River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 392 Lonely Cloud Peak

Chapter 392 Lonely Cloud Peak

The golden sword fell to the ground and was picked up by Jiang Ling.

Holding it in my hand, I feel that it weighs a hundred and ten catties.

"Sure enough, it's not Fanjian."

Starting with this sword, it can be regarded as having a real sword.

This time, the ginseng essence took the initiative to poke out its roots to collect the minced meat that had been strangled into a ball on the ground, and absorbed nutrients from the minced meat.

But the nutrient contained in the fairy messenger is not as high as that of the demon messenger.

One of the demon messenger and the demon messenger is a bloodline cultivator, and the other is a flesh cultivator, and the corpses of both of them are of great value.

On the contrary, it is the emissary of the fairy world, who majors in the primordial spirit in the line of immortality, and pays attention to detachment. At the end, all the people who walk away are the result of abandoning their skins and becoming immortals.

Therefore, the nutrients that this body possesses are naturally not as good as the former two.

But while searching for ginseng essence, a silver ring was picked out from the pile of minced meat.

Jiang Ling was surprised, the ring was not broken?

It should be known that the terrifying all-round strangulation of the Zhuxian Sword Formation cut off the hair of the messenger of the fairy world inch by inch, but this ring survived like the golden sword, which shows that the material is extraordinary.

Holding the ring in his hand, he immediately felt that there was space inside.

When I probed into my spiritual sense, I saw that there was a three-foot space in the middle of the ring.

There are three sets of clothes inside, some talismans, some pills, and seven teleportation rolls.

"It turned out to be a space ring!"

Jiangling has heard about these items for a long time, but finally saw them today.

Although the inner space of this ring is not as big as the Qiankun bag, the things that can be stored are very limited, but it is more convenient, and it is easier to take out the items.

When you look at the talismans and pills, they are not precious things.

The talisman is the five thunder talisman, and the elixirs are just medicines for healing and strengthening the body.

Looking at the teleportation scroll, it can be said to be the most valuable item in his ring.

"[Gu Yunfeng Teleportation Scroll]?"

A towering mountain peak is drawn on the scroll, surrounded by spells, which is somewhat similar to [Shanglin Tianyu Teleportation Scroll].

"Where is this Guyun Peak?"

There are a total of seven ring spaces, and there is a high probability that they may be somewhere in Tianwaitian.

"It's time to go, too."

After a little picking up, on the same day, he took the yellow dog back to his residence in Hu County.

When the yellow dog came here and saw Lin Yuewei, he was very happy, and his tail kept wagging.

Jiang Ling didn't tell any of them about the envoys from the Three Realms.

As the black cat said, the envoy of the Three Realms is now killed, and it is only temporarily stable.

Once the Three Realms have insight into this matter, they might send stronger people to carry out this unfinished task.

Under such circumstances, what Jiang Ling should do now is to shift the battlefield so that Lin Yuewei and Qingshuang are not involved in the danger.

After staying with them for a few days, Jiang Ling went north to the capital, bought ships with great fanfare, and released the news that he wanted to sail the ocean.

After that, he went to sea from Jinmen Port, and when he arrived at sea, he transferred all the supplies into the Qiankun bag.As for the boat, it couldn't fit in the Qiankun bag, so it sank where it was.

Afterwards, with the mentality of trying, he used a [Gu Yunfeng Teleportation Scroll].

Once this volume was used, a circle of blue light bloomed and engulfed him.

After a blink of an eye, he found himself in a whole new world.

The sky here is not too high, and it seems to reach the zenith at only 800 meters.

Clouds floated overhead.

Looking around, he realized that he appeared on a huge mountain.

Looking down from this mountain peak, the mountains stand tall and the edge cannot be seen.

What is amazing is that there are people constantly shuttling back and forth between the mountains.

They walk on the clouds, or fly on the imperial weapon, which is completely different from the world.

On this mountain peak, the ground depicts the ninety-nine and eighty-one hexagrams, and the inside is a ground formation.Suddenly, another blue circle of light was about to bloom here, as if someone else was about to be sent here.

Without any hesitation, Jiang Ling twisted the heart ring in an instant, and shuttled ten miles, he faced the foot of the mountain, and after a flash, he fell into the jungle below.

Afterwards, he looked up again, and it happened to be at the foot of the mountain. Guyun Peak stood thousands of feet high, with smooth walls, without any hanging ladders or ropes.

Ordinary people, it is extremely difficult to climb up.

But at the foot of the mountain, there is another bluestone path. Along the way, you can see a nine-foot-high platform.

At this moment, under the high platform, there are actually several people kneeling.

They seemed to be praying devoutly, motionless.

Jiang Ling opened his Dharma Eye, under his gaze, he did not see that these people have Taoism, they are ordinary people.

'There are ordinary people, is this still the world? '

Coincidentally, a person suddenly came from behind, prostrating every five steps and knocking every ten steps was even more pious.

When they arrived at Jiangling, they saw that the middle of his forehead was swollen and hardened, which shows that it was not a day's work.

Seeing that the altar was right in front of him, the man suddenly couldn't get up on his knees, and prayed for a long time before he stopped.

"Brother, are you also here to pay homage to the Longevity Gate?"

This person is young, about the same age as Jiang Ling, with a cheerful disposition, and he took the initiative to strike up a conversation.

His accent is not very different from the world.

Jiang Ling had never heard of the Longevity Gate, but in order not to show any signs, he only nodded slightly following his words.

But the man said: "Brother Tai is so clean, and walking here again, so sincere, I'm afraid it's rare to answer the call."

Jiang Ling laughed.

Although I don't know where the Longevity Gate is, but if I want to worship the gate, do I have to deliberately get myself dirty?To show sincerity?

"Do you have to do five steps, one prostration, ten steps and one knock like you?"

"Probably so. The previous batch of people who came here have all been driven away. This is also the third time I have come here. The first two times I was not sincere enough and was driven out. This time, I came all the way from my hometown. If you don’t believe me, such sincerity will drive them away.”

He was very triumphant, and after saying a few words, he continued to kneel forward.

When he knelt all the way to the altar, he knelt there and prayed sincerely like everyone else.

After about a stick of incense, someone's Dharma image projected on that platform appeared there.

The worshipers below were even more respectful and humble when they saw this Dharma appearance.

The dharma figure stretched out his finger, and tapped a certain person's head in the crowd, and a handprint was immediately formed on that person's forehead.

The rest of the people were suddenly blown by a strong wind, and they were blown up with the wind.

Jiang Ling watched them helplessly, drifted away from the sky, and fell at least thirty miles away.

And the person who stayed behind was actually the one who kneeled at five steps and knelt at ten steps and knocked at ten steps just now.

'That's interesting. '

"Where is this?"

At the beginning, he still suspected that Gu Yunfeng might be a dangerous place, or it might be the hometown of the emissary from the fairy world.

But now it seems that the possibility of the latter should be greater.

However, if this place is beyond the sky, how can there be ordinary people like the world?
(End of this chapter)

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