Journey to the Heavens from Wudang

Chapter 334 Tuoba Zhangjing!

Chapter 334 Tuoba Returns to Beijing!

"Trash! You are all a bunch of trash!" the empress growled.

This time, Li Mibi, the clone of Daoist Qilin, and Taiping Ling all fell to their knees.They didn't expect Zhang Yange to give them such a surprise.

"Taiping order, hold my gold medal and let Tuoba kill Zhang Yange!" the empress said without any doubt.

Although the real Qilin who looked like a child was scolded, he felt very happy in his heart.

If Tuoba wanted to wait for that divine weapon to be born before going to trouble Zhang Yange this time, he might lose the Empress's trust completely.

The Taiping Order did not intend to help Tuoba Bodhisattva to ambush Luoyang anymore, he had already ordered all the people from Qijian Yuefu to be recalled.

Hong Jingyan, Huang Qing, and the Patriarch of the Bronze Man!
on the Arctic ice sheet

Tuoba Bodhisattva looked at the thick fog under the ice field, and he could feel the call of the divine soldier.


Hong Jingyan left with Huang Qing and Patriarch Tong Ren.

They didn't come to see him before they left, just to give Tuoba Bodhisattva some time.

He was going to delay the summoning from the Empress.

Zhang Yange wanted to assassinate the Empress in Beidi City, that was almost wishful thinking.When I get the divine weapon, I will use Zhang Yange's head to worship the divine weapon when I return to Beidi City!

That way the empress can't say anything!
A cry of an eagle interrupted Tuoba Bodhisattva's thoughts, and he recognized that it was the eagle raised by the empress.

After a moment of hesitation, Tuoba Bodhisattva waved his hand!

The kite hawk turned into a cloud of blood mist in mid-air.

Tuoba Bodhisattva glanced coldly at Luoyang's location.

He is not in a hurry, waiting for the birth of the magic soldiers, they will all die!

But he didn't wait for the birth of the Divine Soldier, he waited for a gold medal first!
Looking at the gold medal, Tuoba Bodhisattva let out a long sigh.

time!life too!
The Taoist priest who sent the gold medal still has to speak.

"I know what Your Majesty means, I'll go back and kill Zhang Yange!" Tuoba Bodhisattva said coldly.

Taoist priests are disciples of Daodezong, and they can be regarded as disciples and grandchildren of Daoist Qilin.

The secret technique they use can reach thousands of miles away in an instant.

"That's good!" The Taoist replied neither humble nor overbearing.

Tuoba Bodhisattva blasted the Taoist into powder with one palm, but he still couldn't control his killing intent in the end.

However, the empress' gold medal was still intact in his hands.

The Taoist priest who delivered the letter will be killed, but this gold medal cannot be damaged.Tuoba Bodhisattva punched Luoyang where he was hiding before leaving.

The ice beneath Luoyang's feet was shattered.

But she didn't fight back, now she wants to quickly destroy Tuoba Bodhisattva and other magic soldiers, and then go to help Zhang Yange.

At this time, Deng Mao also came.

Luo Yang looked at him with some disgust, and Deng Mao said, "If Zhang Yange doesn't have help, he will really die!"

"What? Do you feel sorry for him?" Luo Yang said mockingly, but she knew what Deng Mao said was true.

Deng Mao didn't answer, Luo Yang hesitated and said, "Deng Mao, do me a favor!"

"You say!"

"Go to Beiliang and bring a message to Xu Fengnian! Zhang Yange is in trouble!" Luo Yang said after thinking for a while. "It must be delivered within three days!"

Deng Mao's expression was wonderful, but he finally ran towards Beiliang.

Deng Mao didn't know how to describe his mood.

But he didn't delay at all, as if a straight line was drawn under his feet, he rushed straight towards Beiliang.

Two hours after Tuoba Bodhisattva left, the divine soldier was born!

Luoyang destroyed it with his own hands.

Then she went to Beidi City, besides saving Zhang Yange, she really wanted to tell Tuoba Bodhisattva that he was born as soon as he left the magic weapon!
He waited for it!

Zhang Yange made another fuss in Beidi City last night, he met Hong Jingyan!
Hong Jingyan, Huang Qing, and Tongren Patriarch join forces!
Zhang Yange was almost left behind.

Seeing these three people, Zhang Yange knew that their plan was almost completed.

"Thank you, the sword energy is near!" Hong Jingyan thanked him sincerely.

If Huang Qing hadn't rescued him last night, Hong Jingyan would have lost at least one arm.

Now Huang Qing was seriously injured, the Patriarch of the Bronze Man was unconscious, but Hong Jingyan was fine.

The three of them were summoned by the Empress.

The empress looked at the three of them and said, "Aren't you the masters of our Northern Mang? The cobwebs, the Taiping Ling and you all set up a world-wide net, but they didn't catch a single Zhang Yange!

Is he too strong, or you are too useless! "

Hearing the queen's scolding, the two quickly bowed their heads.

The comatose bronze figure patriarch escaped the scolding.

"Tell me! What is the situation?" the Empress said.

"Your Majesty!" Hong Jingyan was about to speak.

"Huang Qing, tell me!" the Empress said in a deep voice.

In the battle last night, the Empress actually knew everything about it.

Originally, she had doubts about Huang Qing, suspecting that he had been plotted against by Beiliang.

After all, he chatted with Xu Xiao for a long time.

The empress knew very well that that man had a quality that made it easy for others to die for him willingly.

Even though Huang Qing reported the conversation with Xu Xiao in detail, the empress still didn't trust him.

But judging from last night's battle, Huang Qing had no problem.

Huang Qing was the first person to hurt Zhang Yange so far.

This made the Empress look up to him, but she looked down on Hong Jingyan.If it wasn't for Huang Qing's desperate rescue, Hong Jingyan would only be able to practice the left-handed sword in the future.

"Last night, according to the information from the spider web, we ambush in the dark, but we never thought that Yan Ge was too cunning.

He was very alert, and he was ready when the three of us shot.

Zhang Yange's pointing mystic technique can summon thunder, and the ancestor of the bronze figure was the first to be struck by the lightning.I teamed up with Geng Laozi and only seriously injured him.

And his movement is too fast, like a breeze.

We didn't wait for the army to encircle and suppress him, so we let him escape. "Huang Qing naturally didn't dare to hide anything, except that he briefly mentioned the matter of saving Hong Jingyan, and reported everything else to the Empress in detail.

After listening to this, the Empress paid more attention to Huang Qing.

"Huang Qing, after you kill Zhang Yange, I will reward you for your merits, and I will not treat you badly." The empress said to Huang Qing.

Huang Qing quickly knelt down, and Hong Jingyan looked at him with a complicated expression.Tai Pingling coughed, and Hong Jingyan came to his senses.

Li Mibi looked at these three people with a half-smile, it seems that this Chess Sword Yuefu is not monolithic.

Especially since this time, everyone in Beimang has been very optimistic about Hong Jingyan.I think he is the candidate to succeed Tuoba Bodhisattva in Beimang Jianghu in the future.

But today, it seems that this person has been highly regarded.

"Your Majesty, Tuoba Bodhisattva is requesting to be summoned outside the palace." An internal servant reported.

"But it's good if Tuoba comes in, he's here, and I can finally sleep peacefully." The empress beat everyone on purpose.

This time Zhang Yange made a big fuss in Beidi City, and the performance of these people made her very dissatisfied.

Sure enough, when she said this, everyone knelt down and pleaded guilty.

At this time, Tuoba Bodhisattva walked into the palace slowly.

 First more…

  Thanks to the lazy cat for the 280 four rewards, very grateful!

  Countdown to the day at home!Let's go tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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