Chapter 154 Wang Family, Ancient Tomb of Yuan Dynasty

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the host for participating in the Nine Gates Enmity, triggering the god-level selection system...]

A crisp system sound sounded.

[Option 10: Watch it silently, do not participate in the struggle between the Nine Gates and the Wang family, and reward intelligence with a permanent +[-]! 】

[Option [-]: Help the Wang family kill Xie Xiaohua, and reward the bone shrinking skill! 】

[Option 50: Frustrate the Wang family's conspiracy, help the New Moon Hotel find the lost treasure, and reward agility and permanent intelligence +[-]...]

Other than sitting on the sidelines, both the second and third options are fine.

However, about helping the Wang family kill Xie Xiaohua, Su Mo didn't even think about it, and just passed it.

Anyway, the little guy also lived with Su Mo in Panjiayuan for a period of time, and killing a child under ten years old was something Su Mo couldn't do.

That's the last one left!

Su Mo's gaze was gloomy, and a trace of murderous intent emerged.

Wang family?

Seeing the dignified expression on the face of Patriarch Yin, Lao Hu and Fatty knew that this "Wang family" was extraordinary, but...why haven't they heard of this family?

Lao Hu blinked and looked at Da Jinya.

Da Jinya shook his head, saying that it was the first time he had heard it.

Su Mo put down Xie Xiaohua, then turned to look at the head of the Yin family, "Miss Yin, there is an inner ghost in the nine doors!"

Able to steal the finale treasure of the Crescent Hotel openly!
Xie's bodyguard actually wanted to take Xiaohua's life away!

It can be seen that the Wang family's penetration of the Nine Gates has reached a very terrifying level.

Yin Fang, the head of the Yin family, was chattering, obviously she had also thought of this possibility.

Not only Jiumen, even her Crescent Hotel, and Yin's family also had traitors!

"All right…"

Su Mo shook his head, "I think Miss Yin should have something to deal with next, so we won't bother you..."

Without waiting for the head of the Yin family to answer, Su Mo walked out with the old Hu and the fat man.

Before leaving, Yingzi did not forget to wave to Xie Xiaohua, "Go and play with my sister when I have time..."

After going out, Su Mo asked Da Jinya to take out the thousand-year-old unicorn.

For Su Mo, the more such treasures, the better.

If one wanted to become such a powerful force as the Nine Gates, one had to have one's own team under one's own hands, especially those who could go down to the grave.

Today, Su Mo is not short of money, but lacks such talents. Although he has a lot of money, there are no people around him who can go down to the grave, except for Lao Hu, Fatty, Zhang Yingzhen, and Xue Liyang.

Qilin exhausted, plus the essence and blood of the four fierce beasts from the previous few days, and the longevity pill that has been reluctant to use.

These are all the treasures that Su Mo uses to build upside-down talents.

After leaving the Crescent Hotel, the fat man couldn't hold back any longer, and said with a smile, "This time, Nine Gates is a shame..."

Old Hu Ze said, "I think...the Crescent Hotel should be able to suppress this matter. It's a matter of face. They won't spread this matter to the outside world..."

Su Mo agrees with Lao Hu's point of view, the grand finale is lost, and the murderer is likely to be his own family. If this goes out, the New Moon Hotel will not be able to gain a foothold in Yanjing!

Da Jinya said, "Master Su...I'm going to drive..."


Su Mo shook his head, and Yu Hui glanced at a black figure in the corner behind, "It's time for a walk, everyone walk with me..."

Everyone followed Su Mo, and the group talked and laughed, and the atmosphere was more brisk.

Seeing the departure of Su Mo and others, and a black figure in a certain corner behind, he was relieved, turned his head and walked towards a small path next to the Crescent Hotel.

What this black shadow didn't notice was that an unremarkable puppy on the ground had quietly followed behind him.


into the night.

Three hundred security team brothers in body armor have assembled!
Yingzi, Xueli Yang, Axiang, Han Shuna, Peacock and other women are not here.

Looking at the broad body and piercing eyes of the [-] security team, Su Mo nodded with satisfaction.

Some time ago, Su Mo specially asked Blind Chen to help train this team, and it was no problem to capture and fight. Many people also had a little research on the lightness kung fu of Xiling wrestlers.

With the same number of people, the combat effectiveness of the security team far exceeds any special forces in the world.

Before the orphanage grew up, this security team was the only sword in Su Mo's hands!


Su Mo said in a deep voice, "Someone thinks that we are preventing us from getting rich, and even wants to get rid of us and replace us. Tell me, can you agree?"

The brothers in the security team roared, "No!"

"Never promise!"

Since the establishment of the security team, Su Mo has not treated them badly, throwing money into it regardless of everything.

During the Chinese New Year, Su Mo was not stingy, and wrapped a big red envelope for every brother in the security team.

Backed by the big tree of Su Mo, many veterans and Zhelongzhai clansmen moved their families to Yanjing.

It can be said that they have been deeply tied to Su Mo, and if anyone dares to do anything to Su Mo, they will never agree.

"very good…"

Su Mo nodded, and said solemnly, "Whoever blocks our way of making money, I will let him die!"

Su Mo waved his hand, and Lao Hu put down 50 pistols, 10 submachine guns and several high-voltage batons.

If it is considered that this is Yanjing, Su Mo can get grenades and mortars.

"set off!"

Outside the house, more than a dozen old military jeeps were parked outside the door, and brothers from the 300 security team slipped into the car.

The car escaped into the night by the moonlight!


In the remote outskirts of Yanjing, the fat man who had been waiting for a long time saw Su Mo and others, and shouted in a low voice, "Brother Su, here, here..."

Su Mo came to Fatty's side, looked at a yard in front of him, and asked, "How is it?"

The fat man patted Xiaocunding, and said, "There's nothing wrong, Xiaocunding... Uh no, it's Mr. Dog. Mr. Dog has repeatedly confirmed that the person who took action against the Crescent Hotel is in the yard ahead!"

Xiao Cunding looked arrogant and looked up, as if to say, "This matter is nothing to me."


The fat man was speechless, ignoring the little nail, and continued, "However, there seem to be a lot of people inside. I squatted here for several hours, and hundreds of people have already walked in..."

Su Mo opened his golden pupils, and the building under the night was as clear as day, and said, "This should be a stronghold of the Wang family!"

The choice reward this time is really quite generous, which gave Su Mo the idea of ​​attacking the Wang family, so he specially called the brothers from the security team.

"Go ahead!"

Hearing Su Mo's order, Xiao Cunding narrowed his eyes slightly, "Woof!"

Lao Hu and Zhang Yingying, who were hidden in the dark, crawled forward. One of them was a scout, and the other was a direct descendant of Mojin Xiaowei Zhang Sanlianzi. Together, they quickly cleared up all the secret posts around them.

Seeing this, Su Mo waved his hand, and three hundred brothers from the security team filed out behind him.

After a while, they occupied all the commanding heights in the house.

The fat man followed Su Mo and walked in, with a confused expression on his face, "What's going on? Where are the people? I just saw with my own eyes that hundreds of people entered one after another..."

Su Mo raised his eyebrows, as if he had discovered something.

At this time, Zhang Yingying and Lao Hu also walked over with ugly faces, "Brother"

The corner of Su Mo's mouth rose, interrupting Lao Hu, "Yes, there is a tomb under our feet, which belongs to the Yuan Dynasty!"

"The Wang family actually built their stronghold on the ancient tomb, I really underestimated them..."

(End of this chapter)

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