into the water.

In less than a moment, a large number of swimming fish suddenly flooded into the huge Huaihe River. They arched the boat and pushed them from the riverside to the center of the river. They traveled eastward with the current, and they started to move quickly without oars.

Seeing that the boat really moved, He Xiang couldn't help being dumbfounded: "My God, there are so many fish, sir...the boat really moved."

(End of this chapter)

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