Journey to the Heavens from Wudang

Chapter 333 Disturbing the Royal City!

Chapter 333 Disturbing the Royal City!

Tonight's royal city is even more heavily guarded.

Zhang Yange didn't think about killing the empress at the beginning, but just wanted to make some big noise and then attract Tuoba Bodhisattva.

There wasn't enough movement during the day, so Zhang Yange planned to go to Wangcheng at night to make more noise.

Zhang Yange directly destroyed a city wall with one punch.

A moment later, arrows filled the sky like rain.

Zhang Yange stood where he was, and the arrows landed three meters away from him, causing him no harm at all.

As soon as the arrow stopped, armored soldiers rushed towards him like a tide.

Zhang Yange's body was shining with golden light, and he rushed in with his bare hands.

The sound of shouting and killing was earth-shattering!
The empress in the palace said, "Can I see Zhang Yange's head tonight?"

Neither Taiping Order nor Daoist Qilin dared to answer.

"I've sent someone to ambush him." Tai Pingling didn't expect that one day he would be so embarrassed by one person.

The sound of shouting and killing dissipated, and after a while, the general covered in blood walked into the bedroom.

The empress was furious when she saw his appearance.

"1 people didn't catch one person! What use do I want you to be!"

Although the general was wearing armor, he still couldn't help but kneel halfway.

"Your Majesty, that Zhang Yange is really cunning."

"Shut up! I don't want to listen to anything else, I only want Zhang Yange's head." The Empress roared.

That general deserves to kneel down and say nothing.

"Where are the people you sent?" The Empress turned to look at Taiping Ling and Qilin Daoist and asked.

Both of them bowed their heads in silence, the Empress said to the one behind them, "Where is the spider web?"

An old voice sounded behind everyone.

"A piece of willow has followed him."

It was only then that everyone in the bedroom realized that there was another person not far away.

Li Mibi!
One of the most powerful people in Beimang is one of the few people the empress really trusts.He is also the founder of Spider Web.

When Zhang Yange came to Beimang for the first time, he also dealt with him.

But now it's a dead end.

A willow is the chief assassin of the spider web.

"Then I'll wait for your good news." The Empress said. "A piece of willow? But that Murong Baoding's illegitimate son?"

"Yes." Li Mibi replied.

Zhang Yange looked almost done, so he just slipped into the palace.

But along the way, he could feel that there were people following behind him.

Finally Zhang Yange stopped in the wilderness.

And the people behind him remained silent.

Zhang Yange frowned slightly.

Suddenly a cold light flashed, and Zhang Yange punched out.

It was a bit slower. Although the air exploded due to the shock, no one was hurt.

After Zhang Yange waited for a while, there was no more movement.

Zhang Yange, who was retreating cautiously, suddenly showed a flaw.But that person seemed to have gone away, Zhang Yange sighed, and really left at this moment.

Between the fire and light stones, another sword stabbed at Zhang Yange.

"Hmm!" A piece of Liu looked at Zhang Yange in surprise.

His sword did not pierce Zhang Yange's body, and when he wanted to leave, it was already too late.

Zhang Yange punched a section of Liu's forehead fiercely with one hand.

The seven orifices of a willow were bleeding instantly.

Suddenly an old man fell with a stick, and the ground cracked under Zhang Yange's feet.A piece of willow took the opportunity to disappear into the night. The old man and Zhang Yange were old acquaintances.

He was the one who told Zhang Yange back then that the spider web would not trouble him again, making Zhang Yange deliberately think that he was Li Mibi.

But Zhang Yange was not fooled.

"Last time I knew you were not Li Mibi." Zhang Yange said.

He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

As long as a piece of sword energy from a piece of willow is stuck in his heart, as long as he is not a land god, even a first-rank master will obediently die.

Because a piece of willow's sword move into Liu Chengyin is extremely vicious, it can make the sword energy take root, grow and flourish in the human body, and inhibit the recovery of the person's injury.

After the half-faced Buddha Murong Baoding punches, the afterglow will still remain on the opponent's body, and the sword move of a section of willow is learned from then on.

And these moves are all originated from Wang Xiu's Bengzi Jue, which hurts the flesh and blood of a person, and even hurts the energy of the meridians.After Wang Xiu challenged Bei Mang, countless warriors in Bei Mang have been studying Wang Xiu's spear skills for more than 20 years, and have gained a lot of inspiration from it.

Although a piece of willow sword did not pierce Zhang Yange's body.

However, the sword energy still hurt Zhang Yange.

Coupled with the old man's one-shot power, Zhang Yange suffered a small loss.

"I always thought that Mr. Zhang didn't see that I was the master last time." The old man said, holding a flower stick.

"Li Mibi, who is so afraid of death, would never come to see me in person." Zhang Yange drew out his Zhu Xian sword.

"So that's the case." The old man thought for a while and said, "It seems that we are being smart."

Zhang Yange didn't say a word, just handed out his sword!

Starting from the position where Zhang Yange stood, a majestic sword energy drew a deep trench on the ground full of desolation!

The old man resisted with a stick.

But he obviously underestimated Zhang Yange's sword spirit.

The pitch-black sword energy directly cut off his stick.

Then the sword energy penetrated his body.

The old man has been in the Vajra Realm for many years, and he never thought that he would be killed by a sword.

After killing the old man, Zhang Yange turned around and left calmly.

Not far away, a man with an ordinary appearance but strange golden eyes stood there motionless!
He is a willow, plum and phoenix head!
Just now he watched the cobweb's callus being pierced by Zhang Yange's sword, but he didn't dare to make another move, because he knew that if he made another move, he would die.

His swordsmanship is only suitable for assassination, if it's a fair battle, he is no match for Zhang Yange at all.

"Although that sword didn't pierce your heart, it will definitely not hurt you, Zhang Yange!" Li Fengshou said in a hoarse voice.

He suddenly felt a headache!
Then there was dizziness, and Li Fengshou found that he couldn't stand still at all.After a while he fell to the ground and couldn't stand up again. After falling to the ground this time, he couldn't get up again.

In the original book, Xu Fengnian cut him in two, but he survived in the end.

Because he has secret skills, he has one more life than ordinary people.

Zhang Yange's punch just now did kill him, but Li Fengshou didn't expect that punch to be weird.

I said before that they all learned Wang Xiu's collapse formula!

Leaving the damage in the opponent's body will cause huge damage at all times.

Zhang Yange's punch also used the collapse formula.

But it was not Wang Xiu's, but the Bengzi Jue in Taijiquan.

Not to mention that the damage was several times more than Wang Xiu's, the damage would even stay in the body.

The more you want to disperse, the greater the damage you will receive.

Li Fengshou's brains flowed out of his mouth, and he died unwillingly.

The bodies of Lao Jiao and Li Fengshou were sent back to the palace in the early morning of the next day, and then came the empress' wrath of thunder!
 Second more…

(End of this chapter)

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