Chapter 131 Weird, Thrilling

Old Hu looked pensive, and muttered to himself, "The ancient city of Jingjue, the tomb of the king, and the city of Eluohai, there must be a connection between them that we don't know..."

Old Hu thought about it for a while, but under the known conditions, he is still not sure about the connection between the three.

Everyone rested on this gentle slope for about half an hour, and because they were worried that the vicinity of the Demon Tower would not be safe, they continued to walk down.

This permafrost tunnel with earth steps extends in all directions underground and is as dense as a spider's web.People dare not go astray.

Just follow the main road in the middle down.

They can see some spells from time to time, and there are some eyeball patterns in the imprints!

Xueli Yang said: "If the Reincarnation Sect only wants to dig through the door of disaster, then there is no need to keep digging the tunnel into the nine-story demon tower. Moreover, looking at the conditions in the tunnel, they were not built at the same time."

"It may have been cultivated for hundreds or even thousands of years. They believe that the abyss is the source of power, but have you ever thought about why the people of the reincarnation sect dug up the demon tower?"

Shirley Yang was perplexed by this.

Old Hu thought for a while, and said: "This matter is indeed strange. The demon tower enshrining the evil god is inviolable. Could it be that the reincarnation sect wants to take out something important from it... But apart from the glacier crystal corpse, there will be other things in the tower. have what?"

Su Mo couldn't help but nodded when he heard that the two of them said the most suspicious things straight to the point.

It is worthy of being able to survive so many dangers and touch Captain Jin. Although their skills are not top-notch, their brains are indeed top-notch.

However, Su Mo did not help the two of them to answer their doubts. There are certain things that they only understand the pros and cons of after experiencing them.

Just like Fatty, after suffering the disaster of offering the King Witch Gu, now he is fighting in the grave, he is much more honest.

A group of people crossed the mountain to open the road, and built bridges when encountering water. Although the journey was difficult, it was also much calmer.

As Su Mo walked, he glanced at Uncle Ming from time to time, "Boss Lei, we also opened the nine-story demon tower for you, and you accidentally destroyed the crystal corpse, so our deal is over..."

What Su Mo said directly stunned Uncle Ming!
Is this to lose their rhythm?
Uncle Ming hurriedly said, "Don't, don't, brother Su, Master Hu, we have experienced life and death on this journey, you can't leave the three of us here!"

Han Shuna and Ah Xiang also looked at Su Mo and the others silently, praying secretly that Su Mo would not leave them behind.

Su Mo said bluntly, "Our employment relationship is over now, we can take you out, but if you dare to act without authorization, don't blame us for being rude!"

The reason why they ended up in this situation is that Uncle Ming and Peter Huang did not follow the rules and moved the crystal corpse secretly.

If you don't beat Uncle Ming well, who knows what else will happen.

Uncle Ming thought about it and nodded, "Okay, okay, we'll listen to you!"

With Uncle Ming's guarantee, Su Mo nodded and accelerated his progress.

As happened in the original book, everyone encountered the blood bait Honghua and a green-haired puppy successively.

The green-haired puppy was shocked and astonished. Xiao Cunding saw the strangeness of the green-haired puppy and killed him on the spot.

Through clues, Lao Hu finally determined that this place is the sacrificial place held by the Reincarnation Sect, and even the Ghost Cave Clan in Jingjue Ancient City is an inconspicuous branch of the Reincarnation Sect.

The origin of Xian Wang's qi technique is very likely to come from this place.

After receiving this news, everyone knew that they were getting closer to Eluohai City!

The abyss under the glacier doesn’t matter whether it’s day or night. Everyone got up and walked along the river until they couldn’t sleep anymore.

About 20 hours later, everyone came to the underwater door of disaster.

If you want to pass through the door of disaster, you must pass through the white beard fish array.

The white-bearded fish array delayed everyone a lot of time, but it was Su Mo who took out the Chixiao sword and jumped out of the water with a dragon's might, turning the water upside down and killing the whole lake with blood.

Helpless, there were too many white-bearded fish. In the end, Su Mo used a clever trick to attract the spotted jellyfish and make them fight each other. Only then did everyone pass the white-bearded formation.

"what is that?"

At this time, the scenery that appeared in front of me was even more shocking than the fierce battle of fish schools in the lake!

An ancient wind-eroded rock city that looks like a huge honeycomb has at least a dozen floors, and it is suddenly sunk in it, and it is surrounded by white wind-eroded rocks.

There are countless caves above!
This area is so different from the surrounding lush forest that there is almost no grass!
On the top of the hive-like city, there is an eye mark made of huge stones,

Old Hu was shocked: "Could this be the Eluohai City in ancient legends?"

Except for Su Mo, everyone looked at the ancient city in shock.

At this moment, everyone did not experience the joy of arriving at the destination after a long journey.

On the contrary, the hairs on everyone's body almost stood on end.

Because what is frightening is that the city is not only brightly lit, but also dead!
In the Eluohai City shrouded in twilight, there are countless dots of lights in the city, which appear extremely hazy in the faint mist.

It seems that the residents of the ancient city worm have lit their torches, preparing for the arrival of night.

But the city was deadly silent, and there was no trace of life.

Everyone just glanced at it.Already broke out in a cold sweat.

"Legends say that the residents of this city disappeared inexplicably. And the reincarnation sect has also been extinct for hundreds of years."

"How can there be lights in this city?"

Shirley Yang clenched her fists tightly and felt weird in her heart.

The fat man said in a daze, "This... this... What's the difference between this and seeing a ghost in the middle of the night..."

Zhang Yingying's pupils narrowed slightly, "The most surprising thing is that the city can accommodate tens of thousands of people. The lights are bright, but there is no movement at all!"

Old Hu said solemnly, "It seems that it is not a dead city, but a ghost city!"

As for the three of Uncle Ming's family, they were so frightened that they couldn't speak.

Old Hu asked Axiang behind everyone: "Axiang, come and see, is this a ghost town below?"

Ah Xiang poked her head out cautiously and looked down, then shook her head and said, "I didn't see any dirty things, and I don't know if it's a ghost town!"

"Not a ghost town?"

Hearing Axiang's words, Lao Hu was taken aback, how could it be possible that Eluohai City, which is more like a ghost town than a ghost town, is not returning to a ghost town?

Sydney Yang muttered to himself, "It is said that the ancient city of Pompeii in the Roman era was destroyed overnight due to a volcanic eruption..."

"Later, through archaeological excavations, it was discovered that when the residents in the city died. They all kept their normal life at home. The posture of Pompeii was frozen at the moment of destruction. It was frozen forever!"

"However, in the ancient city in front of us, all the residents in it seem to have evaporated, and only the hive-like Eluohai City stands brightly in the twilight..."

"It's so well preserved that it feels like it's been freed from the shackles of time. It hasn't changed in thousands of years. What happened in this city?"

There are too many doubts... Everyone's heads couldn't accept this fact for a while.

Even participating in Zhang Yingzheng is full of question marks, puzzled and confused!
This is simply more mysterious than fantasy!
"Repress the bullet!"

Su Mo said, "Touch the gold talisman and take it with you, let's go into the city!"

(End of this chapter)

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