Chapter 391
Jiang Ling was surprised to see the yellow dog running over,
When both Lin Yuewei and Qingshuang were taken away by the forces of the Immortal Dao, it also disappeared.After finding Lin Yuewei and Qingshuang later, they also ignored its whereabouts.

Seeing it now, unexpectedly following the messenger from the fairy world, Jiang Ling asked it: "Why are you with him?"

The yellow dog just wagged its tail and looked back at the man, with a gentle attitude, which seemed to respond to the fact that the man treated it well.

Messenger of the Immortal World: "This dog is quite spiritual. I wanted to use it to find you, but it didn't know where you were. It wasn't until recently that there was news that you appeared here. I just found it. Now, this dog is also considered a Return it to its original owner."

Jiang Ling: "If you want to kill me, you can do it."

The emissary of the fairy world smiled and shook his head: "I misunderstood, let me introduce myself first, my humble Xue Yan, you should also know that I represent the fairy world, and I am indeed looking for you when I come to the world this time. However, I am only looking for you, not kill you."

Jiang Ling: "Aren't you going to kill me?"

The envoy Xue Yan smiled and said, "No killing."

Jiang Ling: "If you don't kill me, then why are you looking for me?"

Xue Yan looked around: "This time the envoys of the three worlds came out together. Although I haven't seen the other two, there is a remnant of one of them here. Judging from the traces left here, it should be the envoy of the demon world." I have met you before. Since I have seen you, but you are still so safe, think about it, he has died in your hands, right?"

There was some surprise and surprise in his words.

Based on his inquiry and understanding of Jiangling when he came to the human world, he also thinks that Jiangling is not strong enough. Although he is a rebellious person, he has not yet grown up.

No matter which messenger meets him, he will be in danger.

But what he saw today surprised him.

Jiang Ling denied it: "You guessed it wrong. The demon messenger is invincible with arrows. I think I can't resist it. He was on a temporary occasion, and I don't know why he left suddenly. As for the demon messenger, I haven't seen it yet."

Xue Yan: "So, I was the first to find you?"

Jiang Ling: "Yes."

Xue Yan: "In that case, why are you still here?"

The world is huge, if Jiang Ling is hiding everywhere, it will not be so easy for the envoys of the Three Realms to find him.

Jiang Ling said: "Since you know you can't hide, why do you need to hide, what should come will always come, why don't you just be more straightforward."

Xue Yan smiled: "You are really refreshing."

Although he praised him on his lips, but behind that smile, he was probably mocking him as a fool.

It is indeed not easy to live to this day without the development of strength and such a stupid mind.

'But this is more in line with my intentions. '

Xue Yan put his hands behind his back, like a spring breeze, and his hair grew in his ears without wind: "Follow me back to the fairy world."

Jiang Ling: "You want to take me back to the fairy world? Why?"

Xue Yan: "You can find out the reason. I am only following orders. But you can rest assured that the Immortal Realm does not intend to kill the rebellious people this time as before, but has other arrangements. If you accept , then you don’t have to die like the previous random people.”

Jiang Ling: "Then what if I don't accept it?"

Xue Yan: "Then I'm the only one who will forcibly take you away."

Judging from his attitude, Immortal Realm really didn't intend to kill him.

But in the past, they were all killed without mercy, but this time they chose not to kill, guessing with normal thinking, even if they don't kill, there is absolutely no good arrangement.

Jiang Ling: "Can you tell me why the Three Realms hate those who rebellious?"

Xue Yan: "Those who live in disarray are the cause of great disasters. If you can't keep them, you will create chaos."

Jiang Ling: "Who said that?"

Xue Yan: "It has existed since ancient times."

"Since you can't stay, why didn't you kill me this time?"

"Heaven has the virtue of loving life. This time, the higher authorities may feel pity for you and will not bear to take your life. If you cooperate, there will be great benefits."

Jiang Ling suddenly smiled: "I don't believe your nonsense anymore, it's impossible for me to go with you."

While speaking, he made a gesture to condense the Mahamudra of True Numbers.

That Xue Yan knew what he was thinking with just one glance, and said: "You'd better not force me, if you want me to do it, you will suffer a lot."

Jiang Ling: "Then I really want to see how capable the envoy from the fairy world is."

He intentionally squeezed the real number mahamudra very slowly, and the created thousand-handed Buddha image is also very small.

From Xue Yan's point of view, this confirmed his previous conjecture more and more-this year's rebellious people were really poor, and they didn't even grow up to the initial stage.

It should be known that the last generation of rebellious people once used the law to protect the heaven and earth, and fought against the envoys of the Three Realms, one against three.Although it was a disastrous defeat in the end, at any rate, it also showed its majesty.

But comparing Jiangling with Monk Daoming is like comparing a three-year-old boy to a teenager, the gap is really too big.

Xue Yan flicked his fingers, and suddenly a ball of light shot towards Jiangling in a straight line.

The light cluster was white, without murderous intent, it seemed to be a simple cluster of light.

Jiang Ling didn't feel any danger, so he didn't move.

But when the light was about to approach him, Xue Yan snapped his fingers, and his body disappeared in an instant, and when it reappeared, it was exactly at the point where the light was just now.

At this moment, he is less than ten feet away from Jiangling.

"Do you really want me to do it?" Xue Yan asked again.

Jiang Ling was quite surprised to see that he was able to change places like this.Immediately getting serious, the big real number mudra in his hand suddenly accelerated to condense, and a thousand-hand Tathagata mudra was formed, and the Tathagata was furious, and thousands of hands appeared frequently.

In an instant, the Buddhist celestial hands came out like rain, bursting down.

Xue Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, and sneered, a golden sword appeared in his hand, and just stirred a sword flower in the air, disintegrating half of the Tathagata Thousand Hands.

The impact of Tathagata Thousand Hands was strong, although it made him retreat more than ten meters in place, but his golden sword stirred, and in the end Tathagata Thousand Hands were all cut off, without hurting him at all.

"First lure me close by showing weakness, and then make a sudden attack, trying to kill me by surprise?"

Xue Yan thought he had seen through Jiang Ling's tricks.


Originally, he thought that Jiang Ling had no brains, but now it seems that he is more sure of this.

Because if it's hiding XZ in the east, there is still a chance of luck anyway.

But he chose to fight like this, once the trick is seen through, there is no chance of luck.

Jiang Ling: "The envoy from the fairy world is really powerful."

It's not that the Mahamudra of True Numbers is weak, but that the current him cannot exert his true power.

These envoys came from heaven and earth and belonged to the ranks of immortals.

If a fairy fights with him, that is tantamount to a dimensionality reduction blow.

Therefore, the previously tried-and-tested method of utterance is not very effective in front of people of their level.

If his Jiangling had also reached the state of [Five Qi Chaoyuan], then the Tathagata Thousand Hands just now would not have been broken by him so easily with a single sword strike.

Xue Yan: "Let me ask you again, are you going?"

Jiang Ling suddenly hit the ground with his palm on a talisman hidden under the weeds. As soon as the spiritual power was injected, a huge rectangular light array formed around him in an instant.

The formation of this formation happened to include Xue Yan.

Jiang Ling: "Why don't you give it a try? If you still take it this time, I have nothing to say, and I will go back to the fairyland with you immediately. How about it?"

Xue Yan glanced at the rectangular light array, huh, there is an array arranged?

From this point of view, he is not so stupid, he still has a little brain.

Jiang Ling's face suddenly turned cold: "Kill!"

The upgraded version of the Zhuxian sword array moves in all directions, and in an instant, thousands of sword auras flow from left to right, from top to bottom, vertically and horizontally, endlessly strangling the space within the rectangular light array.

Xue Yan just saw the sword qi approaching, but his face was still contemptuous. When he swung the sword qi with the golden sword and wanted to break it with a sword, he saw that the light and shadow of the rectangular light array was only weak for half a second, and then returned to normal.

Immediately, the torrential rain of sword energy spread in all directions, killing him from all directions!
Xue Yan had no choice but to unleash the strongest sword. The golden sword in his hand vibrated with a buzzing sound, and the light and shadow spread out, forming a 360-degree sword sun.

He swung his sword sun to block the whole body, but the effect was immediate, and countless sword qi were blocked by his golden sword.

However, there was still too much sword energy in this formation, he only blocked half a circle, and suddenly felt a sharp pain in his back.

As soon as his movements were slow, tens of thousands of sword qi descended from the sky, pierced down, and cut horizontally with the sword qi from left to right, and his whole body was smashed into pieces in an instant.


A terrifying scream erupted in the formation,

Jiang Ling only saw a spray of blood mist, and Xue Yan's body completely disappeared.

The Jade Immortal Sword Formation after the formation eye was upgraded is really extraordinary.

After all, messengers from the fairy world are still different from messengers from the demon world and demon world.

Envoys from the demon world focus on body cultivation, envoys from the demon world focus on bloodlines, and emissaries from the fairy world focus on primordial spirit.As soon as his physical body died, his primordial spirit floated out, pierced through the Zhuxian Sword Formation, and he was about to flee far away.

The real Zhuxian sword formation can kill even the primordial spirit.But the formation Jiang Ling arranged is still far from the real Zhuxian Sword Formation.

You can kill Xue Yan's body, but you can't kill his soul.It also made his primordial spirit jump out of the space of the sword array.

Seeing this, Jiang Ling would not let him run away like this.

With a movement of the sleeve, the Qiankun bag was thrown into the air, and the bag was scattered.

The universe bag is like a giant mouth, swallowing towards the void.

The Yuanshen light group that Xue Yan flew out was pulled by the suction force of the Qiankun bag halfway through the flight.

Jiang Ling took advantage of the opportunity, opened his mouth, pounced on the tiger, and swallowed the ball of Yuanshen light into his mouth.

It's strange to say that I thought that if I swallowed this primordial spirit, I would suppress it anyway.

But as soon as this primordial spirit was swallowed, Jiang Ling felt that the three-flowered lotus in his body stretched out thousands of roots, locking Xue Yan's primordial spirit.

Afterwards, the light of Xue Yan's primordial spirit began to fade, and was sucked dry like a cocoon being peeled off by the top of three flowers gathering.

At that time, the gathering of three flowers will become more and more brilliant.

At the lower dantian, the four domains also began to be divided, like a windmill, alternating black and white.

'Could it be [Sixiang Tongming]? '

The four-element transparency refers not to the blue dragon, the white tiger, and the vermilion bird Xuanwu, but to the four images of Taiyin, Shaoyin, Sun, and Shaoyang, which are born from the two appearances.

Fundamentally, the enlightenment of the four images also refers to the achievement of the Dao foundation, and only by forming the Dao foundation of the enlightenment of the four images, can one move towards the detached state of [Five Qi Chaoyuan].

(End of this chapter)

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