Chapter 121 Zhang Qiling! ! !
Xue Liyang's words made everyone in the team fall into deep thought.


After a moment of silence, Lao Hu tried to say: "The legends handed down from ancient times may only retain some shadows of the truth, and they cannot be regarded as real things..."

"Those wild beasts that jumped off the cliff to die may be surrounded by wolves. It may also be because of the temptation of some natural factors. Although those things are unimaginable, they do exist in the world..."

I have to say that Lao Hu is really able to rationally analyze the development of things at any time.

This is also the reason why Su Mo admires Lao Hu the most.

It may be because of this that in the original book, Lao Hu was able to lead the Mojin trio to life and death, and escaped from death many times!
Su Mo said: "The half-volume sixteen-character yin-yang feng shui secret technique handed down by Lao Hu and Lao Zhang's ancestors also mentioned the structural layout of the nine-story demon tower in Tibet..."

While talking, Su Mo threw a bone to Xiao Cunding and asked him to be on guard.

Xiao Cunding nodded and accepted the order happily, like a little soldier about to go to battle, he raised his head and walked to the side with small steps.

Seeing this scene, everyone burst into laughter.

Su Mo continued: "It is recorded in the Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang Secret Technique that a tomb in the form of a demon tower must be accompanied by two dragon-shaped sacrificial ditch of the same size, and perhaps the Tibetan bone ditch under our feet is one of them. "

"The remnants of the Demon Kingdom may have held unknown sacrifices here!"

After finishing speaking, Su Mo pointed to the half-dead wooden pile not far away, "There is a very vague three-eyed human-headed ghost face on it, at least it was left over hundreds of years ago, and it is almost completely weathered..."

Lao Hu also nodded, and said, "That's right, I've seen several similar totem marks since I entered Zanggugou..."

"For us, this should be regarded as good news, indicating that we are not far from the Phoenix Palace."

"Oh woo~"

At this time, Xiao Cunding, who was in charge of guarding at the side, suddenly yelled, "Wow, woof!"

Su Mo opened his golden pupils to look for prestige, and when he looked up, he saw a few hungry wolves not far away.

Su Mo looked at Xiao Cun Nail, quite surprised, "The little guy has a keen sense of smell..."

Su Mo reminded everyone, "Everyone be careful, wolves are coming."

On the first day of the new year, Lao Hu and Zhang Yingying immediately took up their shotguns and stood on guard.

I saw a few hungry wolves standing a few hundred meters away. This distance would be fine if it was daytime, but now it is night, which has a great impact on aiming and shooting.

Under the night!
Everyone could only vaguely see the hungry wolf's green eyes and vague figure!
On the first day of the lunar new year, he pulled the bolt of the shotgun and raised the gun to prepare to shoot.

Old Hu said hastily. "These wolves are trying to test our firepower. They are definitely not the only wolves. It is useless to kill them, and they will also anger the wolves behind them!"

At this time.

A white shadow suddenly appeared in the distance, its hair trembling in the night sky, and its sturdy figure was like a ox.

"Wolf King!"

Old Hu said in surprise, "White-haired wolf king, I met him a few times over ten years ago, and I didn't take advantage of it. I didn't expect it to be alive!"

Su Mo pulled out the Scarlet Sky Sword, and said calmly, "It's just a white wolf, kill it, go back and make a white wolf blanket with my sister..."

"Wang Wang Wang..."

Xiao Cun Nail rubbed against Su Mo's legs.

Su Mo was startled, lowered his head, a little in disbelief, "Leave it to you, the wolf king?"

Little Inch Nail nodded.

The fat man bumped Lao Hu's elbow, "Old Hu, the white-haired wolf king who makes you feel terrifying, Xiao Cun Nail has already taken the initiative to ask for a fight!"

Lao Hu: "..."

Hu Bayi looked sideways at the fat man, as if to say, you mean I'm not as good as a dog.

Fortunately, the white-haired wolf king just stared at everyone for a while, and turned around and left with a few hungry wolves after a while.

Su Mo raised his eyebrows, and just about to say something, he saw a foggy white light in the sky ahead.The light flickered and swayed.

This strange light.Just around the top of Xuefeng.For a moment, there seemed to be a sacred light like the sun and the moon embracing each other, and contracting with each other.

Old Hu was shocked. "This is the fairy light. I have heard of it a long time ago, but I have never seen it. The legend of this fairy light can only be seen by those who are predestined!"

The people were beyond shocked.

Sydney Yang Kepu said: "It was just a phenomenon of synchronous discharge in the clouds just now. This phenomenon will occur at night when the clouds under the snow-capped mountains are too thick!"


The corner of Lao Hu's mouth twitched, he was choked up by Xueli Yang.

Su Mo's heart moved, and then he pinched his fingers and counted. His body and mind were shaken, and the suffocation in his chest almost didn't come up.

"Cough cough..."

As if touching something taboo, Su Mo coughed violently.

The fat man asked suspiciously, "Brother Su?"

Su Mo murmured: "It actually involves the reincarnated Buddha in Zang!"

"The reincarnated Buddha?"

Hearing Su Mo's words, Chu Yi was stunned, "We haven't had a reincarnated Buddha for a long time..."

Su Mo's face was solemn, "The previous generation is not dead yet, so how could a new one be born!"

On the first day of the lunar new year, his eyes widened, with a look of hell,

Su Mo said to himself, "Brother, brother, I didn't expect you to have such a great reputation in Tibet!"

Old Hu also looked suspicious, "Brother Su, it's impossible. When I was young, I heard a few white-bearded lama masters talk about the living Buddha. It stands to reason that this person should have passed away long ago. He..."

Seeing Su Mo shaking his head, Lao Hu's voice stopped abruptly.

Su Mo said, "He's still alive..."

Zhang Rishan is still alive, so Zhang Qiling, who is the direct blood of the Zhang family, is also still alive.

Old Hu said: "This hiding place is really a hell!"

Su Mo shook his head, knowing that this is not the time to say this, "Let's go, leave Zanggugou, we are very close to our destination, let's work hard and rest at the next place..."

"it is good!"

The inside of Zanggugou was covered with white bones, and outside was surrounded by wolves. Everyone knew that this place was not a good place, so they packed up their luggage and continued on their way.

The forest, sea and snow-capped mountains are boundless, and the sky has also turned gray and white.

On the first day of the lunar new year, everyone was asked to stop, pointing to the ice waterfall, and said: "There is an ice board in front, just below the ice waterfall, the main peak of a snow mountain above the ice waterfall!"

"The land surrounded by four snow-capped mountains you are looking for. It is just ahead. I saw it with my own eyes when I went up to collect herbs. It happens to be surrounded by four giant snow-capped peaks!"

Hearing the words of the first day of junior high school, Lao Hu put away the compass and said, "The weather here is extraordinary. Just looking at the tens of millions of tons of snow on the Daxue Mountain makes people feel chills!"

"Fortunately, the forest belt between the glaciers is very wide, bypassing the icefall and walking through the forest. As long as there are no major accidents, it will not cause an avalanche!"

Su Mo nodded, "At the end of the forest is an undulating glacier. The altitude rises suddenly. The glacier is above the snow line. It seems to be tens of thousands of years ago. This is not an alpine ice lake, but an alpine basin..."

Old Hu smiled, "Sure enough, there are four towering snow-capped peaks of similar size all around. These are the dragon necks of the backbone of heaven and earth. The demon tower dedicated to the evil god is likely to be frozen in this glacier!"

Hearing the conversation between the two, Uncle Ming became excited instantly, "It's finally here. It's finally here, it's finally here!"


Ps: I can’t type some words, this chapter stuck me for a day,
(End of this chapter)

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