Chapter 138 The curse is finally broken!
"Brother Su..."

Uncle Ming's expression changed again and again, "Brother Su, listen to me..."

Su Mo would not let him mess around anymore, he pulled out the Scarlet Heaven Sword, and with a "chuckle", cut off his clear left hand in an instant.

It was so fast, everyone felt a flash of coldness, and Uncle Ming's left hand fell to the ground.


Uncle Ming supported his left hand and knelt down on the ground, writhing in pain.

Su Mo stepped on the blood dripping from Uncle Ming's left hand, and with all his strength, he crushed the bones in Uncle Ming's wound.


Uncle Ming fell to the ground and died of pain.

Now Ah Xiang, Han Shuna, and the first day of junior high school also remembered Zhang Yingzhen's words.

That's right, Uncle Ming would have a hard time even wanting to die!
The three of them looked at Su Mo in horror, feeling terrified in their hearts.

Uncle Ming shouted: "I was wrong, I was wrong, I really didn't mean it, I was just too scared, I'm sorry, I apologize, I'm sorry Brother Su, please let me go"

Su Mo interrupted: "No, no, you are Uncle Ming!"

"How could you be wrong, we must be wrong, we shouldn't save you, we shouldn't help you, we shouldn't pity you!"

Su Mo knelt down and put the ghost mother's eyes in front of Uncle Ming and said, "Do you know that you don't need to die, I've found the eyes!"

Hearing Tu Sumo's words, Uncle Ming burst into tears.I feel regretful in my heart.

Su Mo shook the ghost mother's eyes in front of Uncle Ming: "Do you know whose eyes these are? These are the eyes of the Glacier Crystal Corpse. It's amazing, right?"

Su Mo was silent for a moment, and said, "I'll give you time for a cigarette, and explain the funeral!"

After such a thing happened, Su Mo would definitely not let Uncle Ming live.

Uncle Ming said to Axiang and Han Shuna with tears in his eyes: "Axiang, Shuna, I'm sorry, I have been using you all the time, but I have also received retribution, I beg you, after I die, you go back and sell the property and give it to me." My two sons!"

"I beg you, I know I'm sorry for you, there is a safe in my study in the courtyard, some cash, US knives, Hong Kong dollars, the total is more than 100 million, you share it!"

Ah Xiang also cried, and nodded to Uncle Ming.

Han Shuna said: "Don't worry, I know your kindness, and I will give your two sons a little bit of what you said!"

Hearing Han Shuna's promise, Uncle Ming breathed a sigh of relief. At least, his son is fine. However, after paying off their gambling debts, they will become ordinary people, and it is almost impossible for them to become rich in the future.

Seeing that Uncle Ming closed his eyes, Su Mo cut his throat with a knife and took Uncle Ming's life!
Su Mo really didn't treat Uncle Ming badly along the way, and he never thought of giving up or leaving Uncle Ming behind.

However, if people don't die, they won't die!
Uncle Ming could have survived, but he couldn't bear to threaten his brother.

Also, Uncle Ming's character, Su Mo, is very clear, sinister and cunning, if he is kept alive, he will definitely cheat himself if he finds a chance.

After finishing everything, Su Mo put down his weapon and said to everyone: "Okay, put away all the equipment, we are ready to withdraw after we lift the curse!"

The fat man excitedly said: "Brother Su, what's the matter with those eyes?"

Su Mo explained: "This is the eye of the ghost mother, it was in the belly of the old fish with white beard before..."

"The curse is lifted, today we can go out!"

On the first day of the new year, Ah Xiang and Han Shuna were very excited when they heard Su Mo's words.

To leave alive is the greatest expectation of all.

Old Hu said: "Sure enough, the Reincarnation Sect took out the head and eyes of the Glacier Crystal Corpse and put them here. I guessed before that the spotted dragon and the white-bearded old fish might be fighting for the ghost mother's eyes!"

Su Mo continued to explain, "The Muchen Bead and the Crystal Ghost Eye represent two kinds of energy in the ghost cave world respectively. The opposite energies can make the material of the ghost cave real and make it truly stay in our world."

"It is equivalent to cutting off the passage to the imaginary space solidified by the ghost hole. In this way, the curse behind it is also terminated, and the ghost hole will no longer gradually absorb hemoglobin."

After listening to Su Mo's words, the fat man immediately understood: "Great, the damned curse can really be lifted, fat man, I can finally live a long life, hahahahahaha!"

Shirley Yang burst into tears with excitement, thinking about the 4000 years of running and despair of her family, thinking about her grandfather's partridge whistle and

Xue Liyang burst into tears with excitement, thinking about their family, thousands of years of running and despair, thinking about grandpa Partridge Whistle and father, they can finally rest in peace.

Lao Hu also said excitedly: "Everything can finally end, we can finally imagine the future!
Zhang Yingying said with a smile: "Then let's go, we'd better lift the curse as soon as possible."

Su Mo vaccinated everyone in advance, "Although the curse can be lifted, the ghost eye mark may not disappear. It will follow you forever. You must be mentally prepared."

The fat man was stunned: "What? You still have to follow us, it's endless, it's too much, don't tell me, Fatty, I'm going to have to bear this ghostly eye for the rest of my life?"

Lao Hu waved his hand: "Okay, let's be content, as long as it can lift the curse, it's just a mark, at worst it will be your birthmark!"

Su Mo smiled, holding Muchen Bead in one hand, and Ghost Mother's eyes in the other, and threw them into the pool at the same time according to the scroll on the wall.


A white light rose and shot straight into the sky.


Everyone looked at Su Mo nervously.

After a while, seeing the dead silence around, the fat man wondered: "What's the matter? Why don't I feel it? Failed?"

Su Mo opened his sky eyes, looked at everyone's physical condition, and found that the gray streak of everyone's luck had disappeared.

Su Mo smiled and said, "No, I have seen that all the curses on you have been lifted!"


The fat man checked the curse on his back and found that it had faded a lot. He knelt on the ground with his feet up and laughed.

Sydney Yang and Lao Hu also wept with joy!

Compared to Shirley Yang, Lao Hu and Fatty, Zhang Yingying who just got cursed, the first day of junior high school, Ah Xiang, Han Shuna didn't feel much.

As long as the curse is gone.

For them, everything came so suddenly.

It started suddenly and ended suddenly too!!!

[Congratulations to the host for completing the selection, and help Mojin trio to lift the curse!]

[Reward: A bottle of Lifespan Pill (12 capsules), each person can only take up to three capsules! 】

Twelve grains!
Twelve grains!

Enough to make my woman, brother and others live a long life!

"All right!"

Su Mo smiled at everyone: Let's go first, it won't be too late to get excited when we leave here!"

Fatty came over, hugged Su Mo, and was crying like hell, Brother Su, thank you, the most correct and luckiest thing I, Fatty Wang, has done in my life is to follow you!"

"Let's go..."

Su Mo smiled, "It's been half a year since our trip to Tibet, and it's time for us to go home!"

(End of this chapter)

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