Chapter 139 Leaving Tibet and Returning to Yanjing

Something happened here, Su Mo took everyone away!

With Su Mo violently clearing the way, it is basically effortless to eliminate the stumbling block encountered on the return journey.

During the period, everyone also saw various miraculous phenomena such as the miraculous yak like the white camel, which was amazing.

On the third day, everyone finally walked out from the depths of the glacier alive.

Everyone survived the catastrophe and laughed loudly.

Su Mo opened his attribute panel in boredom.

【Name: Su Mo】

【Age: 23】

[Bloodline: Azure Dragon Bloodline]

[Occupation: Faqiu Zhonglang General]

[Talent: The sky possesses great power, and it is invulnerable to all poisons! 】

[Skills: Baji Fist, Cloth Fist, Golden Eyes, Treading Snow Without Trace, Tianji Wangqi Technique, Kuixing Kick Fight...]

【Strength: 150】

[Agility: 100]

【Intelligence: 100】

[Four cubic spaces: Faqiu Tianyin, Chixiao Sword, Longevity Pill, Golden Compass, Ancient Corpse Mirror, Silver-eyed Buddha Statue, Golden Pagoda, Some Cash, Some Ancient City Treasures, Longling Antiques, Insect Valley Treasures, God How many palace babies! 】

Longevity Dan.Buddha statues, golden pagodas, and the treasures of the Kunlun Shrine Brothers.

This harvest is not small!

Compared to the happy Su Mo and others, Axiangxiang Han Shuna looked a little lonely.

Su Mo was helpless when he saw it. Uncle Ming is not a good person, so it must be good for Su Mo to get out early.

If you want to blame, you can only blame Uncle Ming for stretching his hand too far and touching something that shouldn't be touched.

Su Mo asked Ah Xiang and Han Shuna: "Where are you planning to go after you go back and deal with the assets?"

Ah Xiang shook her head, Uncle Ming is gone, she has no home.

Han Shuna thought for a while and said: "I don't know, maybe open an antique shop, I only know these things, I'm not very familiar with other things!"

Su Mo nodded to Han Shuna: "Alright then, if you have nowhere to go, you can come to me and I'll arrange it for you."

Turning his head, Su Mo said to A Xiang again: "A Xiang, why don't you follow your sister Yang for now, as for later, let's talk about the future!"

Ash nodded silently.


Three days later, Su Mo began to return to Yanjing. During this period, Lao Hu originally wanted to bring Iron Bar Lama Ake back to Yanjing to enjoy the blessings.

After all, the old monk is quite old, but the old monk is dedicated to the Buddha, and he only wishes to pray for the Tibetans in this life.

Lao Hu had no choice but to give up!
Su Mo also wanted to take the tour guide Chuyi away, but Chuyi also has a family here.

Su Mo had no choice but to give up!

In the end, it was Fatty who made the decision and left a huge sum of money for Tiebang Lama and the tour guide respectively, and everyone was reluctant to part with Tibet.


Two days later, Yanjing.

Han Shuna bid farewell to everyone and went to deal with Uncle Ming's property alone.

Su Mo and his party returned to Su's shop with their bags on their backs.

Yingzi was next to Lao Shu, and when he saw a large group of people entering the shop, he was stunned, " are back..."


Su Mo smiled and said, "Think of me..."

Su Mo picked up Yingzi and kissed her hard twice.

Everyone couldn't laugh or cry, especially the fat man, with a hurt expression, "What do you little young people make us old single dogs do?"

"Ha ha…"

Everyone laughed.

Su Mo waved his hand and said, "Everyone, put your things down, wash and brush, and take a good rest..."

Compared with the luxurious Yanjing, the trip to Tibet was really wronged by the old nose. The wind and water along the way, and the encounters were all evil things.

"Good good..."

Everyone nodded and gradually dispersed, even Ah Xiang was taken back to her room by Xue Liyang.

Su Mohuan looked left and right, and said, "Isn't the Xie family kid here?"

Yingzi shook his head, "Last month, someone from Xie's family came suddenly and took the little guy away..."

Su Mo frowned, a little surprised, "That's it... a good thing... I don't want to participate in the matter of the Nine Gates!"

The affairs of the Nine Gates were chaotic. Although Su Mo lifted the red eye curse for Lao Hu, he still didn't want to get involved in the disputes of the Nine Gates.

Su Mo asked again: "Where are Peacock and Ada?"

Yingzi smiled and said: "The peacock went to the construction site, and now the orphanage's permit, the big gold tooth has been taken down, and construction has started a few days ago!"

"Ada went to the auction house. Due to the prevalence of the antique industry during this period, we rented out all the corresponding shops in about a month."

"Although there is not a lot of traffic now, it has officially started operations, and all the stalls have been rented out except for the shops."

"Also, all the equipment ordered last time has arrived. Now the antique city is often patrolled by vehicles, and the uniforms and electric batons of the security guards are all in place."

"According to your order, all 500 people are maintaining the safety around the auction house!"

Hearing what Yingzi said, Su Mo immediately felt relieved.

Also, the auction house has already started formal operation, which is really good news.

"It's good to have a woman in the family..."

Su Mo picked up Yingzi and was about to run upstairs.

Yingzi's black hair was draped vertically on her shoulders like a waterfall, her face was slightly reddish, and her big watery eyes seemed to be able to speak, Su Mo couldn't bear it long ago.


Yingzi hid in Su Mo's arms, and said angrily, "During the day...can't wait until night..."

Facing Su Mo's cannibalistic eyes, how could Yingzi not know what Su Mo wanted to do.

It's just... In broad daylight, Yingzi, a girl of eighteen or nineteen, has a low face. If word of this gets out, how will she face big brothers and sisters like Fatty Sydney Yang!
However, Su Mo was at that young age, and the hardships he suffered along the way made him miserable, and now that he finally returned to Yanjing, he couldn't care less.

" don't even know what happened to me along the way..."

When he came to the third floor and closed the door, Su Mo roughly took off his sister's clothes.

"do not…"

Yingzi also knew that Su Mo was interested, blushed, and pushed Su Mo away, "It's a mess, I'll do it myself..."

Yingzi didn't dare to face Su Mo's cannibalistic eyes, and got into bed after taking off his clothes.

Su Mo smiled, and then got into bed.

As the saying goes, Xiaobie is better than a newlywed, and the two quickly entered the state.


After the fierce battle, Su Mo's mental state improved a lot.

"I still have class tomorrow..."

Yingzi hammered Su Mo's chest, and said weakly: "You said it softly just now..."


Su Mo was embarrassed for a rare time. Knowing that he was wrong, he quickly changed the subject, "By the way... sister!"

Su Mo flipped his wrist, and a jade-colored vial fell into his hand.

"what is this?"

Yingzi lay on Su Mo's chest and asked, "This bottle seems to be worth some money, did you take it?"

Those who are close to Zhu are red, and those who are close to ink are black. After all, Yingzi is a high-achieving student at Yenching University, and she often learns from Su Mo on the identification of antiques.

Although her level is not as good as the first-class masters who have been in Panjiayuan all the year round, she can still show it.

In any case, she is also Su Mo's woman, and Yingzi has worked hard in this regard.

"Although the bottle is a little treasure..."

Su Mo said, "Compared to the treasures inside, it's not worth mentioning..."

With that said, Su Mo opened the small jade bottle, and the fragrance overflowed, blowing towards his face.

Yingziqiong's nose twitched, "It smells so good!"

Su Mo took out three black pills from it and said, "One is enough to prolong life by 30 years!"

(End of this chapter)

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