Chapter 120 Small Inch Nails, Hidden Bone Ditch!
"Wang Wang Wang..."

The Tibetan puppy was very fast, like a galloping lightning. In the blink of an eye, it ran to Su Mo's feet, and rubbed Su Mo's heels affectionately, with a fawning look on his face.


The fat man said in surprise, "Why is there a puppy here?"

At this time, everyone in the team was attracted by this small puppy.

Tiebang Lama Ake glanced at it, and said, "This is a Tibetan puppy -- a Tibetan scorpion. It's not surprising that there are many dogs in Tibet, but..."

As he spoke, Ake also became confused, "It shouldn't appear here..."

"How did this puppy survive in such a remote place?"

As a local, Ake didn't know the reason, and outsiders like Lao Hu naturally had no one to answer Ake's doubts.

Su Mo leaned down and picked up the puppy. The more he looked at it, the more he liked it.

"This dog is too small..."

The fat man complained: "This reminds the fat man of the kind of miniature puppies raised by rich people in Yanjing. Although they look good, they don't live long..."


Three Inch Nail seemed to understand the fat man's words, and turned his head, his eyes widened, his teeth bared, and he glared at the fat man angrily.


The fat man was a little surprised, "Can this dog understand me?"

Three Inch Nail rolled his eyes and looked at Fatty with disgust.

I rely on!

The fat man yelled, "This dog has become a spirit, he is despising Fat Master... This dog is despising Fat Master and me..."

Everyone also looked at this scene in amazement.

The Tibetan area is really weird!
Even a dog with a bigger fart can understand human language!
"All right…"

Su Mo smoothed things over, "This dog is quite miraculous, let him follow us..."

In the original book, Sancunding is carried in the sleeve by the fifth dog all year round. Once Sancunding senses the danger from the outside world, he will immediately warn the owner in the sleeve.

Not only that, but the fighting power of this dog is also very strong!
"I'll call you Little Inch Nail in the future..."

With that said, Su Mo put the puppy on his shoulders.

Xiao Cunding licked Su Mo's ear and nodded repeatedly, as if he liked the name very much.

"Hiss... ah!"

At this moment, Uncle Ming squatted on the ground clutching his chest.

Seeing this, Han Shuna and Peter Huang hurried over, "Old Lei, are you okay?"

Uncle Ming waved his hands at everyone, "Altitude sickness, don't worry..."

Seeing that Uncle Ming's face was sallow, as if he was about to collapse, Su Mo was speechless, and thought to himself, is that all right?

You are not allowed to come, but you must come, you are a lot of age, and you must be brave!

Although he was extremely speechless and disgusted in his heart, Su Mo still reminded: "Let's go, I'm afraid people will die if we stay here..."

Su Mo turned to look at Ake, "Have you confirmed the location of the Phoenix Palace?"


Ake nodded, "It's at the junction of Tibet and Qinghai, near Mount Calamir..."

"That's all right..."

Su Mo nodded, "Since there is a result, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time, let's leave now..."

Uncle Ming's face was pale, and he said weakly, "Okay... let's go!"

Peter Huang left the Reincarnation Temple with Uncle Ming on his back. Su Mo asked Old Hu Fatty to clean up A Dong's body. The iron rod Lama Ake performed a ritual for him, and then everyone left hastily and rushed to a nearby town.


A few days later, at the junction of the Qingzang border, Ake, the iron rod lama, bid farewell to everyone, and personally put a khata on Lao Hu's shoulder, "This time, I will pray for you every day in front of the Bodhisattva!"

Lao Hu had a bit of unbearable expression on his face. You must know that Lama Tiebang is over 60 years old now, and it has been more than ten years since they met last time.

If it weren't for this damn ghost hole curse, Lao Hu would also like to stay with Ake for a few more days.


Old Hu said with a serious face, "If I can come back alive this time, I will definitely come to see you..."

Ake grinned, and Lao Hu hugged Ake tightly.


Lao Hu patted Ake on the shoulder, "Take care of yourself..."

Although Lama Tiebang said goodbye to Ake, but knowing that everyone was going to Karamil, Lama Tiebang recommended a herdsman named Ji Ji for everyone.

Lao Hu called him "the first day of junior high school" affectionately, because this auspicious means the first day of junior high school in Chinese.

This person is less than 40 years old, a typical Kham man, with a shrewd and capable appearance, and he is also the only person in this area who has been in Calamir.

A group of people sat on yaks and first passed through the no-man's land. After walking in the no-man's land for a few days, the more they walked, the more they felt that something was wrong.

The uninhabited land, which was originally a rare place, gradually has a lot of bones.

Although most of them belonged to animals, but the bones were so thick that Uncle Ming, Han Shuna and the others were still trembling.

The first day of junior high school seemed to see the doubts on everyone's faces, and explained, "The front is the Canggu Ditch. Every year, a large number of cattle, wild sheep, Tibetan cattle and horses come here to commit suicide, and there are mountains of bones piled up underneath. Hence the name!"

A large number of beasts also committed suicide here?

The fat man looked suspicious, and subconsciously looked at the puppy on Su Mo's shoulder, "Brother Su, don't worry about this little Tibetan dog in the Tibetan bone ditch..."


Xiao Cunding stood on Su Mo's shoulder, glaring at the fat man, his tits were fierce.

"Ha ha…"

Su Mo laughed and comforted the puppy on his shoulder, "Little Inch Nail will not commit suicide..."

Through these few days of observation, Su Mo found that his little Inch Nail was extremely intelligent, and could be called the best among dogs. Compared with Bian Mu, he was just a child.

"Let's go..."

On the first day of the junior high school, he took the initiative to say, "It's getting late, we have to go through the Tibetan bone ditch as much as possible..."

Everyone nodded, and then followed behind Chuyi, and the team walked into Zanggugou not long after.

I saw rocks and weeds everywhere in the ditch, and there were countless animal bones inside.

The most are some cow horns and goat horns, these things.These things are immortal for thousands of years
They walked about a quarter of the way.

At this point, night has fallen!
Everyone still couldn't find a suitable place to camp, and the buffaloes in the team were already getting a little restless.

For the sake of safety, the expedition team had to find a few dead trees nearby to stop and set up tents.

Everyone ate and drank around the fire, and the bold guide told the Tai family the folklore of Xizang on the first day of the new year.

"Have you noticed that the beast bones in this Zanggu ditch are a bit special?"

Shirley Yang looked at the corpses here, and couldn't help but feel that this place was abnormal.

The fat man glanced at it and said disapprovingly, "Special? Nothing special?"

Shirley Yang shook her head and said, "Those ox horns, goat horns, bear heads and remnants of bones seem to be the most recent, and they should be two or three hundred years old."

"If the truth is the same as the legends, why haven't wild animals jumped into the ditch to commit suicide in recent years?"


Hearing Xue Liyang's words, everyone fell into deep thought for an instant.


Ps: I'm late, I'm late, I have a lot of entertainment recently, sorry

(End of this chapter)

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