Chapter 130 Evil Ghost Sea City

Countless Dapu ghosts flew out from the mouth of the crystal corpse, flapped their wings, and stared at Su Mo and the others intently.


Su Mo cursed secretly, held the long sword, and looked directly at Dapu Ghost Worm, the Qinglong blood on his body suddenly erupted.

"It's endless, isn't it..."

Su Mo stretched his muscles and bones, "If the tiger doesn't show its power, you think I'm critically ill? Come if you're not afraid of death!"

"Wang Wang Wang..."

Xiao Cunding bared his teeth and roared again and again.


Seemingly afraid of Su Mo's aura, Dapu ghost worm and Su Mo stalemate for a while, and finally flew to other places.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief again for the rest of their lives.

"This crystal corpse..."

Fatty looked at the crystal corpse at the side, and said cursingly, "What a fucking door!"

There are so many Dapu ghosts hiding in his mouth, I really don't know who the hell designed this ghost idea.

"I'll tape him up..."

With that said, the fat man was about to start.

Su Mo felt strange, counted his fingers, and immediately stopped him, "Fatty, wait a minute!"


With a crisp sound, the crystal corpse exploded, and the dark red transparent organs fell to the ground.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Su Mo picked up the two crystal balls on the ground.

One was dim, and the cold white light of the other crystal ball was much brighter than before.

Su Mo knew that the reason why the Nadap ghost worm could freely switch between Wuliangyehuo and Naijushenbing should be with the help of this crystal ball.

Su Mo took out a pistol from his arms and pointed it at the dim crystal ball.


The gunshot rang out, and the crystal ball exploded directly. The Dapu ghost worms that had been flying around in the air trembled and fell to the ground after a while.

Seeing this scene, Su Mo confirmed his conjecture even more.

Zhang Yingxuan suggested, "Brother Su, there is not much air here, we have to evacuate as soon as possible!"

In fact, Zhang Yingying didn't need to remind, everyone's chest felt tight, and they had already noticed that something was wrong.

Lao Hu was more straightforward, quickly walked through the gap on the eighth floor, took out the compass to quickly find the direction, and then began to pry the door panel at the bottom of the tower.

After prying, another surprising discovery was made immediately.

Old Hu raised his eyebrows, "The black wood here is not original at all, but someone took it down and reinstalled it!"

"The outside is not rammed earth, but ordinary frozen soil backfilled. It looks like a repaired robbery hole, but judging from the traces, it must not be left in modern times."

Everyone listened.Come to help quickly.

With this ancient secret passage, digging outside is easy.

Everyone worked together, and soon dug a slope.

Su Mo said, "The traces of man-made chisels are more obvious here, but judging from the technique, it should not be a hole made by a tomb robber. On the frozen soil of the slope, there are layers of earth steps, and the bottom may be connected to a huge passage. .”

Old Hu was full of doubts, "This crack must not have been repaired in a hurry. Of course, it is even more impossible for a guy like Xue Maile to do it. Who could it be?"

Su Mo shook his head, "Don't think about it, it's important to save your life!"

Several people got into the hole and crawled cautiously.

Everyone crawled to a slightly gentle place in the dark to rest for a while.

Shirley Yang took a breath, "Where do you think the depths of this ancient glacier will lead?"

Su Mo said: "I have a hunch that it will lead to where we want to go!"

Old Hu said: "Since this used to be a mountain lake, maybe there is deep water below, but there is definitely something weird about this slope under the glacier!"

"The only possibility is that the Reincarnation Sect dug it, but they built a lot of tombs in this glacier, and built a lot of construction work to dig through the demon tower from below, and the amount of work seems to be far more than that!"

"Could it be that the Reincarnation Sect wants to dig out something important from under the glacier?"

Fatty is very optimistic about this, so he said indifferently, "Whatever he does. You'll find out if you go all the way..."

Shirley Yang said: "Before, Master Tiebang Lama told me a lot about the Demon Kingdom in the long poem of the King of the Jewels of Conquering Enemies, combined with what we have seen and heard before..."

"Now, I have a bold guess. The depths of this glacier is the door of disaster leading to Eluohai City, the main city of the Demon Kingdom. The Reincarnation Sect wants to dig through the mysterious door!"

Thinking about it on the first day of the new year, he said: "Eluohai City is also known as the "Ten Items of Fear and Strength". It and the Gate of Disaster are both place names that only exist in ancient legends of Kunlun Mountain, and have never been recorded in history!"

"It's just that the legend is hidden in the deepest part of Kunlun Mountain. Could it be that they really existed?"

As a local in the first day of junior high school, these are just legends to him, and no one has seen them.

Old Hu said: "The ancient city in the murals of Xianwang's Tomb may depict Eluohai City, but it is the lair of northern demons. What is the connection with the bottomless pit deep in Xinjiang's sandy sea? Can it be there? Found the giant eyeball altar?"

Shirley Yang added: "According to the legend, the ancient and evil Eluohai City, like the Jingjue Ancient City, suddenly and mysteriously disappeared in one night!"

"That's why the mighty Demon Kingdom is in a slump, and what disasters or accidents happened there are still unknown!"


Old Hu looked pensive, and muttered to himself, "The ancient city of Jingjue, the tomb of the king, and the city of Eluohai, there must be a connection between them that we don't know..."


ps: The Kunlun Shrine chapter is coming to an end.Ask for a recommendation, a monthly ticket
(End of this chapter)

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