People are in Panjiayuan, and they fool Lao Hu to rob the tomb at the beginning

Chapter 147 The plot of the movie "Looking for the Dragon"

Chapter 147 The plot of the movie "Looking for the Dragon"

After another two hours' journey, Su Mo and Yingzi drove to Niuxinshan village.

Yingzi had notified his parents a long time ago, so the two elders had been waiting by the bridge for a long time.

The two elders are authentic village residents, and they are looking forward to Yingzi's early return day and night.

Seeing her parents, Yingzi quickly got out of the car, pretending to be angry and said, "Didn't I say everything in the letter, just wait for me at home..."

"I don't know my own home yet, it's so cold, don't freeze..."

Yingzi was wearing a long down padded jacket with a hood, a tight thin sweater and thick pure wool trousers, and a pair of high boots.

This outfit looks stylish.There is also style, more demeanor.

The two old people didn't recognize that it was their daughter for a while.


Su Mo poked his head out, smiling, "It's cold outside, don't freeze..."

"oh oh…"

The two old people sat on Su Mo's big car anxiously. Seeing this, Su Mo hurriedly spoke to ease the embarrassment of the two old people.

Daben drove steadily into the village.

A small village with hundreds of people is not big at all. At this moment, a small car came in and quickly attracted many people. When they saw Yingzi's parents in the car, they became even more curious.

Su Mo turned off the engine, Yingzi got out of the car, and greeted the villagers one by one.


"Second concubine!"

"Third aunt!"

"'s Yingzi!"

"Yingzi came back from Yanjing..."

In a small village, most of the neighbors in our neighborhood are relatives. Because of Yingzi's return, the small village instantly became lively.

"Little Yingzi has turned white and beautiful..."

"That's right, just like a movie star!"

"Hey, you don't know yet, the little girl Yingzi is now a student of Yenching University!"

"Hey, that dog seems to be looking at me, it really is from a big city, even the dog is more spiritual than my family!
The villagers greeted Yingzi with a smile, and some women looked at Yingzi with envy.

Su Mo stopped the car, asked Xiao Cunding to open the trunk, and distributed the melon and fruit snacks prepared in advance, as well as the good wine to everyone.

The Yanzi who is familiar with Fatty Hu, the son of the old branch secretary, and Yanzi's man.

Su Mo had seen most of the villagers last time, so he didn't see outsiders, and soon became friends with the villagers.

"Yingzi, this is your partner, it's really handsome!"

"Yingzi, you are really rich. This is a big run. My cousin went to work in Guangdong. He told me that a car worth hundreds of thousands..."

"My God, hundreds of thousands!"

Su Mo smoked whenever he met, and more and more people from the village gathered around him. After a while, the old party secretary in the village was alarmed.

With the support of Yanzi, the old party secretary walked over tremblingly. Seeing Su Mo, the old man smiled from ear to ear, "Young man, let's meet again. Why didn't you see Hu Bayi and Wang Kaixuan, two little bastards?" ..."

Su Mo explained with a smile, "Old branch secretary, they didn't come this time because of business, but they didn't forget you, old man, and asked me to bring you a few bottles of Moutai..."


The old branch secretary laughed and cursed, "These two bastards are doing well now, but they used Moutai as gifts..."

As he said that, the old branch secretary looked at the crowd around him, "Go, go, go home quickly, don't let the younger generation suspect that our Niu Xinshan people are not polite..."

Everyone felt ashamed and dispersed slowly. Several young people turned around every step and left Su Mo's big run reluctantly.

Su Mo laughed, carried the gift with Yingzi, followed Yanzi, and the old party secretary's son walked to the old party secretary's house.

The old branch secretary grabbed Su Mo's hand, "Young students, thanks to you, roads have been built in the village now. I heard that after the Chinese New Year, we will have electricity for every household here!"

Su Mo said, "That's a good relationship. In a few days, I suggest that the electrical appliance factory send a batch of black and white TVs..."

Several people were chatting and laughing, and the scene was very lively. When everyone returned to the old party secretary's house, the old party secretary's son set up a table of banquets as quickly as possible.

Everyone pushed cups and changed cups, so happy.

Although Yingzi's parents didn't say much, because of Yingzi and Su Mo, the two elders straightened their chests and their faces were flushed.

They drank until eight or nine o'clock in the evening, and everyone was almost drunk, and this lively banquet ended.


Everyone was drunk at the banquet, Yingzi asked the young man to drag his father and Su Mo back to his home one after another.

Most of the residents here in Niuxin Mountain are farmhouse kangs. Although the weather is cold, when the kangs are burned, they work better than air conditioners.

As soon as Su Mo was put in Yingzi's room, he immediately opened his eyes.

Yingzi looked at this scene in surprise, and couldn't help asking: "Are you not drunk?"

Su Mo rubbed his temples, and said, "I'm not pretending to be drunk, can this banquet end so quickly?"

"Stop talking..."

Su Mo shook his head, "I've been driving all day, I'm tired, I fell asleep..."

Saying that, she took off her clothes and turned directly into the quilt on the kang.

Not to mention, it's quite warm!


As soon as Su Mo closed his eyes, he heard a deafening explosion from outside.

Like exploding a mountain, the earth is shaking!

From far away, Su Mo felt that the house was shaking, as if it was about to collapse.

Su Mo frowned, raised his head, and asked, "What's going on..."

Outside the house, Yingzi's mother said through the door and window, "A few crooked nuts came here some time ago. I heard from the old branch secretary that these crooked nuts want to transform Niuxinshan into a tourist attraction..."

"There are often explosions in the past few days, it's okay, just get used to it..."


Su Mo sat up straight away, his eyes flickered, and he said to himself, "This is not an ordinary explosive...this...this is like a special explosive for tomb robbers!"

This journey traveled north and south, and went deep into the ancient tomb many times. Even if Su Mo at this moment is not as good as Zhang Sanlianzi, the patriarch who touched the gold captain, he is much stronger than Elder Chen, Jin Suan and others.

At this moment, he can naturally hear that this is a special explosive for tomb robbers.

【Ding! 】

The system sounded, [Congratulations to the host for turning on the ghost blowing lamp to hide the plot (Looking for the Dragon movie), triggering the god-level selection system! 】

Dragon Quest movie?
That Japanese named Sister Hong?

The crooked nuts these Yingzi are talking about are those cult organizations under Sister Hong?

Su Mo drifted far away in thought, and couldn't help but froze for a moment.

[Choice 5: Keep in touch with foreign archaeological teams, and reward wisdom with permanent +[-]! 】

[Option 5: Protect the safety of the residents of Niuxin Mountain, and reward agility with permanent +[-]! 】

[Choice 4: Explore the ancient tomb, reward the blood of the four beasts X[-]! 】

The essence and blood of the four ferocious beasts?

what is that?
Su Mo was suspicious and puzzled.

[The blood essence of the four ferocious beasts: After taking it, you can get the second-generation blood of Qiongqi, Taotie, Wuwu, and Chaos respectively (note, it is only valid for those under the age of ten)]

Su Mo raised his eyebrows, "Is there such a thing?"

(End of this chapter)

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