Chapter 359
Qingshuang and Hexiang thought that Jiang Ling had cast some kind of spell, which caused the boat to be propelled by the swimming fish.

But Nie Qian has never been discovered, and Nie Qian also told Jiang Ling that she does not want to formally meet Qingshuang and Lin Yuewei yet.

During those few years in Lanruo Temple, she worked under her grandmother, and although she had never practiced the methods of seducing men, she had a lot of theoretical experience on paper.

She deeply knows that for men, most of them are wives and concubines, and concubines are not as good as stealing.

Besides, she was also the first to follow Jiang Ling, so there is no need to compete with Qingshuang and Lin Yuewei in the open.Rather than appearing on the bright side, it is better to hide in the dark all the time, and do things for the master.

In this way, not only can she enjoy the unique favor, but she can also get a different kind of stimulation while sneaking around.

After forty miles passed, an accident occurred suddenly. When the boat passed a narrow section of the river, a thick iron lock lay across the river.

At this point, the ship can't go through.

As soon as the boat was blocked, there were shouts from both sides of the bank, and seven or eight small boats rowed out from the lush grass.

On each small boat, there are five or six rough-looking people.

They were holding knives and hanging ropes with flying hooks tied to one end.

Just yelling like that, when the small boat got closer, the flying hooks in their hands would be thrown, and as soon as they landed on the big boat, they would hook on the side of the boat.

With the ropes tied down, those boats took advantage of their strength to gallop, and within two or three blinks, they were connected to the bottom of the boat one after another.

Seeing this situation, He Xiang was slightly surprised: "Sir, are they robbers?"

Jiang Ling: "Iron lock Hengjiang, if it's not a bandit or a bandit, it's almost the same."

These people approached and climbed onto the big boat along the rope.

Some of them were still wearing official army clothes in their rough clothes.I don't know if it was picked up from a dead person, or if he himself was a member of the army before.

People from both front and rear boarded the boat one after another, a total of 23 people.

The leader has a scarred face and is also wearing military uniforms.

As soon as he boarded the boat, he first took a look around the inside and outside of the boat, and then his greedy eyes fixed on Qingshuang and Hexiang.

Not only him, the brothers around him almost all had green eyes at this moment.

Some people's crotch is obviously not smooth.

"Brothers, how long has it been since you tasted a woman?" Scarface looked around and licked his dry lips.

The brothers grinned and laughed, their hearts were itchy, but they still behaved a little bit. Although the woman was in front of them, they all knew that the eldest and second elder brothers would go first.

"I, Kang Dayou, have won good things, and I never take it all by myself. I will be the first to shoot, and after that, all the brothers will shout fists, whoever wins will go first, how about it?"

The brothers raised their long knives, shouted loudly, and responded.

Seeing them being so rude and rude, Qingshuang and He Xiang's eyes were full of disgust.

Apart from disgust, there is no fear or worry at all.

During the time they followed Jiangling, not to mention all the storms and waves, at least after the experience of Yunyan Pavilion, they were still somewhat immune to the ferocity of ordinary people.

Kang Dayou with a scarred face pointed to Jiang Ling: "Wu Na boy, do you have any money with you?"

Seeing these people waiting, Jiang Ling laughed instead: "There is money, but I don't know how much you want?"

The thieves around looked at each other and smiled.

From what it means, could it be that there are a lot of belongings on this boat?
Scarface: "Of course, as many as there are."

On the one hand, he walked closer.

Jiang Ling took out three taels of silver from his pocket, and threw it on the ground: "I'm worried that I don't have enough manpower on this boat, you guys ran up by yourself, but you can go down and row the boat for me."

Scarface laughed, and the other thieves around him also laughed.

Scarface: "Did you guys hear that? What is he talking about?"

The little thief smiled: "He wants Brother Kang to row the boat for him."

Scarface held the knife in his right hand, put his left hand on his ear, then turned his head and almost leaned in front of Jiang Ling: "Come on, I didn't hear clearly just now, tell me again, what do you want me to do?"

Jiang Ling also cooperated with him, but as soon as he opened his mouth, the knife in Scarface's hand suddenly rose, and suddenly cut down.

In the blink of an eye, Jiang Ling stretched out two fingers, grabbed the cut long knife, folded it in the middle, and the long knife broke in two.At the same moment, Jiang Ling slashed back with the half of the knife between his arms, and the skull of the scarred man fell to the ground, rolled around a few times, and stopped at the feet of the thieves nearby.

"A person with deaf ears can also be the boss?"

Jiang Ling looked around and asked, "You should have heard what I said just now, right? If you haven't heard anything, I can say it again."

There are more than 20 people, although there are many in number, they are all mobs.

And they also have a bit of vision, Kang Dayou can be a big brother, and his force value can be said to be the highest among them.

And the young boy in front of him could hold his long knife with only two fingers, and even broke it and slashed back.

This ability is beyond the reach of ordinary people!
Now that Kang Dayou died, more than 20 people suddenly turned into a mess, and they turned around and were about to jump off the boat and leave.

Jiang Ling suddenly said: "Whoever goes away will die!"

Where did the 23 gangsters listen to this threat?

You force yourself to be strong, and I dive into the water to escape.

When you get into the water, how do you chase after it?
The quickest person jumped into the water just as Jiang Ling spoke.

However, before he fell into the water, suddenly a big fish weighing hundreds of catties jumped out of the water, and swallowed the man whole with one mouth.

The rest of the people did not stop the car and jumped down one after another, but one jumped to death, and the big fish hidden under the water suddenly jumped out and swallowed them alive.

Nie Qian was summoned as the big monster of the aquarium, and the unrealized aquariums in a radius of tens of miles all listened to her orders at this moment.

With her watching from below, it was impossible for these gangsters to sneak out of the water.

After three people died in a row, the rest did not dare to dive again.

They all retreated to the side of the boat, looked at the river in horror, and looked at Jiangling suspiciously.

They were not sure whether these big fish were related to the young man, but they vaguely felt that there might be some connection.

At this time Jiang Ling asked again: "Do you want to row a boat?"

Rowing is hard work. In the underground cabin, at least 12 or [-] people need to work together to turn the wheel and make the oars of this [-]-meter-long boat swing.

The second and third children among the gangsters looked at each other and decided to try it out.

Suddenly the two joined forces and approached at the same time, one with a sword and the other with a spear, the spear came out like a dragon, and the sword moved like a snake.

With this sudden attack, Jiang Ling only yelled at them from the air.

The roar of the Buddhist lion shook the sky, and under a single sound wave, the second and third children only took two steps, and their bodies became stiff.On the face, the seven orifices were bleeding, especially the ears, bleeding profusely.

The other gangsters watched the second and third children fall down, and finally determined that the young man in front of them was not easy to provoke.

I thought that if I caught the big sheep, I would not only get money, but also play with women.But who knew that this seemingly handsome young man was so terrifying.

Almost inhuman!
(End of this chapter)

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