Chapter 106 Baby
Uncle Ming knew about the ancient mirror of Zhenshi, so Su Mo was not surprised. Before building a security team and buying a big Ben, Su Mo threw out a lot of antiques.

As for the ancient corpse-suppressing mirror in the King Xian's tomb, Su Mo kept it because he thought that it might still be useful for tomb robbers in the future.

I wanted to use it myself, but I didn't expect to be missed by this uncle Ming.

Old Hu couldn't help asking, "Do you still know the origin of this ancient mirror?"

Uncle Ming chuckled, "The origin of this ancient mirror can be traced back to Qin Shihuang!"

"According to records, there was a dead Ao in the Yellow River that made waves and capsized the boats. King Qin ordered people to hang this mirror at the mouth of the river and sent troops to guard it!"

"Until the Qin and Han Dynasties, this ancient mirror fell into the hands of princes and kings, and finally fell into Yunnan somehow."

"An ancient mirror that can be mounted on a bronze coffin to restrain the transformation of corpses. There is no second side in the world. Brother Su, brother Hu, give it to me, and I will never let everyone suffer!"

Uncle Ming knew that the young man in front of him was not simple, and he dared not play any tricks in front of him, so he told all the things he knew, with a sincere heart. I want to change the look of this ancient mirror with everyone.

Everyone was shocked. They didn't expect an ancient corpse suppressing mirror to have such a great history. It not only suppressed the Ao corpse in the Yellow River, but also involved Qin Shihuang.

According to that, this is an unseen treasure!
Now that the words have been spoken, Su Mo has nothing to hold back, and said directly: "This ancient mirror is indeed in my hands, but I will not give it to you..."

As soon as the words came out, Uncle Ming immediately became anxious, "Master Su, if the price I offer is not suitable, you can mention it casually, as long as I have it, you can take it away..."

Su Mo interrupted, "Boss Lei, don't be in a hurry, listen to me, isn't it just for suppressing corpses, I have plenty..."

With that said, Su Mo pointed to Zhang Yingzheng, Lao Hu and the others, "Except for Da Jinya, everyone here is Mojin Xiaowei, and I am the contemporary Faqiu Zhonglang!"

Touching Captain Jin?General Faqiu Zhonglang?

Uncle Ming was speechless, he didn't expect that these people turned out to be the legendary Captain Mojin and General Faqiu Zhonglang.

Reminiscent of the previous golden mask and moth jade pendant, they were all found out of the tomb!
Uncle Ming blushed and was very excited, "I didn't expect that the people present here are the legendary Lieutenant Mojin and General Faqiu Zhonglang. If I can invite some of you to take action in person, then I would naturally be more willing." .”

Su Mo raised his hand and interrupted Uncle Ming, "You are too happy, ordinary people can't please us..."

Uncle Ming smiled wryly, and naturally understood what Su Mo meant, "Wait a minute..."

With that said, Uncle Ming turned and left. When he reappeared, he had two more wooden boxes in his hand.

"Everyone, please see..."

Uncle Ming opened the smallest wooden box, and saw an ancient jade article in the wooden box.

As soon as the wooden box was opened, there seemed to be a cool breeze blowing, and the scorching heat in the room suddenly disappeared.

Da Jin praised: "The ancients said that jade is in the mountains and the wood is moist, and it is produced in the water and it is fragrant. Although this jade phoenix is ​​small, but once it is taken out, it feels that the whole room becomes moist. It really makes me feel comfortable." Cool!"

Da Jinya then asked: "Could it be that this is the ancient jade worn by Concubine Yang Guifei recorded in "Tianbao Ruins"?"

Uncle Ming said with a smile: "Grandpa Jin has good eyesight. Although the posthumous story of the Empress Tianbao is a novel, there are many real materials in it. It says that Yang Guifei swallowed jade to quench her lungs and thirst. It refers to this piece of ancient jade." !"

"This is carved with a piece of ancient jade that has sunk in the bottom of the sea for tens of millions of years. The nature of jade is originally moist. Immersed in the bottom of the sea for a long time, it will increase its benignity, and it can relieve heat and moisturize dryness. It is a priceless treasure and my favorite collection. baby…"

In order to win over Su Mo, Uncle Ming introduced extra effort.

Su Mo naturally knew that these words were true.

Everyone can feel the preciousness of this jade.After all, the room that was originally hot and dry is indeed refreshed in spring.

After Uncle Ming's introduction, Da Jinya's eyes became straight, "Since ancient times, anyone who has made a fortune and seen an ancient corpse looks like a living one, there must be a lot of beautiful jade in his belly."

The ancient jade taken out of the zongzi is priceless, not to mention that it is the one that Yang Niangniang keeps in her mouth every day.

Thinking about it, Da Jinya stretched out his neck, and stuck out his tongue out of nowhere to lick it.

Uncle Ming saw Da Jinya sticking out his tongue, with black lines on his face, he quickly grabbed Da Jinya, and reminded, "Master Jin, this is still my baby!"


Su Mo was speechless, and directly pulled the big golden tooth aside.

You have lost all my face!

Su Mo gave Da Jinya a look, letting him appreciate it carefully.

Da Jinya slapped himself lightly, then smiled awkwardly.

Uncle Ming stared at Su Mo, but Su Mo was indifferent and did not express anything.


If there is one captain Mojin, it may be fine, and two or three will do, but here are four captains Mojin.There is also a Faqiu Zhonglang general, a jade alone is not enough!

Uncle Ming also had self-knowledge. He carefully put the wooden box containing the ancient jade aside, put on his gloves, opened another long box, and took out an ancient painting from inside.

The scroll unfolded rustlingly!

Except for Su Mo, Lao Hu and Zhang Yingying surrounded him.

Uncle Ming said: "Master Su, as long as you nod your head, the deep-sea embellished jade and this volume of authentic Song Dynasty painting of sunset and cows will all be yours!"

A picture of a roosting cow in the sunset?
Except for Su Mo and Da Jinya, Lao Hu, Zhang Yingzhen, Xueli Yang and others rarely came into contact with calligraphy and painting. They had never seen many authentic calligraphy and painting at all, and they were all at the level of novices.

However, even so, several people can detect the extraordinaryness of these words.

I saw that the structure of this painting is cut diagonally by two large blocks. The foreground is dominated by dense trees, and an old cow is grazing under the tree.The lines are clean and smooth.The brushwork is wonderful.It vividly outlines the docile and calm demeanor of the old cow.

In the middle scene there is a hut in the forest, and in the distant scene, light ink is used to express the twilight of the distant mountains.

Far, middle and near, the levels are connected naturally, the virtual and the real are hidden by the rendering, and the light smoke and mist are like a layer of light gauze covering, which makes people see everything at a glance.It produces a feeling of deep love, ethereal and comfortable far away from the world!
Seeing the admiration in everyone's eyes, Uncle Ming couldn't help but feel a little complacent, "At night, when the light dims, the cow that was grazing under the tree will go back to the thatched cottage to lie down and sleep peacefully. A rare and authentic product!"

The fat man was full of disbelief, "You are exaggerating. The cow in this painting can move? Could it be that the cow has become a spirit... Haha..."

As he spoke, the fat man laughed himself.

The cow in the painting can move, what a joke.

Old Hu thought of an allusion, "I heard that there was an antique merchant who painted Mongolian people before. In the painting, there is a traveler with an umbrella. When it rains, the umbrella in the painting will be opened and finally widened. Everyone knows that it is The two paintings are secretly"

Lao Hu didn't say anything behind, but looked at Uncle Ming.

Uncle Ming smiled and immediately blocked the light: "Brother Hu, brother Jin. Look again!"

Everyone looked at the old cow in the painting again, all pale in shock.

I saw that the old cow was already lying beside the hut, and the place where it used to graze was empty.

(End of this chapter)

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