Chapter 361

Ordinary ghosts only saw that the three fires on Jiang Ling's head were completely extinguished, but when Ye Youshen came in, he saw that there were three flowers gathered on his head, and the aura around him was dozens of times stronger than those two women combined.

Ye Youshen didn't dare to offend, so he bowed and bowed, and retreated wherever he came from quietly.

As soon as he left, a cat sound came from the eaves outside the window.

A black cat walked briskly from the black tiles to the eaves directly opposite the Jiangling window.

It barked once or twice at first, and then the barking frequency increased.

Until Jiang Ling became curious and pushed the window open, the meowing of the cat stopped alone.

Two orange-yellow eyeballs gleamed brightly, staring at him.

"You're going to be in trouble."

The black cat opened its mouth and spoke human words.

Jiang Ling was slightly surprised and asked it: "Are you talking to me?"

Black Cat: "Is there a third person who can hear me?"

To ordinary people, it is still meowing, but there is a sense of spirit in this meowing, which speaks human language.

At this moment, Qingshuang and Hexiang are both in meditation, so they can't hear them.

Jiang Ling was the only one who could hear the black cat talking.

Jiang Ling: "Who are you?"

This black cat is a bit like the black cat in Dizangtian, but it is not the same as it is walking on snow.

And around the cat's neck, there is also a jade pendant.

From a vague look, the jade pendant was engraved with a pattern of some kind of strange beast.

Black Cat: "The one who saved you."

Jiang Ling: "You save me?"

Black Cat: "You are about to face a catastrophe. If there is no accident, you will disappear like a meteor, like a firework, and disappear in this world soon."

Jiang Ling smiled: "Your words are a bit shocking. There have been people who threatened me in front of me and said cruel words, but in the end, they were the ones who disappeared in this world."

The black cat looked at him fixedly: "Do you really think that if you understand the [Future Maitreya Curse], you will be invincible in the world, and you can go there?"

Jiang Ling restrained his smile, narrowed his eyes slightly, and asked again: "Who are you?"

This black cat can tell the [Future Maitreya Curse], which means that it should not be a local cat.

Black Cat: "I originally thought [The Disorderly Man] was Zhong Jin from Yunyan Pavilion, but now it seems that it should be you without a doubt."

Jiang Ling: "What do you mean by [those who rebel against fate]?"

The black cat didn't answer but asked instead: "You are not you, you should be a dead person, aren't you?"

Jiang Ling was even more surprised when he heard this.

Seeing that he was silent, the black cat said, "I know you care about my background, but you don't have to be an enemy to me. You and I are not enemies."

Jiang Ling: "If you're not an enemy, then you should report your background."

The black cat took a few steps closer to him, and said quietly: "Compared to him, you are much luckier."

Jiang Ling: "Who is he you speak of?"

Black Cat: "You have a lot of questions, and I can answer them one by one. As for my origin, let me tell a story first, and you will understand it after listening to it."

Jiang Ling nodded and listened attentively.

The black cat glanced at the bright moon in the sky, and then said: "About 300 years ago, in the deep mountains of Linzhou County, there was an ancient temple called [Qingquan Nunnery], and there was a monk in the nunnery called [Daoming Temple] Monk].

One day he fell into samadhi and died, but three days after his death, he came back to life strangely.That person is similar to you. After rebirth, he is amazingly talented and talented.

It once defeated the whole world, and once the three realms were at war.He even became friends with King Asura, and wanted to change the laws of the world.

However, his ambition was not paid, and he died first.One day, the sky sent three people to kill them.Bruised bones and ashes, no soul left.

But the day before his death, he had a bad premonition, so he used the cat as a messenger and sealed it in the ice room.Bring words to future generations. "

Jiang Ling: "Are you that cat?"

Black Cat: "I am that cat."

Jiang Ling: "Who is the monk Daoming?"

Black Cat: "You have learned three of his Mahamudra, but you don't know who he is?"

Jiang Ling's heart skipped a beat, is that monk?

The nameless monk who once drew a picture of Shura's hell on the wall of an ancient house in the wilderness?
Jiang Ling: "Is it the monk who left murals in the ancient village?"

Black Cat: "To be precise, he was the last [randomist], and you are this [randomist]."

While talking, the black cat flicked its head, and the jade pendant on its neck flew over with a buzzing sound.hanging in the air.

After being summoned by the jade pendant, Jiangling's bronze mirror, which had been stored in the Qiankun bag for a long time, was suddenly sensed and automatically flew out.

When the bronze mirror and the jade pendant approached, there was a snap, and the two merged into one.

It turned out that the sunken circle behind the bronze mirror should have been inlaid with this jade pendant.

As soon as the two are combined, the front of the bronze mirror shines brightly,
It seems that a real magic weapon has finally been activated.

Jiang Ling looked at the mirror, and suddenly saw a scene from it that he had never seen before - in the mirror, it was like playing a movie, reflecting the bloody setting sun and the pouring rain.

In such a world, a silver spear, a golden sword, and a white arrow pierced through a seven-foot monk at the same time.

Behind the monk, Thousand-Handed Tathagata, the dharma of heaven and earth, opened up the sky and the earth like the ancient great god Pangu, but even so, he was pierced through his body by these three magic weapons.

Following the monk's roar, his whole body was full of hot blood, pouring out into the sky and the earth.

The primordial spirit burst, turned into light rain, and fell to the world.

Although there is only a short scene in the mirror, it is so tragic that people can't help but feel a lot of emotion when looking at it.

"He is Monk Daoming?"


Jiang Ling asked again: "What is a rebellious person?"

"I don't know what the random person represents. I only know that the random person is a person who is not tolerated by heaven and earth. Once he shows up, there will be three immortals to punish him."

"How do you think I'm a rebel?"

"You and I are destined."

"Fate is fate?"

"Do you still remember the golden cave where you got the Mahamudra of True Numbers? It's a pity that you took the relics away, but you didn't take me away. This made us meet so late. If it was earlier, or Not so."

Jiang Ling became suspicious: "You were in that cave too?"

When he entered the cave, he saw only a rotten corpse of an ancient monk, with nine relics lying beside the body, and an incomplete "Dalun Mingwang Dharma Sutra" attached.

Black Cat: "The corpse in that cave is the disciple of Monk Daoming, who sat down to protect the inheritance. I fell asleep in it, and was taken away by the old woman Qi Xiangu in Yunyan Pavilion.

After that, I woke up in Yunyan Pavilion. "

Hearing what it said, Jiang Ling never expected it.

At the beginning, he had already looked through the cave, but now that he thinks about it, the cave was turned upside down by the fox, and the sleeping black cat must have landed in some inconspicuous place.

That's why she was picked up by later Qi Xiangu.

Jiang Ling: "After you went to the Yunyan Pavilion, you taught Zhong Jin the skills? So Zhong Jin's cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds, and he has mastered [The Tathagata's Falun Gong]?"

Black Cat: "That's right, I woke up in Yunyan Pavilion, thinking that I was awakened by a reckless person. Zhong Jin is indeed very talented. From the jade pendant I wear, he realized the [Lucky Way of Tathagata in this world], he After mastering it, the cultivation base will increase greatly, making a huge difference every day.

Several times I thought he was the current rebel, so I always assisted him.

But he is easy to expand, and he didn't want to keep a low profile when he first mastered [The Tathagata Navigating the Present World].Show off everywhere.It wasn't until he was killed by you that I discovered that after 300 years, not only [Tathagata] appeared, but even [Future Maitreya] also appeared.

In order to confirm your identity, I have inquired about your origin.

You used to be Jiang Erlang of Qingniu Village. When you were alive, you were dull and timid.After being offered to the river god by his brother and sister-in-law, it was like a different person, completely reborn.

This is all in line with the conditions of a rebellious person,

Moreover, you can get [Future Maitreya], which is enough to show that you are the new rebellious person. "

"What about this?"

Black Cat: "Those who are in disarray are different numbers in the world. They are not tolerated by the heavens and the earth, and are not tolerated by the Three Realms. Your existence is doomed to perish in the end. If you keep a low profile, hide in the world, and grow quietly. There may be a chance to change your fate against the sky. .

But now, you made your appearance too early, maybe, the Three Realms will soon send envoys to kill you. "

Jiang Ling: "The envoy of the Three Realms? That gun, the golden sword, and the white arrow?"

Black Cat: "Exactly."

It should be noted that Monk Daoming seen in the bronze mirror, his current Tathagata Dharma image is displayed, just like Pangu opening up the world, supporting the space between the heaven and the earth.That is the real Dharma world.

Compared with the time when Zhong Jin used Thousand Hands Tathagata in Yunyan Pavilion, there is a world of difference.

But even so, Monk Daoming still died so miserable.It can be seen from this that the envoy of the Three Realms is really very strong.

Jiang Ling: "You said that I made an appearance too early, do you mean that I used the [Future Maitreya Curse] to kill someone in Yunyan Pavilion?"

Black Cat: "Otherwise?"

Jiang Ling: "Everyone who was there that day was killed, who knows?"

Black Cat: "You must know that you let go of many women, and there are still some old things in Yunyan Pavilion that are still alive. You can't hide what you did."

Jiang Ling: "The messenger of the Three Realms, which Three Realms?"

Black Cat: "It is the fairy world, the demon world, and the demon world. It is said that they are the three realms, but they are actually in the same domain, which is [Heaven Beyond Heaven]. The place where mortals fly to immortals is within that [Heaven Beyond Heaven]."

After attaining Taoism and ascension, he will step into any heaven, Jiang Ling knows this.

Like a dragon in a river, if it breaks through the air, there is a high probability that it will escape into the [Changshengtian].Even the previous Dragon King of the Yellow River entered the 【Changshengtian】.

After human beings attain Taoism and ascend, there is a high probability that they will enter [Heaven Beyond].

And this [Tianwaitian] is also commonly known as the heavenly realm.The characters in the myth are all in this world.

'Speaking of which, the Qi Daoist heard that he also entered [Tianwaitian]. '

Jiang Ling was thoughtful, and then asked: "The envoys of the Three Realms, as an individual, how is it better than the Qi Taoist?"

Black Cat: "One is in the sky and the other is on the ground."

Jiang Ling: "In your opinion, if you fight against me individually, do you have a chance of winning?"

The black cat shook his head: "There is little chance of winning."

It said it with certainty, without any hesitation.

Jiang Ling: "Are you lying to me?"

The black cat: "Why lie to you? Monk Daoming was far superior to you back then, and the [Present Tathagata Gathering Luck Method] absorbed half of the world's luck, but he was still invincible. Now you only master the [Future Maitreya Mantra Luck Method], what do you use?" Go to the enemy?"

Jiang Ling pondered for a while, then suddenly smiled again: "It doesn't matter, even if you can't beat him, just run away."

Black Cat: "If you are targeted, you can't run away."

As he said that, it seemed to see through Jiang Ling's thoughts, and continued: "You want to escape with the [Follow Your Heart Ring]? It's useless, that ring originally belonged to Monk Daoming, if he can't escape, you can escape?"

Ring as you like?
It turns out that this black ring is called the Heart Ring?
Jiang Ling: "According to your words, once you are targeted, you can only die?"

The black cat sighed: "Yes, it's a pity you didn't meet me earlier. You showed up too early."

The implication is that he has a premonition that Jiangling's life is not long.It waited for 300 years, but what came was another loneliness.

Jiang Ling: "I don't believe that the envoys from the Three Realms are really invincible. Monk Daoming's invincibility back then doesn't mean that I am invincible either."

Black Cat: "Confidence is good, but the truth is always cruel. Unless you can even learn the [Light of Lighting Lamp in the Past], in this way, you may be able to protect yourself."

The third Buddha, the three top supernatural powers.

In the past, the method of lighting lamps to cut luck cut off the luck of others, cut off the luck of the world, cut off the innate destiny of people, and cut off the foundation of bad people from the past.

In this world, the Tathagata accepts the law of luck, absorbs the luck of the world, strengthens one's body, and is the strongest offensive phase among the three generations.

In the future, Maitreya's mantra will change the fate of the future, and the mantra will predict the infinite possibilities.

If it is said that the burning lamp cutting luck method is the strongest shield in the past, when fighting with others, it cuts off the opponent's luck and foundation, and there is no Dao rhyme superposition.

It is equivalent to directly weakening the opponent by more than [-]%.

The Tathagata in the present world is the strongest spear, and the Buddha is also angry, subduing demons and eliminating demons.

Back then, Monk Daoming learned the strongest spear, but he failed to defeat the envoy of the Three Realms, which meant that the strongest spear alone was not enough.

The implication of the black cat is that if he learns the strongest shield again, there may be a possibility of escape.

Jiang Ling: "In the past, the method of burning lamps and cutting luck, where is this method?"

Black Cat: "I don't know, the three methods are scattered all over the world, and they can only be obtained by chance."

Jiang Ling: "You came to look for me this time, but you want to help me?"

Black Cat: "I have accepted the will of Monk Daoming. If I tell you my last words and give away my relics, then I have fulfilled my responsibilities. The way to follow is up to you."

Jiang Ling smiled: "Are you afraid of being implicated by me?"

Black Cat: "I'll give you a suggestion, don't keep anyone around, anyone who gets close to you will suffer."

After saying the last sentence, the black cat began to walk away: "The bronze mirror is a magic weapon of Monk Daoming before his death. It is called the Huoxin Mirror. There is a chapter on [The Tathagata Navigating the Luck in the Present World] in the mirror, and you can study it by yourself."

After the words were finished, the black cat jumped up and down the eaves, and its figure disappeared completely.

Jiang Ling stared solemnly at the mirror in his hand, when he saw the jade pendant behind the mirror, a phantom of the golden Dharma form of a thousand-armed Tathagata immediately entered his sight and entered his mind.

The thousand-handed Tathagata entered his soul sea world, changed into various appearances, and formed nine seals.

Jiangling has the foundation of [Future Maitreya Mantra Movement], and practicing this [Present Tathagata Nativity Method] is almost easy to understand.

As soon as he mastered those incantations and seals, he immediately recited a formula silently, and then made seals with his fingers.

In an instant, within a radius of several tens of feet, all living people's lucks were separated into strands, like hundreds of rivers converging into the sea, with him as the center, coming together.

 Conceiving the plot, today is slow.I'm afraid I won't be able to catch up, so the two chapters are combined into one.

(End of this chapter)

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