Chapter 380
His sister cried and wanted to help him, but she didn't know how to help him, so she was anxious with her tears.

Jiang Ling saw that their siblings were so pitiful, so he took out the medicine box from his body, "Why don't I show you?"

Seeing him open the box, Chiba Maru was surprised to see that there were gauze and medicine bottles inside, "You...are a doctor?"

Jiang Ling nodded slightly.

When his sister heard this, she was also pleasantly surprised, and begged her brother to help her.

Jiang Ling squatted down and cut the rags from the wound for him, only to see that the wound was already inflamed.

It was cleaned and disinfected first, then it was sutured and wrapped with new gauze.

He gave him another box of anti-inflammatory drugs: "Although your injury has been healed, it is not suitable for strenuous exercise. If you cultivate properly, you should be able to recover in ten days and a half months."

The two siblings were very happy to hear this, and expressed their gratitude to him solemnly.

Jiang Ling asked what kind of monster made their village like this.

Chiba Maru hesitated to speak, hesitated for a long time, and then said: "Dear doctor, it's not that I don't tell you, it's just that this is a taboo, you can't pronounce its name, otherwise, it will find you .”

Jiang Ling: "Oh? So amazing?"

Chiba Maru's elder sister kindly reminded: "Master Doctor, where are you going from the south?"

Jiang Ling: "Go and see the Omi Tribe."

"If you go to the Omi Tribe, you still have a long way to go." The girl's name was Chiba Sakura.Also a gentle one.

Jiang Ling: "Where are you guys?"

Chibamaru glanced at her sister: "We just plan to hide on the mountain for a while, and then go back to the village."

Jiang Ling: "The village is like that, do you want to go back?"

Chibamaru said resolutely, "After all, that's our hometown too."

He sighed and looked in the direction of Chiba Village, but looked at it, the expression on his face suddenly became stiff.

Then pointing to a dark direction in the jungle, the wolf howled and howled.

"'s her...she's here..."

Hearing that he was so panicked, his elder sister seemed to realize what was coming, and her face turned pale with fright, and she quickly huddled together with her younger brother.

Jiang Ling looked towards his frightened direction, and saw a woman in white with her face covered and her hair loose was looking at him under a big cherry tree.

She was almost suspended in the air, with no feet visible under the long white skirt.

A pair of slender and pale hands were holding a pair of bloody scissors.

When she saw that there was a living person here, she seemed to laugh, and then came here with the mountain wind.

"Go, sister, I will take you away."

Chiba Maru staggered up, put his sister on his back, and wanted to go up the mountain.

At the same time, he also shouted to Jiang Ling: "Doctor, hurry up, don't be chased by her."

But Chiba Maru just got stitches on his leg, and the injury was not serious, how could he run away with his sister on his back?

After only two or three breaths, the woman had already floated over.

floated in front of Jiangling,

Like a bitter woman looking at her lover, she stared at her lover for a long time, then asked him: "Am I beautiful?"

Chiba Maru fell to the ground, unable to run after all.

Seeing Jiang Ling being entangled, he frantically gestured to Jiang Ling and nodded!

To answer beauty, one must answer beauty.

Seeing his gesture, Jiang Ling nodded, "You are beautiful."

The woman floating in the air laughed a few times after hearing this answer, and then used her slender and pale fingers to remove the veil from her face, revealing a torn bloody mouth: "If Is that so?"

Chiba Maru signaled to Jiang Ling again, still asking him to nod, saying that it is beautiful, it has to be beautiful.

Because only in this way can it be possible to save a life.

This is a very cruel monster in their Japanese mythology—the Gap Girl, who died of torture during her lifetime, and cared very much about her appearance after death, so she would ask people everywhere for questioning.

If you say she is beautiful, she will take off her mask, show you her torn mouth, and ask you a second sentence, if you continue to think she is beautiful.Then she will cut your mouth with scissors and tell you that in this way, you will be as beautiful as her.

Although such a result was cruel, at least one life was saved.

But if your answer is not beautiful or ugly, then she will still show the scissors, but instead of cutting your mouth, she will cut your neck.

Many people in Chiba Village died in this way.

Moreover, if anyone says that the Gap Girl is ugly, she will go crazy.After killing you, everyone she meets will kill one at a time.

Chiba Village became like that because a drunk man met the girl with a gap and told the truth, after which the whole village was buried with her.

Chibamaru, sister and brother, can live until now because their parents sacrificed their lives to hold the gap girl back, so they ran out.

But things didn't work out as they wished, and they ran to the mountain after untold hardships, but they were still found by the Gap Girl.

Facing that bloody and ugly mouth, Jiang Ling shook his head.

This time, he didn't follow Chiba Maru's suggestion and give the answer against his will.

Instead, tell the truth: "It's ugly, not ordinary ugly."

When Chiba Maru heard this, she knew immediately that it was over.

Sure enough, after hearing this answer, the Gap Girl opened her torn mouth suddenly, and let out a frightening scream, green saliva flowed out of her mouth.

She was very angry and crazy, raised the scissors in her hand and cut Jiang Ling's neck.

Chibamaru closed her eyes, couldn't bear to look any further, her heart was full of despair.The Gap Girl was enraged, and the ending of him and her sister, no need to guess, was a fatal ending.

He hugged his sister with his eyes closed, ready to die.

However, the Gap Girl's scissors were only half cut, Jiang Ling stretched out one hand, and slapped the scissors into the air, and the scissors were sent flying.

Then, his sleeves stirred, and Nie Qian vomited outwards, and the gaping girl was like a gust of air, turning into an arc, and she swallowed it into her mouth and swallowed it.

The Gap Girl can appear during the day, so it can be seen that she is not a simple ghost, but a ghost.

Nie Qian is a half-demon, half-demon body, and devouring such evil spirits is still a great boon to her.

After swallowing the Gap Girl, she returned to Jiangling's pocket and muttered softly, "It's nothing, it just feels a little stronger than ordinary ghosts."

Jiang Ling smiled slightly, noncommittal.

It must be known that the number one monster in Dongpu is Yamato no Orochi. In terms of blood, it may be a descendant of Xiangliu, an ancient evil beast in Middle Earth.

In ancient times, Xiangliu was a subordinate of the water god Gonggong.Its descendants can be called the number one monster when they come to Dongpu.

From this, it can be seen that everything here cannot be compared with that of Middle Earth.

Although the Gap Girl is weak, she is more than enough to deal with ordinary people.

(End of this chapter)

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