Chapter 128 Goodbye Fire Ladybug

Su Mo's expression was strange, "You deal with it?"

Xiao Cunding lowered his head arrogantly.

Everyone looked at each other, looked at the body of the white-haired wolf king Ru Niu, and then at the small body of Xiao Cunding.

This contrast is really too strong!
Brother Su's pet, don't be bitten to death by this white hair!

The fat man muttered secretly.

"Ha ha…"

Su Mo laughed loudly and said, "Okay, I leave this white hair to you..."

Su Mo also wanted to see the strength of Xiaocun Nail. After all, it was the same model as Wu Laogou, and his combat power should be different.


Xiao Cunding yelled excitedly at Su Mo, eager to try.

When Little Cun Nail looked at the white-haired wolf king, it reacted immediately, a cold light burst out from its eyes.

The body instantly disappeared in place, and the next second, Xiao Cun Nail appeared behind the white-haired wolf king.

When Little Inch Nail first appeared, the white-haired wolf king felt a chill coming from behind.

Little Inch Nail's speed was too fast, the white-haired wolf king couldn't keep up with its speed, and in the blink of an eye, Little Inch Nail had already stood behind it.

Xiao Cunding stood behind the white-haired wolf king, and stretched out his claws to grab the white-haired wolf king's neck.

"So fast!"

Everyone didn't expect that the little inch nail that slept on Su Mo's shoulder every day could be so fast.

Everyone was amazed by Xiao Cun Nail's performance!

This is the first attack of the small inch nail, but it has a very good effect. Once it is caught by the small inch nail, it will turn into meat sauce even if it is hit with iron.

But this time, the white-haired wolf king seemed to have expected such a situation long ago, it turned around swiftly, avoiding the attack of Little Inch Nail.

The little inch nail was caught empty, it was not discouraged at all, its eyes shone with indifference, and its figure disappeared in place in an instant.

In the next second, Little Cun Nail appeared in front of the white-haired wolf king again, its claws grabbed at the white-haired wolf king's neck.

Its speed was many times faster than before. It was like a black cannonball, and it quickly grabbed the white-haired wolf king's neck.

After the white-haired wolf king felt the threat from Little Inch Nail, his heart suddenly jumped wildly, and his legs were also trembling, as if he might collapse to the ground at any moment.

Its pupils shrank violently, its eyes were full of fear, and its body kept shaking.

The white-haired wolf king was scared, Xiao Cunnail was too powerful, and after the white-haired wolf king felt the danger, its body began to instinctively move to one side to avoid it.

It's a pity that the white-haired wolf king was still one step too late, his body could no longer avoid it, and he was caught by Xiaocunnail's claws just like that.

The body of the white-haired wolf king was caught and flew out. It hit the wall and fell to the ground, making a bang bang sound.

Xiao Cunding ran over excitedly, and tore off the white-haired wolf king's head with its sharp claws.


In the rear, there were dozens of hungry wolves howling.


Xiao Cunding stepped on the white-haired wolf king's corpse and roared at the hungry wolves behind him, "Wow, woof, woof!"

Its voice was quite delicate and clear, but in conjunction with the white-haired corpse under its feet, all the hungry wolves became dumb now.


After a moment of stalemate, the wolves escaped into the forest slowly by the darkness.

I rely on!

The fat man yelled in disbelief, "Xiao Inch Nail is amazing!"

Su Mo has been watching from the side. Seeing the death of the white-haired wolf king, he also heaved a sigh of relief, nodded, and praised, "Little Inch Nail has a lifespan of 30 years, an extraordinary dog!"

30-year lifespan!

The fat man's mouth grew big, he bent down, and quickly hugged Xiao Cunding, "Brother Dog, no, Lord can you live so long..."

Old Hu was speechless, looked at the crowd, and asked, "Are you all right..."


Everyone shook their heads, and the tour guide suffered a slight injury on the first day of junior high school, but it was not a big problem, and Lao Hu quickly helped him bandage the wound.


Su Mo led everyone to take a puff of cigarettes, then returned to the nine-story demon tower, and went directly to the eighth floor.

The fat man hugged the small inch nail, looked around at the meditating ancient corpses, and said with a smile: "These eighteen black-faced arhats have worked really hard, and they are still standing guard here..."

Old Hu was taken aback, and smiled, "You don't know how to count? This is obviously nineteen, okay..."

The fat man also thought that he had made a mistake in counting, so he shook his head in embarrassment and laughed.

Su Mo looked around and said, "It's indeed eighteen..."

Old Hu's pupils shrank, and he counted again carefully,
There are six rows, which are divided into three rows of arc rows.

Old Hu's eyes flickered, and he said in a low voice: "I remember that there is a row of 7 corpses. Could it be that I remembered it wrong?"

"No, you remember correctly. I also remember that there was a row of 7 corpses!"

Shirley Yang responded to Lao Hu very positively.

The two froze, and a corpse disappeared?

At this moment, the others also became nervous, and the body was gone.Go away by yourself?
Suddenly, a terrifying atmosphere rose on the eighth floor.

Ah Xiang even hid behind Xue Liyang in fear, clutching Xue Liyang's arm nervously.

"Don't be nervous, even if it's a fraudulent corpse, it's fine, just send it away again. Old Hu. Let's go and see the situation..."

Su Mo looked very calm.

Sometimes the more you have experienced this kind of thing, the less afraid you will be.


Su Mo said to Lao Hu, "Let's go and see what's going on..."

Lao Hu patted the crooked headlight on the mountaineering helmet, held the black donkey's hoof in one hand, and held the gun in the other, and followed Su Mo to grope forward to check the tall ancient corpses.

Su Mo pointed to a dark corner, "There is a crack here!"

When Lao Hu heard about it, he hurriedly followed Su Mo over.

Old Hu muttered: "These ancient corpses are all leaning against the wall. Could it be that one of the ancient corpses fell into it? Why did it happen at this time!"

Before the two could get closer, they heard a movement.It was as if a big log was moving in that crack.

Su Mo and Lao Hu probed down to look down, and saw the large crack in the corner of the wall slanting downward, like a bottomless abyss.

A reckless white wolf-shaped Xue Maitreya is slowly pushing aside the black wood.It seems that he wants to make room for himself so that he can climb into the demon tower.

Lao Hu was just going to ask Fatty for explosives, and throw him down to blow up the cave below.Press it into the ground.

Lao Hu just took out a bundle of explosives, and before he could throw it away, he heard a "bang" from below.

Immediately afterwards, Peter Huang and Uncle Ming yelled at the same time, "No!"

Old Su Mo looked back.

I saw that Uncle Ming and Peter Huang had raised the Crystal Freedom Mountain to the eighth floor.

It's just that the two of them are staring at the Crystal Zizai Mountain that fell to the ground and shattered.

Lao Hu looked at Uncle Ming with a bewildered expression, and asked, "What... the situation?"

Why did the crystal Zizai mountain shatter when I left for a while?

Even Peter Huang looked at the opposite friend in a daze

Uncle Ming said embarrassingly, "Then what? I'm too tired. I couldn't hold it up. The stone shattered as soon as I loosened my hand."

Uncle Ming emphasized the word stone.

The meaning is obvious, this stone is not held, don't blame me!
Old Hu just wanted to say something.

Just now.

There was a dense burst of broken sounds from below, and it became a sound in a moment.

Shirley Yang suddenly showed shock, and a bad premonition emerged in her heart.


A muffled thunder-like sound came from above.

When everyone heard this voice, they immediately understood that the curse had taken effect, and the avalanche began!
To be more precise, it was the infrasound that was sealed in the Crystal Freedom Mountain.

The avalanche is about to begin!
(End of this chapter)

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