Chapter 127 Little Inch Nail VS Wolf King
Uncle Ming exclaimed, "It's alive, it's alive, it's still... still moving!"

While shouting, Uncle Ming looked at Su Mo, "Brother Su, the treasure of the corpse suppressor, hurry up... take it out..."

Su Mo rolled his eyes and didn't pay much attention to Uncle Ming.


There are four Mojin school lieutenants here, one Faqiu Zhonglang general, two kings + four 2's Tianhu start the game, what kind of baby to suppress corpses!
Who do you look down on?

Isn't this slapping them in the face!
However, everyone became nervous again when they heard Uncle Ming say that the things under the crystal were alive and could still move.

Dead bodies that have been dead for thousands of years are alive?
Is it so mysterious?
Thinking of all the things that happened in Tibet, everyone became more and more uncertain.

Everyone gritted their teeth, bit the bullet and looked at the things inside the Crystal Freedom Mountain again.


The fat man exclaimed, "There are really living things inside!"

Su Mo opened his golden pupils and glanced down. Just inside the crystal shell, there were a lot of things like mercury flowing slowly.

This quicksilver's shadow has clear lines, it just happens to be a woman in the quicksilver figure's body.There are some crimson things that glow slightly, as if they are the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and other internal organs of the human body!
Because of being covered by the crystal corpse outside, no one except Su Mo could see the true face of the mercury-like human figure.

The fat man chuckled, "It's really a crystal corpse. This figure, tsk tsk, can even see the internal organs..."

Uncle Ming looked more and more excitedly and said, "It seems that this is the crystal corpse of a thousand years ago. I really looked for him thousands of times, and when I looked back, that man was in a dimly lit place!"

Lao Hu originally hoped to find a way to use the heavy dust beads to eliminate the curse from the nine-story demon tower, but he didn't expect that there was no information in the nine-story demon tower that was placed on high hopes.

Now all hope is placed on this crystal corpse.

Lao Hu said: "Come on, give me a hand, everyone help, let's lift the Crystal Zizai Mountain out of the pit, and see if it is a thousand-year crystal stone inside!"

Uncle Ming was stunned, "Are you going to watch it here?"

Old Hu asked back: "Otherwise?"

Uncle Ming said hesitantly, "Let's ship Calamir out and open it again, so we don't have to worry about avalanches anymore. Then we can do whatever we want..."

Lao Hu shook his head and directly refused, "It is definitely not feasible. Although this kind of iceberg crystal stone is much stronger than we imagined, it will not be broken so easily. But use climbing ropes to bind the gold bars. Hang them up layer by layer. Juggling with a bomb on his head!"

"What's more, we not only have to move to the snowfield on the top floor, but we also have to go through the icy and snowy Shenluogou. That's even more difficult than climbing to the sky!"

"If you want to take out the glacier crystal corpse, you have to take the risk at the bottom of the tower. Although it seems dangerous to do so, it is actually much safer than transporting it out!"

Su Mo nodded, looked at Uncle Ming and said, "Old nonsense is right, it's not easy to take this thing out, do you carry Peter Yellow Back?"

Seeing that Su Mo had spoken, Uncle Ming smiled resentfully, and dared not say anything more.

Su Mo glanced at his watch and said, "It's almost dark now. I think the wolves will launch a general attack before the snow stops tonight. They are starving in the snow ditch. It's almost reached the limit now!"

Chu nodded and said, "That's right, I have a hunch that the wolves will definitely come tonight!"

As soon as the white-haired wolf king was mentioned, Lao Hu's heart sank. He and the white-haired wolf king had hatred. If the wolves launched a general attack tonight, they must be completely killed.

Su Mo said: "Let's go, let's go back and eat something, everyone replenish some energy..."

Then, everyone returned to the ground, full of food and drink.


There was a gunshot, and Peter Huang lay in the snow and shouted, "Here they are, these beasts are here!"


Dozens of hungry wolves jumped out of the snow in all directions almost at the same time, rolling up a large amount of snow and fog and rushing towards them.

This moment.Everyone's eyes seemed to have an illusion.It was as if the whole snow slope was shaking and boiling suddenly.

It is said that a few packs of wolves came in surprise!


Su Mo shouted loudly.Shoot first.

da da da da da da da da

The others immediately fired in unison.

Hey da da da da da!

Countless bright red blood immediately bloomed on the white snow.

Under this desperate charge, the distance between the wolves and the crowd is getting closer and closer, and they are getting closer to the defense zone of the crowd.

After everyone shot and killed more than 30 giant wolves in the first wave, the second wave of hungry wolves rushed forward like a white whirlwind.

Lao Hu, Fatty, Shirley Yang, Zhang Yingma, and Peter Huang Chuyi had no time to change magazines.

With the speed of a wolf, the time required to change a magazine is enough to knock down an adult human.

Everyone raised their pistols and shot!


Almost one shot at a time, dozens of hungry wolves were shot and killed one by one.

The sound of a steady shot instills courage and counteracts the fear of melee combat.

On the first day of the first day of the lunar new year, he slashed wildly with a Tibetan knife. An old wolf was a little slow to dodge, and half of his nose was cut off by the lightning-like blade, whimpering in pain.

On the first day of junior high school, the sword was raised again.Chop off its wolf head!
Starting from the first shot on the first day of junior high school.In less than 2 minutes, there was a piece of wolf corpse on the ground.

There were a few hungry wolves mixed in that hadn't completely breathed out, panting like white steam from time to time.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and their tense nerves relaxed.


Just when everyone had just escaped from the tense state of the fierce battle and relaxed a little.

A white ghostly figure suddenly appeared behind Chuyi, and the wolf king had already thrown Chuyi's shoulder.

Lao Hu, Fatty, Shirley Yang, Zhang Yingling, Peter Huang, and even the very sensitive first day of junior high school didn't see where the wolf king came from.

Everyone wants to shoot.But I found that the pistol and the submachine gun were all out of bullets, and I hadn't had time to change the magazines.

This white-haired one-eyed old wolf is about to mature.It seemed to have watched the pack of wolves all be shot.

Even so, he just lay there motionless in the snow

Until he saw the opportunity, he caught it off guard and caught everyone by surprise.


Su Mo kicked and fought the white-haired wolf king with a Kuixing.


The white-haired wolf king screamed in pain, and stood up trembling.

Su Mo frowned, "It's kind of interesting that I'm still alive after being kicked by Kuixing..."

Su Mo became playful, pulled out the Chixiao Sword behind his back, looked directly at the white-haired wolf king, "Come on, I'll play with you!"

The white-haired wolf king seemed to sense Su Mo's provocation, and glared at Su Mo with angry eyes.


Everyone held their breath and waited anxiously.

"Wang Wang Wang..."

At this time, an extremely discordant voice sounded, and Xiao Cun Nail stood in front of Su Mo.


Su Mo was taken aback, put down the sword, his expression was strange, "You want to deal with it?"

Xiao Cunding lowered her head proudly.


ps: After going back to my hometown, I feel pretty good.

(End of this chapter)

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