Journey to the Heavens from Wudang

Chapter 597 Phoenix Palace

Chapter 597 Phoenix Palace

"I am the official of the imperial court! If you kill me! Neither the Yuhua Xianmen nor the imperial court will let you go!" General Liu said with his neck stretched.

"I didn't intend to kill you at all! I just wanted to save that blue sparrow." Zhang Yange said. "You really killed her?"

General Liu summoned all his strength and tried to break free.But he found that he had no room to resist in front of Zhang Yange.

General Liu kept silent, and his guards did not dare to step forward. It could be seen that General Liu was very unpopular.

The Eastern Emperor Bell appeared, and it instantly became huge.

It enveloped the general's mansion and turned gently.

A moment later, a house in the General's Mansion flew into the air, and landed in front of Zhang Yange.

The Donghuang Bell returned to its original size and flew back to the White Tiger Picture.

After Zhang Yange pushed the room away, he was still stunned for a moment.

A room full of rare treasures, and dead bodies!


There are men and women, those people have been refined by secret methods, and they look lifelike.

The same goes for those monsters!

The blue sparrow flew down Zhang Yange's shoulder, and he saw his daughter!

It has become a corpse!

"Sorry, I take back what I just said!" Zhang Yange said to General Liu.

After he finished speaking, he slashed General Liu's throat with a knife.

General Liu was still conscious, but he couldn't breathe.

Finally insisted on a stick of incense, he suffocated to death!

Those soldiers looked at Zhang Yange helplessly, "Come here and help bury them all!"

Naturally, the soldiers didn't dare to delay, and hurried over to help.

After disposing of the corpses, Qingque was still crying with her daughter in her arms.Zhang Yange suddenly felt that he was more like a person than General Liu.

Zhang Yange sat beside Qingque, waiting for him to stabilize his mood.

"Can you help me save my daughter?"

Hearing this, Zhang Yange looked at him puzzled, Qing Que said, "Do you know that we elves belong to the five sects of the demon way!

Beasts are one!Birds are one case!Kraken as one!
The remaining two cases are all ancient beasts. "

Zhang Yange shook his head, naturally he had never heard of this.

"The Fengxian Zun of my bird sect has the secret method of nine-turn immortality, which can revive the genus of birds!" Qingque looked at Zhang Yange pleadingly, "I..."

He stopped suddenly, as if he had nothing to repay Zhang Yange.

"Sorry, I'm greedy." He said with a wry smile.

He carefully picked up his daughter's body and kowtowed three times to Zhang Yange.

"If I save my daughter, I will find you and sing to you for a hundred years." Qingque said sincerely, "This is the only thing I can do."

"Where is the Phoenix Immortal?" Zhang Yange asked curiously.

"Phoenix Palace!" Qingque said.

"Let's go, I'll take you there." Zhang Yange smiled.

Qingque looked at him in disbelief, Zhang Yange said with a smile, "Who told me to be nosy!"

Qingque looked at Zhang Yange in bewilderment.

He doesn't know how to repay Zhang Yange at all.

"When you save your daughter, just sing me a good song." Zhang Yange said with a smile. "Will Phoenix Immortal Venerable save your daughter?"

"It is said that as long as she can pass the test of Phoenix Immortal Venerable, she will agree to one request of those who pass the test!"

"Shouldn't that be lighting up the mountain with a sword?" Zhang Yange was rarely humorous.

"I don't know." Qingque shook her head. "But as long as I can save Qingqing, I'll try anything! Even if it's to pieces!"

"Then let's go!" Zhang Yange said.

He put Qingqing's body in the white tiger picture.

The blue bird flew to Zhang Yange's shoulder.

On the way, Zhang Yange took out his magic weapon for communication.

Feng Baiyu quickly connected, "Where are you, I'll pick you up. I know there are a few delicious places in Dali..."

"I need to go to Phoenix Palace!" Zhang Yange interrupted him directly.

"Why are you running to the Phoenix Palace?" Feng Baiyu asked in confusion. "That Feng Niang has a bad temper."

"Go help save a blue sparrow." Zhang Yange replied.

"Save Qingque?" Feng Baiyu asked in disbelief.

Zhang Yange told the story of General Liu.

"You ask the Dali royal family to restrain their people. If you wait for me to help restrain them, I'm afraid it will hurt our previous relationship." Zhang Yange said to Feng Baiyu.

Feng Baiyu nodded with a wry smile, "Don't worry, this kind of thing won't happen again in the future."

Zhang Yange nodded and cut off the magic weapon.

Feng Baiyu on the other side laughed, and he went directly to Fang Qingxue and asked her to go to the Dali Dynasty to announce the decree!

After listening to what Feng Baiyu said, she couldn't help asking, "This doesn't seem like your character, you shouldn't care about those ordinary people."

"Yes!" Feng Baiyu nodded. "In the past, I naturally didn't harm them, but I didn't take them seriously either.

But the more he got along with this Zhang Yange, the more interesting this matter seemed. "

Feng Baiyu has a feeling in his heart, if this decree is sent down.

The bottleneck that has troubled me for many years should be loosened.This is something he never dared to think about before.

"Are all of us wrong?" Feng Baiyu murmured back.

"What did we do wrong?" Fang Qingxue asked in confusion.

"After you read the decree, go to the Tianhuo Sea Territory and wait for someone! If you can meet that person, you should have a chance! If you can't meet him, then come back." Feng Baiyu didn't answer her.

"Yes! Headmaster!"

"Wait a minute! Qingxue, you, Hua Tiandu, and Fang Han all have great luck. Although our Yuhua Sect does not prevent our disciples from competing with each other, we definitely have the bottom line!

Hua Tiandu and Fang Han are a little close to the bottom line! "Feng Baiyu said suddenly.

Fang Qingxue wanted to refute, but saw Feng Baiyu's eyes.

She turned and left without saying anything.

Looking at Fang Qingxue leaving, Feng Baiyu only felt a little tired.

"This position of head teacher is really not easy to do!"

To go to the Phoenix Palace, one must pass through the Skyfire Sea Territory!

The Skyfire Sea Region is also a wonder of the Xuanhuang Great World. It was originally a sea, but the sea was constantly burning with flames.

But Zhang Yange and the others have to go to Wangui Immortal Island first!

Go out to the sea from Wangui Xiandao, and then turn to the land of annihilation.

Thousands of miles away from the land of annihilation is the Skyfire Sea Territory.

This time because it was a matter of saving lives, Zhang Yange went directly to Wangui Immortal Island without delay.He didn't expect to meet an acquaintance in Wangui Xiandao.

Old Devil Fang!

"Mr. Zhang!" Fang Han cupped his fists and saluted Zhang Yange.

"Hello." Zhang Yange nodded in greeting.

"I haven't thanked Mr. Zhang for what happened last time." This guy Fang Han is indeed a person who keeps his grudges in mind.

"I said that last time I was helping you teach."

Fang Han didn't say anything else, he glanced at the blue sparrow on Zhang Yange's shoulder.

"Stop talking, the fairy boat I was waiting for is here." Zhang Yange said.

 First more…

  Two more today...

(End of this chapter)

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