Chapter 102 Together

The four of them came to a tea place on the side of the road.

The fat man greeted everyone, "Come, come, sit, sit, sit"

Su Mo, Zhang Yingling, Old Hu, and Fatty sat around a square table and took their seats one after another.

Zhang Yingying looked at Su Mo and opened his mouth first, "Brother, how do you know my name?"

Su Mo smiled, "I'm not talented, but I'm proficient in wind, water and gossip. If you do the math, you'll know your name!"

Do the math?So God?
Zhang Yingxuan was a little disbelieving, and immediately looked at Lao Hu, "My friend, I just heard you say the sixteen-character yin-yang feng shui secret technique..."

"It is said that there are very few people in this world who know the sixteen characters. How did you know it?"


Lao Hu looked at Su Mo, who nodded calmly.

Seeing this, Lao Hu said: "The sixteen-character yin and yang feng shui secret technique is Zhang Sanlianzi's proud work. This book is the secret of the world. It may damage the life of the yang, so Zhang Sanye destroyed the yin and yang technique. Half of the book, and the remaining half was passed on to his apprentice—Sun Guofu with Yin Yang Eye!"

Zhang Yingzhen nodded, he still knew this history, after all, his identity was there, the Zhenggen of the old Zhang family, these things made his ears grow hairy.

Old Hu continued: "And this yin and yang eye Sun Guofu, he is my grandfather Hu Guohua's tutor!"

Zhang Yingying had some changes. In this way, he and the brother in front of him are still brothers of the same school!
After finishing speaking, Lao Hu stared at Zhang Yingzheng, "Brother... I don't know what kind of god you are, why do you know the sixteen characters of my family biography..."


Hearing what Old Hu said, Zhang Yingying couldn't help laughing, "Hahaha..."

Su Mo also shook his head with a wry smile, Lao Hu, Lao Hu, the sixteen-character yin-yang feng shui secret art, this is not something passed down in your family, so it’s fine to talk about it outside, but the master is right here Woolen cloth.

Zhang Yingxuan looked at Su Mo again, "My friend, you can pinch and count, can you tell me about my background with your two brothers?"

Su Mo nodded, "Old Hu, let me introduce you, Zhang Yingzheng, the master Taishan Beidou Zhang Sanzu who you touch Jin Xiaowei is his great-grandfather! The direct descendant of the Zhang family!"

When this remark came out, everyone was shocked.

Lao Hu was surprised by Zhang Yingying's identity, and Zhang Yingying was surprised that Su Mo revealed his origin.

"No wonder..."

Old Hu blushed, extremely embarrassed, I said the word "family biography", brother, you will laugh..."

What a family heirloom... This is the family heirloom of the Zhang family!

At this moment, Lao Hu can't wait to find a crack in the ground to get in.

Zhang Yingying said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, logically speaking, we should be from the same family!"

Lao Hu raised his teacup, "My friend, I will replace wine with tea and apologize to you!"

Zhang Yingxuan raised his glass, and the two bumped into each other.

Old Hu drank it all down, then put down his glass, "Brother, my name is Hu Bayi, this one I'll call Xiao Wang Kaixuan, this one who can pinch and count is brother Su Mosu..."

The fat man said first: "Brother Su is not only good at pinching and counting, he is also the only general in the world who has a good reputation..."

Didn't Faqiu Zhonglang disappear?
Zhang Yingying looked at Su Mo suspiciously, "As far as I know, Faqiu Zhonglang will be involved in the Guanshan Taibao Rebellion in the Ming Dynasty..."

Zhang Yingling paused, obviously not wanting to continue this topic, "It's getting too far... It stands to reason that Faqiu Zhonglang would have broken his inheritance long ago..."

Su Mo didn't explain, took out the hair Qiu Tianyin and handed it to Zhang Yingying, and then tapped his finger on the table.


The desktop was poked to the bottom.

Zhang Yingxuan exclaimed subconsciously, "General Faqiu Zhonglang's unique skill is two-finger cave digging!"

Zhang Yingying looked at the hair Qiu Tianyin in his hand again, yes, it's true!

As a descendant of Zhang Sanlianzi, Zhang Yingying still has this vision.

Zhang Yingzheng sighed, "The Tianyin of Faqiu has been preserved. I have only three Mojin Talismans left for my pity Captain Mojin. They are scattered all over the place. I don't know if I can take another look at it in this life..."

Su Mo laughed, "Not in this life, fat man, old Hu!"

Fatty Hu and the two understood, and reached out to take out the gold-touching amulet worn around the neck and inside the clothes

Zhang Yingying was immediately stunned.

He always thought that these two men were also Captain Mojin who didn't touch the gold talisman.

Unexpectedly, there were two of them.

Although just glanced at it.But Zhang Yingying is sure.These two pieces are real, and they are also the second of the three gold-touching talismans of his great-grandfather back then.

Zhang Yingzhen clasped his fists and said, "Congratulations, the two of you actually have a golden amulet next to you, congratulations!"

Lao Hu shook his head, "It's all just a coincidence!"


Fatty: "It's all a coincidence, just a coincidence!"

Su Mo explained: "The fat man is wearing this gold-touching talisman. We helped Jin Suan to collect it from him in the tomb..."

"The one on Lao Hu's body is from an iron mill head. The other one is from Elder Liaochen. She is on another team member of ours!"

Zhang Yingying was even more surprised, "You have collected the only three gold-touching talismans in the world. Zhang admires it, and admires it!"

Talking and talking.Zhang Yingying seemed to understand something, looked at Su Mo, and asked, "Do you want to reproduce the grand occasion of General Faqiu Zhonglang commanding Captain Mojin during the Cao Wei period?"

Talking to smart people is refreshing!

Su Mo smiled and nodded, "That's right, that's exactly what I meant!"

Zhang Yingxuan asked again: "Are you here to recruit me?"

Su Mo shook his head, "Solicitation is not good, we are the ones who made a fortune together..."

"Brother Zhang, as long as you nod your head, I will have someone prepare 500 million cash for you tomorrow!"

Zhang Yingying was speechless, he didn't expect Su Mo to make such a generous move!
Su Moen continued to say, "Brother, I sincerely invite you. If you join forces, you will live, and if you divide, you will die. Besides us, can you find their Mojin captain?"

This time, Zhang Yingying was silent.

Because, he knew that what Su Mo said was all right.Touching the gold captain, it is true that if you unite, you will live, and if you divide, you will die.

This is what my great-grandfather said.

At that time, Jin Suan, Elder Liaochen, each of them possessed unique skills, and made their name as Nuo Da in the rivers and lakes, but after they separated, they seemed to be cursed, and they died in the ancient tomb one by one in the end. middle.


Zhang Yingying's face was a little struggling, and there was obviously some movement.

Seeing this, Su Mo strikes while the iron is hot, "Brother, don't hesitate, we have not only Captain Mojin, but also the descendants of Partridge Whistle, a mountain-moving Taoist, and Chen Yulou, the former leader of Xiling Mountain!"

The mountain-moving Taoist, the leader of Xiling Mountain, plus their Mojin Xiaowei and Faqiu Zhonglang, so to speak, there are all four major sects of tomb robbers who have inherited the millennium?

Zhang Yingying looked at Su Mo, his eyes became more and more complicated.

It is not an easy task to bring these capable people together.

Zhang Yingxuan nodded heavily, "Okay, I promise, I'll go with you!"


Su Mo laughed, "Okay, okay..."

Raising the teacup, Su Mo said: "Let's have a drink together. From now on, we will live and die together, have the same blessings and share the same difficulties..."

"Blessings and hardships alike!"


The four of them slammed into each other with tea instead of wine.


ps: I'm late, I'm late, I will strive for the third shift tomorrow.

I feel uncomfortable during this period, and the company is busy, so the update is much worse. I will try to restore it tomorrow...

(End of this chapter)

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