Chapter 122 Frozen Ancient Corpse
Uncle Ming shouted loudly: "It's finally here, it's finally here, it's finally here!"

Thinking that the Millennium Crystal Corpse is nearby.Uncle Ming was too excited.

The fat man smiled and said, "Then what are you waiting for, let's go!"

When everyone saw the target, they all cheered up. They couldn't wait to rush forward, trying to find the nine-story demon building as soon as possible.

The ice here is so slippery that it looks like a mirror.


There was a scream.

Peter Huang has been staying in the south, and has never been to such a place of ice and snow. He walked a little faster and even slipped a few somersaults, and his tailbone was about to crack!
Su Mo had no choice but to let Chuyi and Fatty carry him away
This Uncle Ming and his group really came here to slow them down, even the athletic bodyguards were like this.


Everyone was just about to go on.After counting the number of people, Lao Hu ran over and said to Su Mo, "Brother Su, Han Shuna is missing!"

Su Mo: "..."

Good guy, everyone is holding back.

Uncle Ming was really embarrassed to be looked at by Su Mo, so he turned his eyes to the side, not daring to meet Su Mo's gaze.

Old Hu said: "This glacier is full of crevices, cirques, and ice leaks. If you really fall into it, it will be troublesome!"

【Ding! 】

The system sounded, [Congratulations to the host for triggering the special selection condition...]

Special selection criteria?

Su Mo was startled, and thought to himself, "How special is it?"

[Option 150: Look for Han Shuna, and reward Little Inch Nail with a permanent power gain of [-]%...]

[Option 200: According to the development of the plot, reward wisdom with a permanent gain of [-]%...]

[Choice 30: Change Han Shuna's life against the sky, and reward Xiao Cun Nail with [-] years of life! 】


These rewards for co-authoring are all small nails!Sure enough, "special" enough.

The little inch nail appeared on Su Mo's shoulder with a "swoosh", and it licked Su Mo's ear affectionately, with a fawning expression.

"small things…"

Su Mo smiled, "You have a good nose..."

"Do you want wisdom, or do you want power?"

Although Su Mo was asking a question, he didn't give Xiao Cunnail any time to think, and immediately said, "What strength and wisdom, long life is king!"

Xiao Cunding tilted his head, as if he still didn't understand Su Mo's words.

Su Mo smiled, and looked away from the small nail, "Old Hu, fat man, find Han Shuna, I can't let her die here..."

In the original book, Han Shuna would be burned to death by infinite karma. Since she chose to change her fate for Han Shuna, Su Mo would not let her die here.

Hearing Su Mo's words, everyone scattered and returned to search.

After searching for a long time, after about half an hour, everyone found a broken ice cave.

Lao Hu quickly took a photo with a flashlight inside, and the ice cave was seven or eight meters deep.

Han Shuna was falling inside, unconscious.

"Han Shuna!"


"Sister Han!"

Everyone called out in low voices, but there was no response from below.

"Oh, good is this, how could it be like this!"

Seeing that his wife's life and death were unknown down there, Uncle Ming was very anxious.

Lao Hu comforted: "Don't worry too much. Fortunately, it's not too deep here, and I'm still wearing a full set of protective gear. At most, I was overly frightened when I fell, and then passed out. Just go down and pull her up. Nothing will happen!"

As he said that, Lao Hu packed up the rope and prepared to go down. "wait!"

Shirley Yang took out a fluorescent stick and threw it down.

White light came on, illuminating the walls of the cave.

Everyone looked down and exclaimed, "Ah!
"I go!"

I saw many dead people in ancient clothes and crowns frozen in the ice wall below.They all kept standing and bowed their heads, forming a circle.

They seemed to be still alive, staring down at the unconscious Han Shuna.

The scene is very weird.

Xueli Yang said: "It seems that this hole is not a product of nature. The corpses frozen in the ice wall are all in a mysterious posture, standing and looking down diagonally!"

Old Hu is kind-hearted, he can't see anyone dying here, "Stop talking about it, you have to go down and rescue Han Shuna. No matter how you look at it, this ice cave has a strong evil spirit. It is definitely not a good place!"

Su Mo nodded and said, "Let's go, go down and have a look first."

Everyone quickly let go of the rope.Su Mo hugged the small inch nail from his shoulder, then grabbed the rope and slid down.

Although Lao Hu and the others had practiced light kung fu with Su Mo for a while, their strength was not as good as Su Mo's after all. They grabbed the rope with both hands and slowly fell down.

Su Mo, Lao Hu, and Fatty couldn't care less about looking at the dead people in the surrounding ice walls.Quickly check Han Shuna's injuries first.

There was no obvious trauma on the body, even if the face was scratched by a few shallow scratches, the person just passed out.

Lao Hu patted Han Shuna, "Wake up!"


Han Shuna sneezed immediately and slowly woke up.

Old Hu asked, "Are you injured?"

Han Shuna shook her head.

Seeing that Han Shuna was safe and sound, Su Mo breathed a sigh of relief and began to study the ancient corpses around.

Lao Hu also came to Su Mo's side, looked at the corpses, and boldly deduced: "These corpses may have been frozen in the ice wall when they were alive, so they are all alive."

"The inside is full of floors next to each other. It's hard to estimate the number, but there are no fewer than dozens of them that can be seen..."

After Lao Hu finished speaking, Shirley Yang tied a rope to Han Shuna and asked Uncle Ming and others above to pull her up.

Zhang Yingying said: "I heard from Ake before that the reincarnation sect is the remnant of the Demon Kingdom. If it is as expected, this should be the tomb of the reincarnation religion master!"

Shirley Yang said: "It is very possible that the glacier where the evil god demon tower is buried must be a holy place in the eyes of the followers of the reincarnation sect of later generations. After the death of their suzerain believers, they are probably also buried here. This ice cave is one of them. "

Su Mo nodded, "It makes sense, these people around should be believers buried with him!"

Old Hu suggested: "The nine-story demon building is surrounded by the glacier. I don't know how many such ice cave tombs are there. You might as well dig out the body of the leader under the ice and see what information is in his funeral objects..."

"As a remnant of the Demon Kingdom, I believe that there must be something hidden here that we don't know about. Maybe there are records about the red spot curse!"

Hearing Lao Hu's suggestion, Fatty, Xue Liyang's eyes lit up.

They don't care about crystal corpses, but if there is any record about the red eye curse, they will not let go of any clues.

Su Mo nodded, "OK!"

After discussing with each other, several people climbed back from the ice hole to the top.

Uncle Ming saw Su Mo and the others climbing up.Hastily surrounded.

Uncle Ming asked anxiously, "What's down there?"

Su Mo replied truthfully, "There are ancient corpses all over the ground below. We decided to dig out the corpse of the reincarnation suzerain first, and use this to infer and determine the specific location of the demon tower!"

Uncle Ming was overjoyed, "Okay, Brother Su, I remember you said you were not interested in corpses..."

Su Mo smiled, "I won't snatch the corpse from you, don't worry..."

The smile on Uncle Ming's face became even wider, "Okay, okay, I believe Brother Su..."

Old Hu looked at Fatty, "Fatty, prepare tools!"


The fat man took out Luoyang shovel and other tomb-robbing tools.


ps: It's too bad that there are no online dramas,

(End of this chapter)

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