People are in Panjiayuan, and they fool Lao Hu to rob the tomb at the beginning

Chapter 155 Yuan Dynasty Big Zongzi, a place to raise corpses

Chapter 155 Yuan Dynasty Big Zongzi, a place to raise corpses
Su Mo said, "The Wang family actually built their stronghold on the ancient tomb. I really underestimated them..."

Old Hu nodded with deep understanding, "That's right, the stronghold can be built on top of the ancient tomb. There are experts in this Wang family..."

But if you think about it, if you dare to touch the young master of the Xie family, you can't justify it without strong means.

Su Mo's face was full of weirdness, and there was a strange smile on the corner of his mouth.

The stronghold was built on the ancient tomb. Although Su Mo was surprised by this, he was not very shocked.

According to legend, there is also an ancient tomb of the Song Dynasty under the old courtyard of the Wu family. Later, Wu Sansheng also placed an unknown corpse under it.

As for the authenticity, Su Mo is not easy to judge, but in the face of today's situation, if it is replaced by other people, it will definitely be nothing in the end, but who is Su Mo?

General Faqiu Zhonglang!
In addition to Su Mo, there are three Captain Mojin standing beside him!

Yunnan Chonggu, Jingjue Ancient City, Kunlun Shrine, these cloudy and treacherous dangerous places, they all walked over safely.

Now a Yuan Tomb can stop them?
"Old Hu, Old Zhang..."

Su Mo said, "Do it!"


Hu Bayi and Zhang Yingying smiled knowingly, took out the compass, silently recited the formula of finding the dragon, and worked together to deduce the entrance of the tomb passage.

"I thought today's theme was fighting..."

The fat man was holding an engineering shovel, with a helpless expression on his face, "I didn't expect to go back to my old job..."

Su Mo smiled, "This is a good thing, the underground is our home field..."

"found it…"

Here, Lao Hu and Zhang Yingying, the two Mojin captains, were holding a compass. It didn't take long for the two to work together to deduce the entrance to the tomb.


The fat man held an engineering shovel and called out to the security team, "Work!"

A team of 300 people, all of whom are strong and strong men, worked together, and it didn't take long for a passage of about one meter to be cleared.

Su Mo took out the Akasaka Sword, "Follow me..."

After all, it is an ancient tomb, and the Wang family has been operating here for many years, so there must be many institutions inside. Su Mo was worried that the brothers of the security team would suffer unnecessary casualties, so he jumped into the tomb first.

"They came in..."

At the entrance of the tomb passage, seeing Su Mo intrude, a man in black shuddered and wanted to draw his gun.

Su Mo's eyes were cold, and he waved the Chixiao Sword in the air, and with a pop, the sword entered his body, directly nailing the man in black to the wall.


The man from the Wang family turned pale, "You will die under this ancient tomb!"


Su Mo snorted coldly, stretched out his hand and broke the man's neck, "You dare to threaten me? You really think I dare not kill you!"

"act recklessly!"

With that said, Su Mo pulled out the Akasaka Sword and continued on his way.

This scene directly frightened many brothers in the security team.

They never expected that Su Mo, who usually talks and laughs happily with them and is approachable, would be so calm when he killed someone.

Sure enough, it is not unreasonable for Su Mo to become a billionaire at a young age.

Everyone's heart trembled, and they no longer dared to underestimate Su Mo!

The entire ancient tomb of the Yuan Dynasty made harsh clashing sounds, and the fat man shrank his pupils, "No, they opened the mechanism of the ancient tomb..."

Su Mo shook his head, signaling him to be calm.

"Don't be afraid, just follow me..."

Everyone followed Su Mo cautiously, while Su Mo strode forward.

"Although there are many institutions here, compared to Jingjue Ancient City, the institutions here are simply pediatrics..."

Su Mo's right hand was pressed against the wall, making it the special skill of General Faqiu Zhonglang - two-finger cave digging!

The fingers are white and slender, extremely sensitive, sticking to the slits in the wall, reaching into the small places, easily deciphering the mechanism in the tomb without any effort.

"Not good...the mechanism is malfunctioning..."

"what happened?"

"Who is this kid?"

In the wall, if there is any echo, it seems so panicked.

"Can the Wang family let this kid bully me? Brothers, kill me!"


"Our territory can allow him to succeed? I have observed it just now. Their group of invaders have ten submachine guns, and ten submachine guns want to destroy our stronghold. It is really a dream!"

"You're right, just like them, even if Master Zhang leads the team himself, they may not be able to eat us!"

"Yes, kill all the intruders!!"


Several stone doors suddenly cracked on the narrow wall, and then hundreds of men in black came out from them.

These hundreds of people in black all had condensed faces, holding machetes in their hands, and looked at Su Mo and the others with a fierce look on their faces.

Su Mo paused, Lao Hu, Fatty and others also stopped immediately.

Looking at the gleaming machete, the fat man felt a little apprehensive.

Lao Hu is very calm, after all, he is a person who has been on the battlefield and has seen blood. This kind of small scene is nothing to him as a veteran.


Su Mo said in a deep voice, "Don't be merciful, if someone dies, let the old clapper of the Nine Gates clean it up..."


Lao Hu rushed out with Xiao Shenfeng in his hand, followed by the brothers from the security team.

Soon, hundreds of brothers from the security team and the Wang family in Yuan's tomb fought together.

In the battle, the brothers of the security team were indeed very brave, and many of them were even able to fight two against one.

However, there were too many men in black around, and the stalemate did not last for too long. Soon, the brothers in the security team began to suffer casualties.

Seeing this, Su Mo didn't dare to be careless, his figure flickered on the spot, and he joined the battle in an instant.


The fierce fist whistled like a dark wind, and with just one punch, five people flew backwards and forwards.

Su Mo descended like a god of war, and his figure moved at high speed in the narrow aisle like an aurora. Wherever he was, wailing was everywhere. No one could stand, and they all fell to the ground.

"Step aside!"

A man in black pointed at Su Mo with a large old crooked machine gun.

Da da da!
The black gun barrel ejected dazzling sparks, Su Mo's pupils shrank, and his figure used the wall to dodge at high speed.

Until a shuttle of bullets ran out, Su Mo stood there unscathed.


The man holding the crooked machine gun froze in place for a moment.

Su Mo would not be so stupid as to give this person a chance to change the magazine. In a flash of light and shadow, he swung the Chixiao Sword in his hand, instantly killing this person.

"This guy…"

"Who the hell is this?"

"When did we provoke such a master?"

"Back, back, back!"

The man in black in the ancient tomb no longer had the will to resist, and retreated in panic.

Since then, the battle under the ancient tomb has been one-sided, and the men in black are retreating steadily.

The brothers of the security team took advantage of the victory to pursue, and Lao Hu shouted, "Brothers, go!"

The man in black no longer had the will to fight, and turned around and ran away.

The Wang family collapsed like a landslide, and the brothers from the security team chased after them.

This run led to the location of the main tomb.

The main tomb is very large, with a stone coffin in the middle.

Seeing that there was no way to retreat, the men in black gritted their teeth and pushed open the coffin, "I'm going to die... let's die together!"


There was a roaring sound from inside the coffin, like a beast, which made one's scalp tingle.

The fat man said in surprise, "Big zongzi!"

Old Hu's expression changed, "These people...these people actually regard this place as a place to raise corpses!"

(End of this chapter)

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