River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 393 Descendants of the Immortals

Chapter 393 Descendants of the Immortals
Looking at the surrounding environment, it seems to be inside a certain mountain gate.

And Jiangling is located very close to the exit.

'Here, it should be within the gate of the Longevity Gate. '

He withdrew quietly, following the direction of those who had just been blown away by the strong wind.

When he walked out from a huge archway gate, suddenly, the environment of the world changed drastically.

The continuous mountains before have all disappeared,

Instead, what appeared in front of his eyes was an endless plain and a bluestone avenue as wide as seven or eight feet wide.

Those who were blown out by the strong wind fell to the ground, complaining in vain.

"I think I belong to the Lu family. My ancestor is Donghua Shangxian, one of the Eight Immortals. This Changsheng sect doesn't give me any face and doesn't accept me." A young man in white was annoyed.

There was another urchin with two buns: "So what about Donghua Shangxian, my ancestor is Li Nezha, the great god of the Santan Haihui. I have been here twice, but I was still rejected."

Another person had a scar on his forehead, "Don't quarrel, my family's ancestor is Erlang Zhenjun, this Changshengmen will not accept me today, and when I open the eyes of the sky in the future, they will regret it."

Jiang Ling was surprised to hear their complaints.

These people are all descendants of gods?

Donghua Shangxian Lu Dongbin, Santan Haihui Great God Li Nezha, and Erlang Zhenjun Yang Jian.

Is this true or false?
After several people complained a few words, they finally went back to their respective houses to find their respective mothers.

There was only one person sitting on the ground, kneading the scar on his forehead vigorously.

This person just said that his ancestor was Erlang God.

Seeing that he was the only one left, Jiang Ling could just ask him something.

But after he took a step, the man seemed to be aware of it, and said: "Don't come near me, I'm enlightening, and don't bother me, don't talk to me."

Jiang Ling only thought it was interesting, so he really didn't bother, and just watched it quietly from the sidelines.

The man sat for a while, rubbing his temples vigorously with his hands.He should have rubbed here often, making him obviously very young, but the hairline at this position almost extends to the ears.

After trying again and again, he closed his eyes, as if he wanted to open the third eye on his forehead.

But how can not succeed.

It seems that the scar on his forehead should be natural.

If it can really be opened, then there must be a heavenly eye will be born.

But the eyes of the sky have been rare since ancient times. Even the people who had the eyes of the sky when they were conferred gods in ancient times were only five or six people. (Fengshen did not actually say that Yang Jian had three eyes, but it was widely spread after the Qing Dynasty that he had heavenly eyes, including later dramas, so here it follows the public perception)
"Can you really open your heavenly eyes?" Jiang Ling asked.

The man didn't want to answer at first, but when he saw his questioning eyes, he suddenly felt displeased: "Nonsense, as a descendant of the Yang family, anyone has the possibility of opening the eyes of the sky. It's just that the opportunity that belongs to me has not yet come. As long as the opportunity When it arrives, my eyes will open immediately.”

Jiang Ling: "I see that your brother is very strong. It should be a matter of time before you open your eyes. You can't get in this mere Changsheng Gate."

That person was favored by him, and the displeased mood immediately turned around.

He is also a simple-minded person who likes to listen to good words: "Your eyesight is very good, you can see accurately."

Jiang Ling smiled: "Since Xiongtai is a descendant of the Yang family, why do you want to worship the Longevity Gate?"

When the man heard this question, his expression suddenly became weird: "Which descendant are you from?"

Jiang Ling: "Me?"

The man waved his hand and said: "Don't pretend, everyone in Tianwaitian is using the name of their ancestors to bluff people. I said that I am a descendant of the Yang family, but it is true, but there are thousands of descendants of the Yang family. You What? Who was your ancestor?"

Jiang Ling sighed: "I'm ashamed to say, a certain surname is Jiang."

The man frowned: "Jiang? Jiang Shang's descendants?"

Jiang Ling originally wanted to find a random Mao God surnamed Jiang to fool him, but who would have thought that this person would pronounce [Jiang] as [Jiang], and the pronunciation is indeed the same.

Although he was wrong, but considering that there are tens of thousands of descendants of his Yang family, the descendants of Jiang Shang may also be tens of thousands.

That being the case, there is nothing wrong with answering him casually, just say: "Ashamed, that's right."

This casual answer, I thought the other party would just laugh it off.

But after the other party heard this, he showed a look of astonishment, quickly grabbed Jiang Ling's sleeve, and took a quick look around to make sure that no one else was here, so he asked again: "You...you are Jiang Shang's descendants, Jiang Ziya's descendants?"

Jiang Ling: "Is there something wrong with Jiang Ziya's descendants?"

Although in history, Jiang Ziya's descendants were enshrined in Qi, the Jiang surname was almost extinct in the power struggle.

But in this other world, in another world, with Jiang Ziya's prestige and status back then, no matter what, the descendants should not have fewer disciples than the Yang family.

The man was ecstatic, "Do you know divination? Do you know the Five Elements Escape Technique?"

Jiang Ling has learned divination and five-element escapism.Also nodded.

The man laughed loudly, and hurriedly dragged Jiang Ling a little further away, and asked him again: "The descendants of the Jiang family haven't appeared for hundreds of years, and the most powerful talent in your lineage is [Dian Shen], how can you know?" How about tapping my forehead to help me open my eyes?"

Jiang Ling froze for a moment, how could it be like this?

If he used the method of drawing things to come true, and drew a heavenly eye for this person, it should also be born for real.

But the Jiang family also has such supernatural powers?
[Point of God]?
Jiang Ling thought for a while, and then suddenly remembered.The legendary Jiang Ziya does have a miraculous ability, which is "Spirit Pointing Technique". He can awaken a person's past and present life with a wonderful method, making him realize the Tao on the spot, escape from the six realms, and become a god.

This kind of technique can almost be regarded as an enhanced version of [Speaking Method Sui].

"Brother Jiang is here because he also wants to join the Longevity Sect? With Brother Jiang's identity, I'm afraid they will immediately accept him as soon as he shows his background."

People from the Jiang family, if they show their identities, can they be received immediately?
From this point of view, it is very difficult and risky to pretend to be a descendant of the Jiang family.

While speaking, a few people suddenly came out of the ripple-like barrier gate of the Longevity Gate.

They wore fairy-like costumes,
One of them was dressed in the same clothes as the envoy from the fairy world that Jiang Ling had killed.

'The emissary from the Immortal World is indeed from the Longevity Gate? '

Seeing those people coming out of the Longevity Gate, this man surnamed Yang suddenly opened his mouth, as if he wanted to shout something.

The descendants of the dignified Jiang family have come to your Longevity Gate, why don't you welcome them?

Jiang Ling saw his impulsiveness, quickly covered his mouth, and said in a low voice: "I just passed by here, it's just Changshengmen, I don't want to join."

When the man surnamed Yang heard this, his eyes lit up, and he nodded in agreement: "That's right, the dignified descendants of the Jiang family, how could they join their Longevity Gate so casually? Let's go, Brother Jiang, we will meet soon!" It's fate, I invite brother Jiang to drink tea. I hope you don't want to refuse."

(End of this chapter)

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