River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 379 Monster

Chapter 379 Monster

In the early morning of the next day, when there was a bright light on the top of the mountain in the east, Jiang Ling was riding a Kiso horse presented by the girl Maki, which was the best war horse breed in the area.

It was also almost sent off by the whole family, and left the Iga Plain.

Going east from here, one has to cross the Kiso Mountains to reach the Nobuo Plain, which is dozens of times larger than this, and that is the sphere of influence of the Omi tribe of the Ju family.

The total distance is not too far, the straight line is only more than 100 miles.

But the mountain road is difficult to walk, and it has to cross the mountain range. It takes ordinary people seven or eight days to walk there.

Even riding a horse will take at least two or three days.

Moreover, there are many risks on the road, and because of the many dangers, there is little contact between the northern and southern tribes.

If Jiangling calls out white cranes to ride with a picture scroll, it will take less than half a day to reach the destination.But he did not choose to do this in the end. Although riding a horse will be slower, it is also better than being able to see more of the customs and customs along the way.

In addition, he was quite curious about the sinister things in the local population.

On the first day, he crossed the wilderness without hindrance.On the way, I also met a hunter who was chasing Ben Lang.

After staying in the Iga Tribe for those days, Jiang Ling also mastered some simple local expressions, so it was no problem for him to communicate.

He helped Orion stop the mountain wolf,
After successfully hunting down the wolf, the hunter was in a great mood. He not only entertained him with fresh prey, but also advised him not to go north.

Jiang Ling asked him with a smile: "Everyone says don't go to the north, is the north really that dangerous?"

Orion seemed to be taboo, unwilling to go into details, and only vaguely stated that there was a situation in the mountains, that is, a hunter like him who lived on hunting all year round would not go north if it was not necessary.

Seeing that Orion was unwilling to say anything, Jiang Ling didn't ask any further questions.

After eating wolf meat, he said goodbye and left.

Walking to the foot of the nearest mountain, the altitude of this mountain range is not too high. The difficulty lies in the luxuriant branches and leaves. The whole mountain is like a virgin forest.

There is no official road at all, and the only small mountain road is covered with deep weeds and thorns because fewer people walk it all year round.

When encountering this kind of road, let alone riding a horse, even walking alone is difficult.

Jiang Ling simply stood at the foot of the mountain, stroked the horse's mane, and said to it: "The road ahead is no longer suitable for you, so you can just send me here."

He took out another jade talisman from his body, which was an amulet he made himself.

"I forgot to give it before I left, so you can give this jade talisman to Maki for me, and I hope the shikigami around her won't come back to her in the future."

Hearing what he said, the horse seemed to have really understood it. He hissed his head to the sky, then raised his front hooves, turned his head, and galloped back to the original road.

Jiang Ling went up the mountain by himself, and just stepped on the mountain road, he just said, "Can you make way for me?"

The strange thing is that the weeds and thorns on the road are really different, making way for him.

It turns out that after reaching the realm of a real person, man and nature are in harmony under the unity of heaven and man.This kind of grass and trees, but living beings, get their orders and follow them.

Even mountain spirits and ghosts still have this ability, he is now a genuine real person in the human world, and it is easy to avoid the vegetation on foot.

After turning over the first mountain and looking down, there is actually a small village basin below.

After passing the village, a second mountain had to be crossed.

From the perspective of topography, these small basins and plains should have been washed out by seawater in ancient times.After the sea water receded, such a terrain was formed.

However, before Jiang Ling went down the mountain, he suddenly smelled a strong smell of blood in the sea breeze blowing from the east.

When he came down the mountain, he realized that the village below seemed to have suffered a war, and the houses were burned and collapsed.

On the ground, human and animal corpses were displayed in all directions.

This village is not big, with a population of about two to three hundred people.Judging from the number of corpses on the ground, the entire village should be almost dead.

'No matter where, the result of war can only be dilapidation and death. '

When Jiangling crossed the village and climbed the second mountain, he finally met a living person just halfway up the mountain.

There was a man and a woman, dressed in simple clothes, with a lot of blood on their bodies.

Depending on the situation, it should be the remaining population of the village below.

They are not very old, about fifteen or sixty-seven.

There seems to be something wrong with the woman's eyes. When Jiang Ling appeared, she never looked this way, her pupils were empty and lifeless.

That man, however, was very cautious, like a wounded wild animal, he would raise his defenses tenfold when he saw any creature.

He held a hatchet in his hand, and stood guard in front of the girl, but after he saw Jiang Ling's appearance, he suddenly felt like a string that was tensed and then relaxed. His legs softened and he fell to his seat. on the ground.

It turned out that his leg was seriously injured and he didn't know how to deal with it, so he simply wrapped it with a piece of cloth.

Although the girl in the back couldn't see, her mind was delicate. When she heard that the boy seemed to have fallen, she quickly asked about it.

The boy forced a smile and told the girl that it was all right and there was no need to worry about him.

From the title, the girl is his sister.

And his name is Chiba Maru.

Jiang Ling suddenly asked, "Are you the villagers of Qianye Village?"

Chiba Village is the village at the foot of the mountain full of corpses.

Jiang Ling spoke the native language, so he wasn't worried about the language barrier.

After hearing what he said, the girl realized that someone else was coming, and she couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

When Jiang Ling came up the mountain, he walked lightly and made no sound. If he couldn't see with his eyes, he wouldn't be able to hear with his ears alone.

Chibamaru comforted his sister, telling her sister not to be afraid, it was a human being, not a monster.

Then Chiba Maru also responded to Jiang Ling: "Yes, we are all villagers of Chiba Village. What about you, are you from other places?"

Jiang Ling casually mentioned the Iga tribe.

Chiba Maru: "It turned out to be a member of the Iga tribe. Our village communicated with the Iga tribe a few years ago. You have fought too fiercely with the Koga tribe these years, but there is no contact with them anymore."

As he spoke, he untied the gauze on his leg.

The wound was open again, blood was dripping, and he was sweating coldly from the pain, and he gritted his teeth and endured it.

Jiang Ling: "You hurt..."

Chiba Maru hurriedly raised his finger and booed, signaling Jiang Ling not to let his sister know.

But the delicate blind girl finally heard something strange, stretched out her hand, and touched Chibamaru until she touched his face, and found his face was covered with cold sweat, she asked worriedly: "Chibamaru, don't you want me?" Lie to me, are you hurt?"

Chiba Maru knew that she couldn't be fooled, so she just grinned forcefully: "Sister, don't worry, a little injury will be fine tomorrow."

"Lie, where is the injury? Tell me quickly." His sister stretched out her hand to explore everywhere, and finally touched his leg. The slight touch caused him to gnash his teeth and howl in pain.

When the woman touched the blood, she was so frightened that she cried immediately: "How could this be...how could this be..."

Jiang Ling asked them, "What happened to your village?"

Chiba Maru gritted his teeth in pain and replied, "The monster...the cruel monster, it killed everyone in our village. The whole village...only...only my sister and I escaped."

 There are 2 more chapters tonight. The first two days were the author’s first recommendation, and a lot of new friends came.I am very grateful to the friends who like this book and reward this book, thank you [Free Darkness TOT], [Yuxiang Pork Shredded], [Fish Without Tongue], [Why I can’t change my name] [Read with your eyes and not your brain ], [Reader 1251097156034940928], [Book Friends 2021001195133315].

(End of this chapter)

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