Chapter 110

"Adjutant, you are overthinking, my brother is just an ordinary surname Zhang, not the Zhang family!"

Su Mo said with a smile.


Zhang Rishan looked at Su Mo in surprise, and said, "You know a lot, don't you?"

Got it!
Su Mo secretly blamed himself for talking too much, why did he talk about everything!
Su Mo laughed, and quickly changed the subject, "Adjutant, let's go too far, I don't know why I'm here, old man?"

"If it's really for the stone lion, I'll give it to you right now, ha... I'm afraid you won't be able to take it away..."

Su Mo looked outside the house, and immediately teased, "Adjutant, why don't you drive a truck?"


Zhang Rishan was at a loss for words, and after a while, he said again: "You boy!"

"Stone Lion, treat it as if I sent you off, this time I will..."

Before Zhang Rishan finished speaking, Su Mo shook his head and refused, "Adjutant, it's not a coincidence. I may have some things to do recently, so I can't help you..."

Zhang Rishan was taken aback, "Do you know why I'm here?"

Su Mo shook his head, "I don't know, but I guess it has something to do with the Wang family..."

A few days ago, just after Jiumen had an accident, Zhang Rishan came to Panjiayuan today. It was hard not to make Su Mo think about that.


Zhang Rishan frowned, "You know a lot..."


Zhang Rishan changed his voice, "Knowing so much may not be a good thing!"

Su Mo said in a deep voice: "I didn't intend to meddle in the affairs of Jiumen and Wang's family, adjutant, just treat me like a fart..."

"Besides, I really didn't intend to save your face. Our brothers accepted an order. We will go to Tibet in a few days. I really can't help you..."


Zhang Rishan was silent for a moment, then sighed, "Forget it..."

Su Mo secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Jiumen had been fighting with the Wang family for so many years, and he really didn't want to get involved.

It may be a good thing to go to Tibet to avoid the limelight now.

Zhang Rishan said again: "But..."

Suddenly, Su Mo had a bad feeling in his heart.

The corners of Zhang Rishan's mouth turned up, "But I have a small favor, you must help..."

"Clap clap clap!"

Zhang Rishan clapped his hands, and two men who looked like bodyguards of the Crescent Hotel came in, followed by a little doll.

The little doll is about five or six years old, with a small powdery face and big agate-like eyes, very delicate, as delicate as a porcelain doll.

Zhang Rishan said: "Let this child stay with you for a few days, and I will take him back after a while..."

"No ..."

Su Mo hurriedly said: "I told you just now, we are going to Tibet... What's the matter with you throwing a child here..."

"We are not married yet, who will take care of the children?"

Su Mo looked at Lao Hu and Fatty.

Several people shook their heads, "No!"

"will not!"


The corners of Zhang Rishan's mouth turned up, and a smile emerged, "Don't rush to refuse, this is the grandson of Xie Jiuye, can you help me with this favor..."

Su Mo suddenly became dumb.

He can reject Zhang Rishan, but he refuses not to know his family!
During the previous trip to Yunnan, all kinds of guns and equipment were brought by Xie Jiuye. A few days ago at the Crescent Hotel, Su Mo lit up the sky lantern for the sake of the century-old unicorn, and it was Xie's family who rescued him in time.

At this time, I refused to solve the family, which seemed to be heartless and ignorant of good and evil.If it gets out in the future, others will secretly poke him in the back.


Su Mo hesitated to speak, "A family as big as the Xie family can't support a little devil..."

Zhang Rishan said: "Xie Lianhuan has disappeared, and now I don't know whether he will live or die..."

Thinking of what happened a few days ago, Su Mo's expression turned a little ugly.


At this time, the little baby burst into tears, "I don't want to be here, I'm going to Hangzhou, I want to play with Wu Xie..."


Su Mo also seems to have grasped at straws, "Adjutant, you can put the baby in Wu Shanju, the Wu family and the Xie family are cousins..."

Today in the 80s, Wu Xie was born a long time ago, counting the time, he is also about the same age as this doll.

Zhang Rishan looked at Su Mo, and said again: "Wu Sansheng disappeared with Xie Lianhuan..."

Su Mo's eyes flickered, which reminded him of something. If as expected, Wu Sanxing and Xie Lianhuan had reached a consensus at this time, and the two had already started to make arrangements.

"Little flower..."

Zhang Rishan squatted down and said to the little baby: "Hangzhou can't go, you have to stay here for a while..."

Little flower?

Su Mo blinked and said in surprise, "Is this brat Xie Yuhua?"


Zhang Rishan nodded, "That's right, it's him, Xie Yuchen, the grandson of Master Xie Jiu, also called Xie Yuhua!"

Su Mo froze for a moment, not knowing what to say.

"Su Mo...Su Mo..."

At this time, Yingzi also came out from the upstairs, and seeing Jieyuhua, who looked like a porcelain doll, her eyes lit up, "It's so cute..."

Su Mo covered his face, I said girl, you really can't see the current situation!

According to the description in the original book, Xie Yuchen and Wu Xie have known each other since they were young, and they can be called childhood sweethearts. According to the development of the original story, this little flower should have been sent away to Wu Shanju. Unexpectedly, this little flower was sent to him by mistake.

Zhang Rishan smiled, "Let Xiaohua stay here for a few days, and I'll pick him up after a while..."

Now that the matter has come to this point, Su Mo can't say anything, after all, he owes the Xie family a favor, "Okay, okay, let him stay with me..."

Hearing Su Mo's words, Yingzi picked up Xie Xiaohua, "Come on, sister will bring you candy!"

Zhang Rishan nodded, "Since that's the case, I'll take my leave too. I wish you all the best in Tibet..."

Su Mo smiled wryly, Lao Tzu is a general in Faqiu Zhonglang, a tomb robber, you ask Lao Tzu to be your nanny.

"No need to send..."

Zhang Rishan turned around and took away the people from the Crescent Hotel and left gracefully.

I'll give your grandma a leg!

Su Mo secretly cursed at Zhang Rishan's back.

"Big Gold Teeth..."

Su Mo whispered: "Take a few people from the security team and make them responsible for protecting the young master of the Xie family!"

Although Xie Yuhua was kept by Zhang Rishan, for Su Mo, the trip to Tibet was the most important thing.

Fortunately, he still has a security team of 500 people. Many of them are veterans like Lao Hu. It is not difficult to protect a five or six-year-old child.


Da Jinya nodded, "I'll arrange it!"

Fighting upside down in the grave, big gold tooth is not good, if he can't even look after a child now, he won't be able to mix in the team in the future, just find a piece of tofu and kill himself!
Su Mo turned around and turned to Lao Hu and Zhang Yingying again, and said, "We are determined to win the trip to Tibet. You should prepare and buy the equipment that should be bought..."

"Old Hu, you are familiar with Tibet, remember to help everyone prepare more equipment suitable for Tibet..."

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

The three Lao Hu and Zhang Yingying nodded their heads.

Su Mo waved his hand and said, "Go to work!"

Everyone retreated, Su Mo walked to the backyard, "Sister?"

Yingzi looked at Su Mo, "Huh?"

"Where's Xie Xiaohua?"


ps: There is another one tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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