Chapter 108 Chapter [-]: Move away, move away!
Seeing the fat man's cheap expression, Uncle Ming resisted the urge to do something, nodded and said: "Yes, it's very valuable, otherwise I wouldn't dare to invite a Faqiu Zhonglang general and four Mojin school captains! "


Uncle Ming changed his voice, "According to the information I have collected, this business is currently the most risky,"

"This thousand-year-old glacier crystal body is extremely cold and extremely cloudy. If there is no Tibetan spiritual tower enshrining Padmasambhava, ordinary people will die if they get close..."

"To deal with this kind of thing. I'm afraid that ordinary corpse suppressing objects will be useless, so if there is no corpse suppressing ancient mirror, I can only ask a few people to take action!"

Words such as Tibet, Demon Country, and Glacier are all related to their next direction.

Su Mo was also depressed, wondering if the protagonist group was unlucky or lucky.

To say it was unlucky, he was hit by the red eye curse.

If we were lucky, we needed clues, so Li Chunlai came, and then found Li Chunfeng's hidden treasure, Dragon Bone Book of Heaven, and finally got the map of the King's Tomb of Blind Chen.


Now I found Muchen Bead, but I don't know how to use it.Uncle Ming sent up the next action plan uninvited.

Here, Lao Hu asked suspiciously: "Is this Millennium Glacier Crystal Corpse similar to Xiangxi Corpse King?"

Uncle Ming shook his head, "It's completely different!"

"The glacier crystal corpse on the snow mountain is an evil god worshiped by people. The crystallized corpse from the inside to the outside is unique in the world, so this is the most valuable place..."

Old Hu was relieved, and looked at Su Mo: "Brother Su, what do you think...?"

The Tibetan area is related to the lives of Lao Hu and the others, so Su Mo is naturally willing to go.Regardless of the price given by Lei Xianpeng.Or did they need Lei Xianming as a high-level "plot character" in the first place, because it would be beneficial to themselves and others.

What's more, after lighting the sky lanterns and the Crescent Hotel incident, Su Mo's wallet is also empty, and there are still many places to use the money in the future.

The trip of tomb robbery and treasure digging is imminent!
Su Mo put down his teacup and said in a solemn voice, "We can help you on your trip to Tibet..."

Hearing this, Uncle Ming immediately beamed with joy. "Thank you Su..."


Su Mo interrupted, "Don't worry, listen to me first. It's not enough for us to sell ancient jade and calligraphy and paintings. I still need to choose a batch of things in this room..."

Uncle Ming said, "You choose, even if it's everything in this house, you can take it all away..."

Su Mo shook his head, "Take them all away? Forget it, I don't like collecting fakes..."

With Su Mo's strength, he can naturally know that there are many fakes of the antiques in this room, but the real ones are all in conspicuous places, which makes everyone have a lot of illusions.

People saw through their tricks.Uncle Ming said with some embarrassment: "As expected of General Faqiu Zhonglang, Master Su, your eyes are extraordinary..."

"That's right, there are some fakes on this wooden shelf!"

After saying that, Uncle Ming became honest. "However, there are quite a few authentic ones. You can choose whatever you want. Take whatever you want!"

Su Mo didn't care about this.Just nodded.Immediately pointed to the bottle.

The fat man chuckled and stepped forward to take it off.

Su Mo continued, "That...and that bracelet!"

Lao Hu, Zhang Yingzheng, and Xueli Yang all started together.

Su Mo asked Lao Hu and the others to take down all the valuable things on Uncle Ming's sandalwood shelf.

Uncle Ming watched the movements of the four of them.My heart is bleeding.

Su Mo said: "That's all. To be honest, Boss Lei, these things are not enough for us to take action. I will suffer a little bit today and treat it as a friend..."


Even though his heart was bleeding, Uncle Ming still had to laugh along with him, gave a thumbs up, and praised: "Master Su, what a man!"

This is not business, this is robbery!
Uncle Ming stood up, wanting to ask for some benefits for himself: "Master Su, look, the things on the sandalwood stand are considered as deposits for you. After the completion of the ancient jade and the picture of a cow resting in the sunset, how can I give it to you all?" ?”

After coming here, Su Mo was unhappy, "Boss Lei, I'll give you face, but you are so ignorant..."

"If it wasn't for the sake of the deep-sea moist jade and the picture of Luoxia resting on the cow, I would have to fight with you for a long time?"

"You'd better invite someone else!"

Su Mo said that he was about to go outside.Everyone was ready to follow immediately.

Although everyone is reluctant to give up these treasures, no matter what Su Mo decides.Everyone is supportive.

"Don't don't don't don't!"

Seeing Su Mo turn around and leave, Uncle Ming became anxious, "It's a good deal, a good deal!
"Look at my mouth. I'm used to doing business outside, so I'll listen to you. Take all your things away!"

Today, Uncle Ming has seen what it means to be ruthless, so many treasures, even if they say no, they don't want them.

Hearing Uncle Ming's words, Su Mo sat back down contentedly.

Seeing Su Mo sitting back on the chair again, Uncle Ming tried to say, "Master Su, since you promised to take the four Mojin captains to fight. Then we have to discuss the interests in advance. First of all, the thousand-year-old glacier crystal corpse , you can't want it!"

corpse?And the fucking Crystal Corpse?
Just you old clapper, who the hell would a normal person want that thing!

Su Mo felt a chill in his heart, "Of course, don't worry. I'm not interested in the corpse, you just take it!"

When Uncle Ming heard what Su Mo said, he felt much more at ease.

After several rounds of confrontation, although he didn't take advantage of anything, he also understood Su Mo's character to some extent, and he was vigorous and resolute. Coupled with Su Mo's reputation and strength, this kind of person would definitely disdain to lie to him.

Uncle Ming breathed a sigh of relief, "Master Su, the artifact in the tomb. How about we have one and a half?"

Su Mo sneered in his heart, he hadn't set off yet, and now he was thinking about artifacts, hiding places, that's not a good place.

Su Mo was expressionless, "No problem!"

Seeing that Su Mo agreed, Uncle Ming smiled a little more, "Okay, Master Su is happy, since that's the case. Then let's make a deal like this!"


ps: There may be another chapter tonight,
(End of this chapter)

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