Chapter 381 The Three Daughters of the Orange Family
Chibamaru closed her eyes for a long time.

When he felt that he was not dead yet, and the surrounding was extraordinarily quiet, he boldly opened his eyes again.

In the eyes, Jiang Ling was packing the medicine box, and when he looked at him, he even smiled back.

Chibamaru was so horrified that he couldn't help stammering: "My lord doctor, crack... that thing... went... where did it go?"

Jiang Ling put away the medicine box and said to him: "Don't be afraid, she has already left, and she will never come back again."

"How... how could this be?"

You must know that the Gap Girl was the cruel murderer who killed their entire village, and she was about to do it just now, why did she disappear inexplicably?

The two brothers and sisters were just ordinary villagers, and Jiang Ling didn't give much explanation. After putting away the medicine box, he just walked past them and continued up the mountain.

After Chiba Maru blinked again, she realized that Jiang Ling had also disappeared, and she was startled again.

Only his sister, although she couldn't see her eyes, but had sensitive ears, could really hear a gust of wind blowing past them.

"Chiba Maru, what's wrong, what happened?"

"Sister, the crack... the crack girl is gone, and the doctor is also gone."

This was the first time he had uttered the name of the Gap Girl, and after saying it, he did not see the Gap Girl appearing again.

Qianye Ying was thoughtful: "It should be the doctor who saved us. He is sympathetic to what happened to our village. He should have come here to save us."

"Sister, what do you mean...could it be...he is the mountain god?"

Chiba Sakura nodded: "Only the legendary mountain god has this ability. He drove away the Gap Girl. He said that the Gap Girl would never come again. He should have completely driven the Gap Girl away."

Chiba Maru burst into tears, the siblings prostrated themselves on the ground, thanking each other non-stop.

Jiang Ling rides the wind and goes away, and he can't help laughing when he hears that their siblings regard him as a mountain god.

"A mountain god? Since you are a mountain god, I hope that meeting me can dispel the haze in your siblings' hearts, and live a good life in the future."

With a wave of the long sleeve, the cherry blossom trees in the mountains swayed one after another, and after a moment, the endless flowers floated into the air.

Boundless, like a rain of cherry blossoms, it poured over the Chiba forest, and also covered the entire Chiba village.

When I came to the top of the mountain, I saw several strange temples here.

The temple is only the size of a latrine, and what is enshrined inside is a small stone man painted pale and ruddy.

No matter how you look at it, it looks a bit like a ghost boy.

This mountain forest is quiet, desolate and uninhabited, and there is such a strange and terrifying wild temple, it is no wonder that it attracts evil spirits.

In fact, the most important thing is that the roads are inconvenient and difficult to walk.

Jiang Ling pondered over and over again, but finally gave up on just taking a quick tour.

After meeting the Gap Girl, he also probably knew the extent of the goblins here.

If they were all like the Gap Girl, then there really would be no need to see each other again.

He took out the painting scroll, called out the white crane, rode the crane eastward, and flew out of the mountainous area within half an hour.

A vast flat land began to appear in front of it, spreading eastward for hundreds of kilometers.

On this land, Jiang Ling finally saw the existence of the city.

Although it is not as grand and mighty as Zhongtu, it finally has some appearance.

Where there are people, he flew down from the sky.

Between the rice paddies, there are farmers farming.

On the road beside the field, there are young boys and girls driving ducks around.The picture is harmonious and stable.

If such a scene were placed in the Iga tribe, it would be unimaginable.

Arriving at the edge of the city, looking at the small city wall, there are only two simple guards at the gate of the city.

They hold portraits in their hands, and passers-by can let them pass as long as they compare them.

When Jiang Ling came over, the two guards took a few glances at him, compared the portrait with another glance, and finally let him in.

After entering the city, I saw that the city was sloppy, the ground was muddy, and there were horse manure and dog manure everywhere.

Under the corridors of some wine shops, a lot of wanderers gathered in twos and threes.

On the main road, from time to time, people in uniform rode horses and patrolled the surrounding area.

Everywhere on the street, the same portrait is posted.

In the portrait, it is a man with a very feminine appearance.

After Jiang Ling entered the city, he heard people talk about it, and then he realized that such a person came to the city recently, and many daughters of rich and powerful families were harmed by this person.

Now the leader of the Ju clan personally ordered to arrest this person.

No matter who catches him, there will be a big reward.Not only give money, but also give honorable status.

As soon as the news came out, it naturally attracted many wanderers to gather here.

But it's a pity that even though he was wanted all over the city, this feminine-looking man was still not caught.

Even, no one has seen him except the victim.

But it is also undeniable that this person really exists.

Just last night, there was another victim, a 17-year-old girl who had her chest cut off after being seduced by the man.So much so that although the girl survived, she was already insane.

From half a month ago to the present, there have been as many as 16 women who have been victimized in this way.

Moreover, these sixteen girls are all from powerful families.

And this, in fact, is understandable.In such an era, beautiful women are taken away by the rich and powerful to be their wives.The children they gave birth to would naturally not be so ugly.

Compared with women from ordinary families, they usually do dirty work and don't have the time to dress themselves up.Daughters of the rich and powerful are born to be pampered and pampered. To men, they are naturally more attractive.

According to the conversations of passers-by, Jiang Ling learned that after committing sixteen consecutive crimes, that feminine man had recently become insane.

He openly provoked the Ju clan.

The leader of the Tachibana Clan had just issued an arrest warrant, and the next day, he wrote three names on the pillars of the Tachibana Clan's torii gate.

And those three names are also the names of the three daughters of the leader of the Tachibana Clan, Tachibana Ichiro - [Tachibana Kaori], [Tachibana Ayano] and [Tachibana Misa].

He said that sooner or later, he would find these three women and let Tachibana Ichiro make up his mind first.

When Tachibana Ichiro found out, he was furious, and his number one vassal samurai, Taketo Haruyama, volunteered, sealed off the whole city, and searched for the man from house to house.

But in the end, no one was found, but Jianren Qingshan's daughter was also killed the next day.

Yesterday, the daughter of another retainer of Tachibana Ichiro was murdered.

But that feminine man can never be found.This is annoying.

Just when Jiang Ling entered the city, he wanted to find a place to live first, and then he went to inquire about Yata Mirror.But suddenly he saw several galloping horses running on the main road, and the man on the horses was holding a piece of silk and chanting aloud.

After reading one place, I ran to the next place to read.

After hearing what he said, the rogue warriors all over the street, like a tide, rushed towards the main city one after another.

Jiang Ling hesitated for a moment, and simply followed.

(End of this chapter)

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