People are in Panjiayuan, and they fool Lao Hu to rob the tomb at the beginning

Chapter 109 The Arrival of Zhang Rishan!The Zhang family?

Chapter 109 The Arrival of Zhang Rishan!The Zhang family?

"Okay, Master Su is happy, since that's the case. Then let's make a deal like this!"

Uncle Ming was ecstatic.

Su Mo nodded, "Okay, that's the deal..."

After finishing speaking, seeing that it was getting late, Su Mo stood up, "Mr. Lei, since everything is settled, give us a letter of approval when you leave..."

"Let's say goodbye first, no need to send..."

While Su Mo was talking, he picked up the wooden box on the table, and Lao Hu, Zhang Yingling and the other five also took the things on the ground and walked outside.

Seeing so many treasures being taken away, Uncle Ming's eyelids twitched, but he couldn't say anything, so he could only look away, seeing nothing!

Su Mo and the others drove away.


An hour later, Su Mo and his party returned to Panjiayuan.

Everyone took all the things in the car to the courtyard.

Su Mo pointed to the pictures of deep sea embellished jade and sunset roosting cows on the stone table, and said, "Big Jinya, put these two things away, they may be used in the future!"


Da Jinya nodded, and then put away the two wooden boxes.

Su Mo fumbled for a while from the treasures on the ground, and actually took out two yellowed and withered leaves from it.

The fat man leaned his head over like a curious baby and asked, "What is this? A leaf?"

Su Mo smiled and said, "This is a dragon scale!"

Dragon scales?

Everyone was dumbfounded, some couldn't believe it.

Su Mo came to the faucet and poured the dragon scale into the clear water, only to see the so-called dragon scale.When it meets clear water, it doubles in size in an instant.

The color also changes from yellow to green.The entire dragon scale became crystal clear, as if what was put into the bowl was not a leaf.But like a piece of emerald.

Everyone watched the changes in the leaves, and they were so surprised that they couldn't close their mouths from ear to ear.

I really opened my eyes today, and saw so many strange treasures.

Lao Hu seemed to remember something, and said, "This is the dragon scale in that fujian. It's also called Hairun Stone!"

Su Mo nodded and said, "That's right, it's the Hairun Stone. It is said that fishermen fishing along the coast like to put such a piece on their boats to avoid wind and waves. Offering a few pieces in dry places can also pray for rain!"

"Using it to make tea can also cure asthma. As for whether it is a dragon scale or not, it should be unlikely. But it is also a rare object!"

"Big Gold Tooth, put it away..."

Da Jinya's eyes are glowing and it can cure asthma. Isn't this what I want, you know, I have asthma since I was a child.

"Okay, okay, okay!"

As he spoke, the big gold tooth was quickly put away as if he had found a treasure.

Su Mo pointed to more than 20 treasures on the ground, "These treasures, you can pick all the ones you like, and let Da Jinya sell the rest..."


The fat man also knew Su Mo's temper, so he was not polite to him. He just smiled and started picking up treasures on the ground.

Everyone also took one or two.

The fat man was full of joy and grinned, "I really don't know why this Lei Xianming is so obsessed with ancient corpses. With so many antiques and two top-quality antiques added up, none of them are worth as much as the glacier millennium crystal corpse?"

Xueli Yang said, "It is estimated that the price they offered is many times that of this batch of antiques. Didn't he say that there are countless people rushing for that crystal corpse abroad..."

The fat man really didn't understand the pissing properties of these crooked nuts, so he pouted, "Whatever, why don't we take the crystal moon together at that time."

Old Hu rolled his eyes, and said speechlessly, "Get out, we're Captain Mojin, not gangsters..."

The fat man touched his nose, "I'm joking, I'm joking..."

Seeing that everyone was staring at him, Fatty didn't look for boredom, and stepped aside obediently.

Lao Hu frowned, and looked at Su Mo, "Are we really going to be this Hong Kong gangster's weapon? Although he sells corpses, selling crooked nuts is not allowed by law!"

After all, Lao Hu is a man who has served in the army. He always thinks about the country, and he can be called the political correctness in the army.

Su Mo smiled, "We'll help him find the crystal corpse, but as for whether he can take it away, it depends on his luck..."


"The Tibetan area is still related to Muchen Bead and your red-eyed curse. This Lei Xianming still has clues to the Mausoleum of the Demon Kingdom, so we naturally have to go and see!"


Just as he was talking, a deep voice came from outside the house, "Su Mo!"

Hearing this voice, Su Mo was a little surprised, "Why is he here?"

who is it?

Looking at the expression on Su Mo's face, everyone couldn't help feeling a little puzzled.

You know, after the incident at the Crescent Hotel, apart from them and Yingzi, there are not many people who dare to call Su Mo by his name.

"I gonna go see…"

Su Mo turned around and walked towards the shop. Everyone didn't know why, so he followed.

Inside the shop, there was a man in a suit with his hands behind his back, looking left and right at Su's shop.

Looking at the man, Zhang Yingying said in a low voice: "The dragon walks like a tiger, this is no ordinary person!"

After the big brother of the Nine Sects retired, this guy is one of the best characters, so he is not an ordinary person!

Su Mo muttered secretly in his heart, and then laughed loudly: "Adjutant, why are you here?"

"You want to see me all the time, say hello, my kid just ran to see you!"

The person who came was Zhang Rishan, one of the few big men in the Nine Sects who is still active.

Zhang Rishan turned around and looked at Su Mo with his eyes expressionless, but he was not angry, making people dare not look down on him, "You boy moved my stone lion away, so why don't you allow me to ask for it?"

The two stone lions are naturally not worth Zhang Rishan's trip in person. Su Mo naturally knew that Zhang Rishan had ulterior motives on this trip, so he laughed loudly, "Hahaha...It's my luck for the adjutant to come..."

luck?Lucky fart!
This old boy doesn't know what bad water is hiding in his heart!

Su Mo complained in his heart.

Zhang Rishan looked at Lao Hu behind Su Mo, Zhang Yingying and the others raised their eyebrows and said, "Your boy is full of talents!"

As the confidant of Master Zhang, the pure Zhang family, Zhang Rishan can detect the extraordinary things in Lao Hu, Zhang Yingying and others.

"Look at my pig brain memory..."

Su Mo cursed with a smile, "Come on, adjutant, let me introduce to you, this is Hu Bayi, Wang Kaixuan, Da Jinya, Zhang Yingying, they are all my life and death brothers..."

Zhang Rishan nodded one by one, but when he heard Zhang Yingying's name, his expression was a little unnatural, and there was a bit of turmoil in his pupils.

Zhang Rishan saw that Zhang Yingying had an extraordinary demeanor, and his body smelled like mud. Zhang Rishan knew that this was from frequent tomb fighting, and it was difficult for ordinary people to detect it.

Zhang Rishan said: "You...your surname is Zhang?"

His surname is Zhang, and he often robs graves. Zhang Rishan can't help but think of what happened many years ago.

The Zhang family, that is a very special family!

Although Zhang Yingying didn't know that Zhang Rishan would ask such a question, he still nodded, "Yes, my surname is Zhang!"


Zhang Rishan's spirit tensed up.

Su Mo laughed dumbly, "Adjutant, you are overthinking, my brother is just an ordinary surname Zhang, not the Zhang family!"


ps: late, late
(End of this chapter)

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