People are in Panjiayuan, and they fool Lao Hu to rob the tomb at the beginning

Chapter 103 Nine Gates and the Wang Family, Starting from the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 103 Nine Gates and the Wang Family, Starting from the Ming Dynasty
After drinking tea, Su Mo stood up and said, "Let's go, this place is too remote..."

"Let's go back to the city and have a good get-together. We'll rest when we're drunk, and we won't go home until we're drunk!"

"it is good!"

Zhang Yingying, Lao Hu, and Fatty each responded, and then the three stood up and came to the parking space.

The four of them drove back to Panjiayuan and Su's shop.

After getting off the car, Su Mo pointed to Su's shop, "My shop, let's be wronged for a few days..."

"Su's shop!"

Zhang Yingying raised his head, looked at the small four-story Minguo building, and praised: "Don't feel wronged, don't feel wronged. There are not many such buildings now. In a few years, this kind of houses will be as priceless as courtyard houses!"


The fat man smiled: "We also have a quadrangle, Brother Su, let's move to the quadrangle in a few days, there are quite a few people now..."

Su Mo and Yingzi, Old Hu Fatty Xue Liyang, Peacock and Ada, Chen Xiazi and Zhang Yingying, their team grew at a speed visible to the naked eye.Even Su's shop was almost out of place.


Su Mo naturally had no objection, "The auction house will soon be completed, and then everyone will move into the courtyard..."

"Didn't we buy five or six sets of courtyard houses and land before, and then everyone will have a courtyard house..."

A set of courtyard houses for everyone?

Stabbing his ass with a knife, Zhang Yingying really opened his eyes this time!

Su Mo entered the room and shouted, "Sister..."

Yingzi came out, "Here we come..."

"Make another room!"


Everyone should be cleaning the room, cleaning the room with enthusiasm. Seeing this scene, Zhang Yingying gradually found a sense of belonging in the unfamiliar environment.

In the evening, the fat man went to the most expensive winery in Yanjing to book a banquet in person. The specifications were completely made according to the state banquet, but Zhang Yingying was flattered.

Su Mo, Lao Hu.Fatty, Yingzi, Dajinya, Chen Xiazi, Ada, and Peacock are all there.Except for Shirley Yang who was running around for Muchen Zhu, everyone who could come was able to come to this feast for Zhang Yingzheng.

Everyone drank Dadan happily, drinking very happily.

Since then, Zhang Yingying has officially integrated into Su Mo's small circle.


After another 20 days.

Xue Liyang is still busy with Muchen Bead's affairs, while Su Mo's side, the auction house has sprung up.

Covering an area of ​​[-] mu, in addition to the buildings used for auction, it also includes several antique streets.

The orphanage mentioned by the fat man, Su Mo has asked Da Jinya to apply formally.

The security company Su Mo specially set up for the auction house has also been formally established.

Su Mo recruited 500 people in the first batch of security companies, 300 of whom were villagers from Zhelongzhai. These people are good hunters, and with a little training, they can have strengths that are different from ordinary people.

As for the other 200 people, it was Su Mo's way to make Lao Hu think of it. Many of them were veterans. When these people were in the army, they were all the best in the army, and it was easy to capture them in combat.

In this way, Su Mo's security company formed a good combat effectiveness in the fastest time.

When you are busy, the days often pass quickly, and after a few days, Xue Liyang also came back, but she did not bring any good news.

Su Mo had anticipated this. Although today's technology can detect a small amount of radioactive substances on Muchen Beads, as for how to use it, whether it can lift the curse on Lao Hu, and how to lift the curse.

Relying on today's medical devices, they are all unknown, and it is impossible to start.

The red spot curse on everyone seemed to have entered a dead end again.


"Brother Su..."

One day, Su Mo was doing Tai Chi outside the shop, and Lao Hu and Zhang Yingzheng followed suit in a decent manner. The fat man suddenly ran over, "Brother, have you heard..."


Old Hu reprimanded, "I don't have any vision at all. Didn't you see that we are practicing..."

The matter of Muchen Bead seemed to be out of reach, and the cursed old Hu also started to exercise his body. He followed Su Mo to boxing every day and practiced qinggong. Among them, Baji and draping, Lao Hu also learned a lot.

Now his face is full of red light, and his mental state is much better than before.

The fat man smiled resentfully, "It's not urgent..."

Su Mo retracted his fist, exhaled foul breath, looked at the fat man and said, "What's the matter? Why are you in a hurry?"

The fat man moved his head and lowered his voice, "Has something happened to Nine Gates?"

Hearing this, Zhang Yingying and Lao Hu also put away their gestures.

You know, in Yanjing, the Nine Gates is a gold-lettered signboard. A group of local masters who robbed graves and dug graves in Changsha have now successfully washed their whites. Mac.

If there is any slight disturbance in Jiumen, it is very likely to set off a violent wind and waves outside.


Su Mo frowned, "Let's hear it..."

The fat man lowered his voice, "I heard that just a few days ago, all the families in the Nine Sects were attacked by a group of unknown people, and even the young master of the Xie family who had cooperated with us many times disappeared mysteriously..."

Su Mo frowned, counted with his fingers, and said in a deep voice, "Wang family, the Wang family took action..."

Zhang Yingying said: "Brother Su also knows about the Wang family?"

Su Mo was startled, looked at Zhang Yingying, "You..."

Zhang Yingying reminded, "In the letters left by my great-grandfather, there was a record of the Wang family. The Wang family originated from Wang Zanghai in the Ming Dynasty..."

"The Ming Dynasty was a special period. At that time, there were not only the Wang family, but also the Guanshan Taibao, the Feng family, who had suffered heavy losses in the past, the school lieutenant Ling Mojin and Faqiu Zhonglang!"

"Wang Zanghai used to be loyal to Ming Taizu, and the Feng family was recommended by Liu Bowen and was recruited by Ming Taizu..."

"My great-grandfather once asserted that Wang Zanghai must have had contact with the Feng family!"


Su Mo was startled, and hurriedly said to the fat man, "Tell Da Jinya to stop cooperating with Jiumen..."

Wang Zanghai, the Wang family, Guanshan Taibao, and the Feng family.

These intricate clues are intertwined, and two seemingly unrelated world lines have the same starting point.

Su Mo was shocked!

"Wang family...Wang family..."

Su Mo's eyes flickered, "If Jiumen wants to fight with the Wang family, let them fight, we will never participate!"

If necessary, Su Mo would not mind a fatal blow to the Wang family, but after hundreds of years of layout by Wang Zanghai and the Wang family, the Nine Gates and the Wang family have already reached the point where you have me in you, and you have you in me.

If Su Mo and others get too close to Jiumen, they will inevitably not be used by some villains.

Being stared at by such a forbearing vicious dog, even Su Mo would have trouble sleeping and eating.

"it is good…"

The fat man nodded immediately, "I'm going to call Da Jinya right now!"

After speaking, the fat man turned and left.


Old Hu asked suspiciously, "Is this Wang family very powerful?"

Su Mo shook his head, "Now the auction house has finished the finishing work, and your red spot curse is not over yet, we really shouldn't have anything to do with this Wang family..."

Lao Hu nodded, half understanding.


ps: late, late...

(End of this chapter)

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