River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 362 Return to the Ruins

Chapter 362 Return to the Ruins
When these fortunes that do not belong to you gather in your body,

He suddenly felt his strength soaring rapidly.

'It turns out that this method of receiving luck is not only about receiving Qi luck, but also strength. '

In a short period of time, his aura increased by almost one-fifth.

But when he withdrew the seal, the luck and power that had been absorbed would be scattered away little by little.

Where did you come from, where do you go back.

'After all, it is not my own power, this method is only a short-term borrowing. "

However, this method is still the strongest attack method by Buddha III.

It should be noted that he can only increase his original strength by one-fifth by absorbing luck within a radius of tens of meters.If it really contained the power of half the world, how strong would it be?
With the windows closed, the sunny frost and lotus fragrance are still in meditation.

Jiang Ling moved Yue Wei and Xiao Ke out of the Qiankun bag, but the two still showed no sign of waking up.

After dawn the next day,
Jiang Ling bought a house nearby and placed Qingshuang and Lin Yuewei in it.

For black cats, he can have no fear, but he can't risk their lives.

Therefore, after buying the house, Jiang Ling told Qingshuang to go to Guixu to have a look, and as for her and He Xiang, they would stay here to take care of Yue Wei and Xiao Ke.

He left a small half of the root system of ginseng essence for them. As long as it is tied with a normal thread and planted in the soil, the roots of this section of ginseng essence will be able to sprout sprouts on the same day.

With the roots of ginseng essence as a guarantee, and Jiangling also sent a stream of life energy from the earth to Qingshuang, she can function freely.With this self-protection, it should not be a big problem.

When Jiangling went to Guixu, he only said to see something new.

Qingshuang was sensible and didn't ask any more questions. She also knew that she couldn't help much at the moment, and it would only be a drag if she went, so she obediently stayed.

"Jiang Lang, don't worry, Shuang'er will take good care of Sister Yuewei."

Seeing Qingshuang's understanding, Jiang Ling was really relieved.

Just in case, he also left a [Shanglin Tianyu Teleportation Volume] for her, "If you really encounter something that cannot be solved, you can get together and activate this volume, or you can avoid trouble."

Qingshuang took it and took it with her.

After giving all the necessary instructions, Jiang Ling left from Hu County.

She didn't even call for a boat, but only ordered Nie Qian, and she sacrificed the old white clam shells.

This thing is like a cicada slough, but now it can be used as a magic weapon.

When the white clam shell becomes larger, it forms a natural white jade boat.

Even when the two sides are closed, they are not afraid of the sun and wind, and even the huge waves tens of meters high are not afraid at all.

"Your slough is a good thing."

Nie Qian giggled and said: "Of course, after the monster clan becomes a spirit, the part that has shed has a magical effect. Just like the snake slough that the red chain Huayou snake gave to your master back then, it has a hidden aura. Although Xiaoqian's slough is not as hard as the tortoise shell left by the old tortoise, it is still not a problem in the water to avoid the wind and the sun, and the sand and waves."

"I knew you had such a good thing. I came down from Runan and took the shell slough directly. It was more comfortable."

Nie Qian's soft body was half lying on the ground, and she crawled towards him, "This Xiaoqian doesn't want other women to come in."

Jiang Ling smiled and shook his head: "You!"

Nie Qian is as white as beautiful jade,
Jiang Ling suddenly raised her chin: "Are you trying to provoke me again?"

Nie Qian smiled shyly, and then, like a cat,

The closer to the deep sea, the more life in the water can be seen.

Nie Qianyu wiped the white shell slough with Nie Qianyu's hand, and the three inches above the shell slough became transparent, and everything outside could be clearly seen.

Jiang Ling lay in the slough, looking at the creatures outside, there was a giant snake as strong as a bucket, a carp half the size of a house, a golden dolphin, and one or two aquariums that looked like people.

They are all swimming forward, wanting to merge into Guixu.

Nie Qian lay softly in Jiang Ling's arms, suddenly pointed at the humanoid creature, and said unexpectedly, "Master, isn't that a mermaid?"

Jiang Ling nodded: "Yes."

Mermaids swim with golden dolphins and behave intimately.

This made Jiang Ling also suddenly think of a question that many scientists in later generations have not figured out - why are there many marine creatures that are naturally very close to humans?
Even the ferocious killer whales are very close to humans.

'Perhaps, it is these sea creatures who have misunderstood the people. '

They should be close to the mermaids, but the mermaids are very similar to humans.

This also makes most marine aquariums mistake humans for mermaids, which makes them seem close.

The ocean is huge, and the specific location of Guixu is not easy to find.

Jiang Ling could only let Nie Qian go with the Shui tribe.

Those aquariums didn't swim fast. Although they all followed the call of their blood, the closer they got to Guixu, they would instinctively feel a vague danger lurking.

Therefore, their swimming speed will instinctively slow down.

In this way, after swimming for two days, I don't know how far I have traveled.

In the past two days, Nie Qian has used her soft body to the extreme. She can be folded, hugged, entangled, lying on her stomach, kneeling, and sitting straight.

Almost practiced all the theoretical knowledge learned in Lanruo Temple.

Jiangling is immersed in the gentle countryside, and only feels that the days of gods are immortal, or there is nothing like this.

At noon on the third day,
Nie Qian's slough suddenly stopped.

In front of the shell slough, countless aquariums gather here.It is densely packed, and you can't see the edge at a glance.

Looking at its types, there are almost thousands of them.

They surround a trench that spits out bubbles.

The trench is like a crack in the earth, bottomless and dark, hiding endless mysteries.

The closer to the trench, the colder the water.

The white jade clam shell squeezed into the aquarium, only to see all the aquariums staying here, wanting to go down, but not daring to go down.

Occasionally, one or two aquariums braved the courage to swim downward, but they were swallowed by a vortex as soon as they approached the mouth of the crack.I don't know life or death.

Most of these aquariums who can come here are extremely intelligent.

Although I want to get a chance here, I am afraid that if I am not careful, I will end up in ashes.

A colorful shark suddenly roared, and rushed towards the crack like an arrow off the string.

But as soon as it approached, there seemed to be a splitting gas in the crack, which cut the shark in half on the spot, and the blood soaked half of the water in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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