Chapter 105 A Dong, Uncle Ming, Kunlun Shrine Story II

Fatty listened to Da Jinya's lifelike speech, and couldn't help but feel a little more curious, "Jin Ye, is it so evil? If it is as you said, this is the cat god!"

Da Jinya shook his head, "I don't know if it works or not, but it's been passed down among the people!"

Old Hu said: "Why haven't I heard of it? I haven't seen a similar treasure in Panjiayuan before!"

Su Mo picked up the teacup on the table and poured himself a cup of tea, "Because no one made it..."

Da Jinya nodded, "The current corpse-carrying business has long been done, and it is difficult to find such old objects in the market..."

Old Hu was relieved, looked around, and said again: "It seems that the ancestor of the owner of this place should be a giant thief in Western Hunan, who specializes in carrying corpses and digging through cellars... I just don't know what to ask us for!"

There were broken footsteps outside the house, and Su Mo reminded everyone softly, "The master is here!"

Once reminded, Lao Hu Zhang Yingying directly found a chair and sat down.

Da Jinya and Fatty didn't look around anymore, but came to Su Mo's side.

Su Mo bowed his head and drank his tea leisurely!
Not long after, a short and fat man about 50 years old walked in.


Before the figure arrived, a voice arrived, "Master Su, Master Hu, Master Jin..."

The man clasped his fists and said, "Lei Xianming is here. I was doing some business in Hong Kong City before, and everyone called me Uncle Ming!"

As soon as Uncle Ming entered the room, he showed great enthusiasm, but Su Mo dared to cross his legs and drink tea with his head down, unmoved.

After all, he is the one who dared to light sky lanterns at the Crescent Hotel!

Uncle Ming didn't dare to slack off on Su Mo, he came to Da Jinya and said, "Master Jin!"

Da Jinya is the younger brother, but he didn't dare to show off, so he hurriedly said: "You are welcome, just call me Da Jinya!"

Uncle Ming said, "Master Jin, did we do business before?"

Da Jinya was stunned, and said with some uncertainty: "Have we ever done business?"

"Ha ha…"

Uncle Ming laughed loudly and said, "Look at my mouth, I was too stupid to make it clear, you sold a pair of ancient jade before, and you also have a mask of a general of the Jin Kingdom!"

As soon as this word comes out.

The fat old Hu and his big gold teeth were all stunned for a moment. What Uncle Ming said was the treasure they got when they fought for the first time, that time in Niuxin Mountain, in the tomb of General Jin.

Da Jinya hesitated to speak, "Baby, I do remember, but I remember it was a lady..."

Uncle Ming smiled, "Hahahaha. That's right, isn't your surname Han, who also runs an antique shop..."

The big golden teeth slightly lowered the jaw.

Uncle Ming smiled even more, "This is fate. This Ms. Han is my woman. Tell me, is this our fate..."

Hearing this, Fatty Hu and Da Jinle suddenly realized that they were really destined.

The master's family had already spoken to this point, so Su Mo naturally couldn't remain indifferent.

To be honest, their first capital was indeed from the tomb of General Jin Guo, and even their own sister met from that time.

Su Mo put down his teacup, and said bluntly, "It's fate. I don't know what kind of business Mr. Lei has with us?"

Naturally, Da Jinya couldn't take out the few things he had brought with him at this time.

He knew what he brought with him, not to mention that the one in front of him was not as easy to deceive as those crooked nuts.

Uncle Ming also noticed it at this time.This Su Mo is not such an easy person to get along with.

Read between the lines.The code of conduct is faintly domineering and aggressive.

At a young age, with an imposing bearing, he looks like a hero!
Uncle Ming didn't go around anymore, and asked A Dong to take out a photo album and pass it to Su Mo, "Master Su, you've got a good eye, it's all my collection for many years, and each item is a rare item in the market..."

Su Mo took over, flipped through two pages at random, and Fatty and Old Hu also turned their heads.

After reading several pages in a row, I found that there were all kinds of ancient corpses inside.

It is said to be a private collection, but it is more like an exhibit placed in a private collection coffin.

Thinking of the porcelain cat with thirteen beards, Lao Hu knew who this Uncle Ming was.

Old Hu was puzzled, "Mr. Lei, why are you collecting so many ancient corpses?"

Some people like to collect ancient corpses. It's not that Lao Hu has never seen it before, but he collects so many ancient corpses.This is a bit perverted.

Xue Liyang said: "There should be few people in China who like to collect ancient corpses, Mr. Lei. You have collected so many ancient corpses, do you want to sell them abroad?"

Uncle Ming nodded and smiled, "That's right. Many foreign museums now specialize in buying well-preserved ancient corpses. They say that these corpses are cultural relics that condense the beauty of eternal death, and they contain the commercial and cultural value of the giant. "

Su Mo shook his head speechlessly.I am extremely disdainful in my heart.

The history of foreign countries is not so long, so I naturally like to search for things related to history in other countries.

As long as their country can have a cultural history of 5000 years, they will not like to study and collect this perverted thing!
As a general in Faqiu, he travels underground, shuttles between yin and yang, when Su Mo is fighting, what he fears the most is picking up corpses, so he doesn't like corpses.

Previously in Yunnan, Su Mo brought out the treasures from the tomb of Xian Wang, the ancient land of corpse town, longevity candles, bronzes, gold and silver, everything that could be brought out, but for the pair of Wannianjiaozi coffins and the bronze coffin, Su Mo couldn't bear it. Mo was very indifferent.

Think about it, how fucking unlucky it is to have that thing at home!

At this time, Uncle Ming stopped beating around the bush and said straight to the point, "Everyone, since we are all destined to come together, then I won't be polite..."

"Master Hu, Master Su, I heard that you had a fruitful trip to Yunnan a few days ago, and one of them was an ancient mirror for suppressing corpses. I wonder if you can give up your love?"

"Don't worry, everyone, you can open the price as you like, as long as I can accept it, I will never counter the price. Or which piece of antique jade you like here. You can exchange it, and I will never let you suffer, how about it?"


ps: The third one, please ask for a recommendation ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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