People are in Panjiayuan, and they fool Lao Hu to rob the tomb at the beginning

Chapter 148 Ying Rainbow, Global Spiritual Association

Chapter 148 Ying Rainbow, Global Spiritual Association

"Is there such a thing?"

While Su Mo was surprised, his mind became active at this moment, "Are there only four bottles?"

Qiongqi, Taotie, Wuwu, and Chaos are the bloodlines of fierce beasts, while Su Mo's Qinglong bloodlines belong to the bloodlines of holy beasts.

It's really hard to say which of the two is stronger and weaker, but if the blood essence is only the second generation of beasts, Su Mo is much stronger than them, after all, he is the pure blood of the Azure Dragon.


Su Mo sighed, "It would be great if there were more..."

You must know that Su Mo owns an orphanage. If the blood of the beasts can be more, he can definitely arm a team of beasts!
At that time, Jude Kao, the Wang family, and Su Mo will be destroyed in a snap!

Yingzi didn't quite understand Su Mo's meaning, her beautiful eyes were full of confusion, "What are you talking about?"


Su Mo sat up, "Sister, bring my clothes here, I'm going out for a while..."

Yingzi was puzzled, "But it's getting dark outside..."

Su Mo explained, "If I'm not mistaken, the guys who blasted the mountain outside should be tomb robbers, and they are using special explosives to find the robbery cave!"


Hearing that the tomb robbers had explosives, Yingzi showed a look of fear, obviously a little scared.

Su Mo said, "I'll go and have a look... These guys are all cult organizations, if left unattended, something big may happen..."

Yingzi thought for a moment, then hesitated, "I'll go with you, it's getting dark, without a local to lead the way, you will get lost in the grassland..."

Su Mo thought for a while, and felt that what Yingzi said made some sense.

Back then in Yerengou, if Yingzi hadn't led the way, Lao Hu and the others would not have been able to find the Japanese fortress in less than two days, even if they were proficient at the secret art of ventilation and water.


Su Mo nodded, and immediately took off the yellow inner armor on his body, "You put on this precious armor first, so there won't be any accidents..."

"it is good!"

Yingzi nodded with a smile, did not refuse, took off the down jacket, and put it on directly.

Su Mo called Xiaocunding, patted the dog's head, and said, "Protect your sister Yingzi, if anything happens to her, I will eat dog meat when I return to Yanjing!"

Little Cun Nail was shocked and nodded repeatedly.

Yingzi smiled, took Su Mo's hand, took advantage of his parents' inattention, came to the backyard, chose a fine horse, and the two of them rode one, and slipped directly into the grassland behind the village.


The grassland in winter looks chilling, and the mountains in the distance are covered with white mist, giving people a feeling of cold, loneliness and silence.


Accompanied by bursts of explosions from afar, Su Mo and Yingzi found the whereabouts of this crooked nut not long after.

The scenery in the distance was flickering and the shadows were faint. Seeing that many people were hiding weapons secretly, Su Mo was worried about Yingzi's safety, so he didn't dare to approach in secret, so he stopped at a hill 30 meters away from the Waiguoren base. .

Su Mo pulled Yingzi and jumped off the horse, the two of them were condescending, looking down!

He took out a telescope from the system space and handed it to Yingzi, while Su Mo opened the golden pupil directly.


Su Mo said in surprise, "There are quite a few people. This group of tomb robbers came to die..."

At this moment, dozens of crooked nuts are planting bombs everywhere, and the ground has been bombed with more than a dozen holes.

The surrounding area is full of potholes and a mess.

Su Mo sneered, "If you don't know how to divide gold and fix acupoints, they can find them for a lifetime just relying on this random bombing..."

Yingzi held up the binoculars, looked at it for a while, and said suddenly, "There is a cousin of mine... from my second uncle's house..."

Hearing the sound, Su Mo took a look and found that there were indeed several people dressed as farmers beside Wai Guoren.

Yingzi said anxiously, "No wonder I didn't see them at the old party secretary's banquet, so they were caught by these big noses as guides..."

Su Mo glanced into the distance. At this time, dozens of Wai Guoren were already panicking because they had been searching for nothing. They raised their pistols and pointed them at the heads of several guides.

His eyes widened, obviously threatening them!

I don't know what they said, but rapid gunshots rang out, and a resident of Niuxinshan fell into a pool of blood.

The other four or five residents of Niuxin Mountain were directly frightened by this scene and knelt on the ground, trembling.

Wai Guoren gritted his teeth, raised his gun, and aimed at the next one.

Yingzi's face turned pale, "This is the only grandson of the old branch secretary!"

Got it!
I just lived a long life in the wine market today, many children and many blessings... It seems that if I don't save it, I will die!
Su Mo had no choice but to stand up, use his lightness skills, and then disappeared in place.


Su Mo's figure was surprisingly fast, like a dark wind passing through, invisible. The moment he landed, Su Mo's fists slammed left and right, and hammered heavily on the surrounding strong men with guns.

The sound of fists roared, and wherever they passed, strong men with guns flew upside down.


Su Mo spat softly. "Take a good step in the grassland and let them toss this virtue, you are so blatant!"


"There are enemies!"

Dozens of burly men ran over with submachine guns in hand.

Su Mo moved his muscles briefly, and rushed straight towards the strong man without fear.



Dozens of strong men hadn't pulled the trigger before their eyes went black, and they passed out.


A woman with inch hair, dressed like a spirited girl, flew towards Su Mo with a sharp dagger.

"Ha... Lian Jiazi!"

Su Mo shook his head with a smile, he didn't care, and jumped forward, kicking the woman violently with a Kuixing kick.


With a thud, the spirit girl fell to the ground, and a mouthful of blood sprayed on the ground.

"Little sister..."

Su Mo shrugged, "As a woman, I will spare your life!"

Kuixing kicking and fighting, this is the stunt of the mountain-moving Taoist. Even a zongzi can kill with one blow. Su Mo saw that the woman was not very old, so he took eight points of his strength.

Otherwise, based on this woman's thin body, Su Mo could directly kick her to death!


A dozen more people came over, led by a middle-aged woman with disheveled hair.

Seeing that his partners had all fallen to the ground, and the enemy was just a young man who seemed to be well-mannered.

Everyone was vigilant, but they didn't dare to act rashly.

The middle-aged woman looked directly at Su Mo, "Who are you?"


The steed roared, and Yingzi galloped forward, holding a shotgun in his hand, and standing on his shoulder was a small inch nail that seemed to have not yet been weaned.

A crooked nut next to the middle-aged woman just made a gesture to pull it out, and the small inch nail made a "bark", as fast as lightning, and threw it to the ground fiercely.

"Wang Wang Wang..."

Xiao Cunding roared and glared at the crowd.

"Do not move!"

Seeing this, the middle-aged woman first comforted her subordinates, then looked at Su Mo again, "Who the hell are you?"

Su Mo shook his head, "It doesn't matter who I am..."

With that said, Su Mo pointed to the Niuxinshan villagers at his feet, "I want to take these people away..."


The spiritual sister on the ground, that is, Yoko in the middle-aged women's mouth, stood up with difficulty, and reprimanded, "Do you know who we are? How dare you talk to the venerable like this..."

Su Mo glanced at the spirit girl, then smiled, and looked at the middle-aged woman in the opposite crowd again, "Ying Caihong, born in rural Sichuan, is said to be born with black and yellow eyes, able to see ghosts and gods, but was regarded by the people in the village. For unknown reasons!"

"Later, she was brought back to Japan by a wealthy Japanese businessman. The relationship between the two was ambiguous. After the death of the wealthy businessman, she disappeared and reappeared two years later, thus establishing the Global Monastic Society!"


The spiritual little girl Yoko was in a hurry, "You actually slandered the venerable!"

Su Mo sneered, staring straight at Ying Caihong. "I need to slander a dying person!"

At this moment, Ying Caihong, who had always been calm, could no longer maintain his composure.

(End of this chapter)

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