People are in Panjiayuan, and they fool Lao Hu to rob the tomb at the beginning

Chapter 107 Chapter 106: Are you fighting me for business?

Chapter 107 Chapter [-]: Are you robbing me of business?

really disappeared!
If you don't see it with your own eyes.I am afraid that if others tell them, Lao Hu and the others will not believe it.

It's fucking unbelievable!
Zhang Yingying, Lao Hu and others looked at each other with question marks on their faces. Who would have thought that the cow in this painting would really disappear!
Seeing that everyone looked like they had never seen the world, Su Mo explained with a smile, "This painting is just dyed with some secret medicine, but it's not too magical. The wisdom of ancient people has touched the moon for 5000 years. Let’s see, there are not a few wonders in the world…”


Uncle Ming was stunned. He didn't expect Su Mo to look young, but he didn't expect his knowledge to be so extraordinary.

As expected of General Faqiu Zhonglang, it's no wonder he was able to recruit several Mojin school lieutenants under his command!

Uncle Ming nodded in agreement, "Master Su is right, this painting is indeed rendered with the secret medicine in the palace, so it has such a spectacle, but such a picture is one of the few in the world, and its value is immeasurable! "

Hearing this, Zhang Yingying and old Hu all nodded.

This is the first time they have seen such an exquisite calligraphy and painting. If calligraphy and painting lovers see it, they will definitely be willing to pay a high price to buy it.

At this time, everyone looked at Su Mo.They were all waiting for Su Mo to make a decision.

Uncle Ming also looked closely at Su Mo, hoping that Su Mo would immediately nod in agreement.

But Su Mo remained indifferent, bowed his head and took another sip of tea.

Others don't know, but he does. This is just the price of the trio in the original book.

But now it's Faqiu Zhonglang with four Mojin captains!

Gotta pay more!
Seeing Su Mo was still unmoved.

Uncle Ming also had no choice.His two most valuable collections are the ancient jade and calligraphy and painting in front of him. Although other treasures are also worth a little money, they are much inferior to these two treasures.

Uncle Ming gritted his teeth, and said, "Master Su, no matter what you fancy, you can take whatever you like, and give it to you, whatever you want?"

Old Hu was suspicious, "Boss Lei, I think you have a porcelain cat with thirteen beards on it. Compared with us, you are considered a colleague. Since you are a colleague, don't you have a way to suppress corpses?"

Uncle Ming sighed for a long time, and explained to everyone: "My ancestors were indeed corpse-carryers in Xiangxi. You don't know about it. This corpse-carrying is not about carrying the dead on their backs!"

"It's a way of robbing a tomb. Dig a hole. Remove the coffin's cross-head baffle. Climb into the coffin with your body turned upside down. Don't dare to face down, and all you do are backhand live betting!"

Lao Hu suddenly realized, and said: "So it's such a dead body!"

Uncle Ming continued: "I don't know where these mysterious and weird rules have been passed down from generation to generation. They have been around since I can remember. Our family also made a fortune by carrying corpses."

"Later, it was passed down to my father's generation. When my father was carrying his corpse on Mayu Island. Unfortunately, he met the corpse king of Xiangxi. So he died, and I didn't inherit my father's craftsmanship!"

"In the end, I simply went to Nanyang to start a business, and finally settled in Xiangjiang!"

Old Hu Fatman Shirley Yang looked at Su Mo suspiciously.

It's evil, there are quite a lot of corpse kings in Xiangxi!
Three people also know.Blind Chen also met the Xiangxi Corpse King back then.

Old Hu comforted: "My condolences, this Xiangxi Corpse King is not easy to mess with. It is said that only one appears in a hundred years. Every time it appears, it will cause trouble. It is unstoppable for the general manpower to cause disaster!"

Uncle Ming nodded and said, "That's right, Xiangxi Corpse King is also the king of zombies. He is invulnerable to weapons, water and fire, and if he encounters it, it's my father's bad luck!"

"Ha ha…"

The fat man sneered, with a look of disdain on his face, "Cut. What is the Xiangxi Corpse King? Isn't it just invulnerable to weapons, water and fire? We have encountered too many such monsters..."

"In the end, he died under the sword of our brother Su, and the corpse king of Xiangxi didn't meet us. If he did, he would die again!"

Fatty's words are not bragging.So Lao Hu didn't stop him either.

Moreover, for this Uncle Ming, he still had to show his skills.

The Iron-headed Dragon King they met, Huo's Undead Worm, and the Queen of Essence.It can be said that none of them are simpler than Xiangxi Corpse King.

Each has its own ruthlessness!
Uncle Ming glanced at Su Mo who was sitting there drinking tea.

With such a gentle appearance, I didn't expect to be capable.

Uncle Ming quickly flattered Su Mo and said, "As expected of Lieutenant Mojin and General Faqiu Zhonglang. When others mention Xiangxi's already king, they all show fear. You guys actually dismissed it, amazing, amazing!"

Su Mo smiled and said nothing.

Now his strength is as high as 150, his agility is as high as 100, and Zhang Rishan, who also has the blood of a beast, can't do 10 moves in his hands.

Xiangxi Corpse King, but mediocre!
Here, Da Jinya asked again: "Then your business is doing well, why are you starting to buy and sell corpses again?"

Uncle Ming naturally didn't say it was because of his son, but pondered: "Of course it's because of making money. This thing makes more money than doing business. You don't know. Those crooked nuts outside are against these well-preserved ancient corpses. It’s a big purchase.”

"Besides, as long as it's a king or a princess of some country, it's worth nothing, and it's a lot of money!"

"Those museums, exhibition halls, and collectors are willing to buy them at high prices. It can be said that as long as you can find one, it will be enough for you to eat for several lifetimes..."

Shirley Yang sighed helplessly, she was naturally aware of all these situations.

When we went to the ancient city of Jingjue before, didn’t the few of us come across someone robbing an ancient corpse from a stone tomb?

It's just that these foreign tomb robbers died tragically at the Cishan Pass in the ancient city of Jingjue.

Su Mo asked: "Then you are also looking for an ancient corpse this time, right? Judging by the tone of your asking price, I am afraid it is not a simple ancient corpse?"

Su Mo didn't bother to continue talking nonsense with this Uncle Ming.Go straight to the point.

When Uncle Ming saw Su Mo speak, he didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately said, "That's right, an overseas museum approached me not long ago, and they have a fragment of an ancient scripture they got from Tibet!"

"It records the strange phenomenon of the death of a princess of the Demon Kingdom in Tibet. She died of a strange disease and turned into a glacier crystal corpse after death!"

"That's why it was considered a miracle, so she was buried on a snow-capped mountain with a nine-story demon building. The scriptures even mentioned some specific clues about the location of the tomb!"

The fat man said: "Glacier crystal corpse? The corpse turns into crystal...then it must be very valuable?"

The fat man looked like a curious baby.

Su Mo looked at the fat man like this.In my heart, I was afraid that Lei Xianming would say that it was worth money in a second.

The fat man who can't afford to be early may be able to develop a side business!
Lao Hu and Shirley Yang glanced at Fatty.

Sure enough, the fat man was still the same fat man.

Not only are the eyes shining, but the corners of the mouth are also drooling!
Seeing Fatty like this, Uncle Ming's mouth twitched slightly.

This guy... do you mean to compete with me for business?

ps: there is another chapter tonight

(End of this chapter)

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