Journey to the Heavens from Wudang

Chapter 596 Think it over! Chapter answer!

Chapter 596 Thinking about the answer!
But Zhang Yange still came to this mountain to have a look.

Because Fat Tiger said that the golden light on this mountain is not a fairy aura, but a monster aura!

The demons in the immortal world are not the same as those in the white snake world.

The monsters in this world hide in the mountains and devote themselves to cultivating, and rarely come out to harm the people.

Zhang Yange went directly to the foot of the mountain and was stopped by several men.

"You didn't fucking see it!" the leader cursed.

The man didn't even see clearly, so he was slapped on the face.

"Be polite when you speak, and you won't get beaten!" Zhang Yange said to them.

Those guys are gangsters in the city, so they dare to bully ordinary people.Seeing that Zhang Yange made a move, they sent Zhang Yange up the mountain without even asking for money.

"There are immortals on this mountain?"

"There are no immortals. Many dignitaries in the city came to worship, but they found nothing on the mountain." said the man who was beaten just now.

Zhang Yange went straight up the mountain, but when he got to the mountain, there were rays of sunshine.

At this time, Fat Tiger was still sleeping, Zhang Yange felt it around, stretched out his finger and swiped lightly!
A child-sized bird appears!

It didn't expect that Zhang Yange would directly cut through its formation with a light swipe.

"You, who are you?" It looked at Zhang Yange and asked.

Zhang Yange looked at it up and down, only to see that it was covered in blue feathers and looked very handsome, "What are you doing here?"

The blue bird flapped its wings and shot out a burst of poisonous smoke, but the poisonous smoke was not fatal.It would only make people unconscious, so Zhang Yange planned to save it.


Zhang Yange stretched out his hand and only drew the first stroke of the word "Zhen"!
The blue bird stopped in place without moving.

If the word town was written in full, the bird would be wiped out in ashes.

"Let me go! I want to save my daughter!" Blue Bird struggled desperately.

Zhang Yange said to it, "In this case, you should cooperate well and tell me what's going on!"

It glanced at Zhang Yange, and said weakly, "I'm Qingque!"

"I can tell." Zhang Yange said.

"My daughter and I were practicing in the mountains. A few days ago, my daughter was captured by General Liu's subordinates in this city. I was too weak to enter the city, so I wanted to lure them out of the city." Qing Que said to Zhang Yange Said.

"Then why did General Liu arrest your daughter?" Zhang Yange asked puzzled.

"We are Qingque! The singer among birds!" Qingque said. "The birthday of General Liu is coming soon, and my daughter has become his birthday present."

"Then is it useful for you?" Zhang Yange asked.

"I wanted to capture General Liu's family, but... it's been almost half a month, and none of General Liu's family has been here."

However, it never harms anyone, as long as it is not the family members of General Liu, it will let them go away safely.

"That seems useless!" Zhang Yange said.

"If it doesn't work in a few days, I will go to the city to rescue her! At worst, I beg General Liu to let my daughter go, and let him leave me to sing for him. Just let my daughter go." Qing Que lowered her voice. said with a nod.

"So you let me go, okay?"

With a wave of Zhang Yange's hand, the stroke of the cursive words disappeared.

"I'm free, let's go rescue your daughter together." Zhang Yange said with a smile.

"But, but I'm a demon!" Qing Que looked at Zhang Yange cautiously.

"What does that matter?" Zhang Yange laughed.

Qingque jumped onto Zhang Yange's shoulder.He opened his mouth, and a moving melody sounded from it, and he had to admit that it sang very well.

When Zhang Yange went down the mountain, the men were still there.

When they saw Zhang Yange coming down, they quickly stood up and saluted.

Zhang Yange nodded to them, then stopped suddenly.

These people looked at Zhang Yange with some fear.

"Have you ever heard of General Liu?" Zhang Yange asked.

"But General Shenji! General Liu?" said the man who was beaten before.

"I don't know, anyway, it's General Liu who is about to celebrate his birthday."

"That's him." The man said quickly, "General Liu and Governor Fang have been at loggerheads for a long time. I heard that the court originally wanted General Liu to evade Governor Fang. As a result, an immortal came out of Governor Fang's house..."

"I heard it was two!"

"Anyway, General Liu still has a bad relationship with Governor Fang."

"I don't care much about these things," Zhang Yange said. "How about others?"


"General Liu likes rare treasures and rare beasts." Someone said quickly, "We don't know anything else."

"Where is his home?" Zhang Yange continued to ask.

"The biggest house outside the city is his."

So Zhang Yange left them and walked directly outside the city.

It was indeed easy to find General Liu's house. At this time, there were many carriages parked at the door, and it seemed that they were there to give gifts.

"Sir, how can we save my daughter?" Qing Que asked cautiously.

"Let's talk about the truth first. Doesn't General Liu have birthdays? You can sing a song for him to let your daughter go at his birthday banquet. Can you accept it?" Zhang Yange asked.

"Yes! Yes!" It was ready to sacrifice itself, and heard that both itself and its daughter could be free.

"Of course it would be easier if he was unreasonable." Zhang Yange said.

"How can I do that?"

The blue sparrow asked with some concern.

Its strength is too weak, and in its view, General Liu is simply an insurmountable mountain.

Zhang Yange didn't answer, and went outside General Liu's residence.

"I'm here to celebrate General Liu's birthday." Zhang Yange clasped his fists and said.

This time Zhang Yange didn't hide it, and directly released a powerful aura.

The guard of honor at the door asked, "Your Excellency?"

"Zhang Yange."

The soldiers of honor had never heard of it, but they welcomed Zhang Yange in anyway.

Qingque looked around, but did not find her daughter.

"She will be safe!" After speaking, it murmured to itself, "No! She sings so beautifully, no one will hurt her!"

Zhang Yange gave a spirit stone.

The recipient of the gift looked at Zhang Yange. This person is here to make trouble, or to congratulate him!
Giving a spirit stone to General Liu is a bit humiliating.

"I want to see General Liu." Zhang Yange threw down the spirit stone, then looked at the soldiers of honor.

"The general will be busy now." The soldier of honor said.

He also gave Zhang Yange a spirit stone when he saw it, and he was not sure about Zhang Yange's intentions.

"You stand still." Zhang Yange said to Qing Que.

After he finished speaking, his sword intent rose up, and the whole general's mansion was in chaos.

After a while, a man in black armor appeared. His armor should be a spiritual weapon.

"Who is your Excellency! Come to my house to make trouble?" General Liu asked coldly.

"You are that General Liu?" Zhang Yange sized him up.

"Where's my daughter?" Qingque asked anxiously.

"That little sparrow is dead!" General Liu obviously didn't take Zhang Yange seriously.

The next Zhang Yange appeared in front of him.

The black armor was crushed by Zhang Yange's hand, "I'll ask again, you have to think about your answer!"

 The third more...

(End of this chapter)

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