People are in Panjiayuan, and they fool Lao Hu to rob the tomb at the beginning

Chapter 156 Watching the past events of the first line of Taibao.

Chapter 156 Watching the past of the Taibao lineage.

The fat man said in surprise, "Big zongzi!"

Old Hu's expression changed, "These people...these people actually regard this place as a place to raise corpses!"


The roar was deafening, like a wild beast out of control. Listening to the sound, one couldn't help but feel hairy.


The sarcophagus exploded out of thin air, and billowing air waves surged in. Several men in black robes who were carrying Su Mo who died with Su Mo flew out on the spot and smashed heavily on the surrounding walls.


Blood spurted out, and several men in black passed out on the spot.


A strong man in armor stepped out of the sarcophagus.

It has a strong figure, a strong back, a muscular body, two big hands clenched into iron fists, and it breathes wind when it walks
When walking on the ground, it makes a trembling sound, as if the earth is trembling, which is creepy.

The fat man was obviously a little apprehensive, he took a step closer to Su Mo calmly, and said, "This man is dressed like a Yuan Dynasty general..."

Su Mo said in a deep voice, "It's not like, this zongzi is the owner of this Yuan tomb. Judging by his armor style, this person is either a first-rank military general or a direct member of the Golden Family. His status is very important!"


Zongzi roared, revealing two rows of pale jagged teeth, looking hideous and hideous.


Zongzi looked around with bloodthirsty eyes, and then went straight to the brothers in the security team.

"not good!"

The faces of Lao Hu and Zhang Yingying changed, and they stepped forward and quickly blocked the front, as if they had a mutual understanding, and launched an attack on the big rice dumpling of the Yuan Dynasty at the same time.

During this period of time, Lao Hu followed Su Mo in draping and Tai Chi, and Chen Xiazi, who knew that his time was approaching, also passed on his abilities to Hu Bayi.

Although the group of them did not rob the tomb during this period of time, Lao Hu's physical strength has been improving by leaps and bounds.

As the only descendant of Zhang Sanlianzi, Zhang Yingying's own strength is far beyond ordinary people.

At this moment, the two teamed up and thought that they would be sure to deal with a big rice dumpling from the Yuan Dynasty, but they didn't expect that Hu and Zhang were completely defeated in just one round.

What's even more shocking is that the small sword in Lao Hu's hand that cuts iron like mud can't hurt the big rice dumpling at all.


Big Zongzi's fists were like hammers, and he blasted from left to right. Zhang Yingying and Lao Hu were lost. After being hit hard, they lost control of their bodies and staggered back.


Su Mo narrowed his eyes slightly, jumped up, grabbed Zhang Yingying and Lao Hu with both hands, and kicked Kuixing with his feet, and landed firmly on Yuan Zongzi.

"Cum clap clap!"

Yuan Zongzi stepped back three steps out of balance, and quickly regained his footing.

At this time, Fatty discovered a terrible fact, his face was as pale as paper, "This Zongzi... is not like the ones we met before, he...he seems to be alive!"


Not only Fatty, but also some members of the Wang family noticed this phenomenon, and several of them looked up to the sky and laughed, "The big rice dumpling has been resurrected, longevity... The way of longevity that our Wang family has been pursuing so hard has finally found an opportunity!"

Here, Su Mo grabbed Lao Hu and Zhang Yingying and fell to the ground lightly. Seeing that the faces of the two were not good, he asked. "Are you okay?"

Lao Hu shook his head, raised his head, looked at Yuan Zongzi again, and said, "This big Zongzi is completely different from what we have encountered... He died, but he didn't seem to have explained it!"

Zhang Yingying breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Is it true that the general of the Yuan Dynasty came back to life as these men in black said?"

"Brother Su, can you deal with it?"

Su Mo said, "You'll only know after calling!"

With a "crack", Su Mo disappeared in place. Not only was his figure surprisingly fast, but his hands were also not idle. He hit Yuan Zongzi's head with his casserole-sized fist with [-]% force.

As long as this punch hits, he will either die or be injured!

The result of the battle can be separated in this instant!

However, what everyone didn't expect was that Yuan Zongzi's body was bent down, and the swing range was not very large, but it completely avoided Su Mo's fist!
At this scene, Fatty, Lao Hu was even more surprised.

As a great general of the Yuan Dynasty, Da Zongzi should have been quite skilled when he was alive, but he has been dead for hundreds of years now, why does he still have consciousness?
Could it be... Could it be that he was really resurrected?
Although Lao Hu is a materialistic revolutionary young general with a red star on his head, but facing this unimaginable scene at this moment, his heart began to shake.

Everyone was shocked.

Yuan Zongzi's body was also strong, and the moment he successfully evaded Su Mo's attack, he raised his right arm for a moment, and rushed towards Su Mo's head with an inch punch.

Su Mo stepped sideways and pulled back, clasped Yuan Zongzi's wrist with both hands, and swung his right leg slightly sideways.


There was an ear-shattering sound, Yuan Zongzi was thrown out with a "whoosh", and at the same moment, Zongzi's right finger also cut a bloodstain on Su Mo's cheek.

"Brother Su!"

Several people were shocked, "Brother Su, are you okay..."

During this period of time, they traveled to Kunlun and entered Tibet. Today was the first time they saw Su Mo bleeding and injured.


Su Mo wiped the blood stains on his face, a smile bloomed on his face, showing a happy smile, "I see..."


Everyone was startled and looked at Su Mo in puzzlement.

At this time, Yuan Zongzi on the opposite side rolled a carp and sat up from the ground.

Su Mo smiled and looked at Yuan Zongzi, "The Tomb Raiders are divided into four sects, namely Captain Mojin, General Faqiu Zhonglang, Taoist Qianshan, and Lishi Xiling..."

"However, apart from this, there is another sect that is little known!"

"It is Guanshan Taibao!"

"When you talk about Guanshan Taibao, you have to talk about Feng Shigu..."

Regarding the secrets of the tomb robbery world, Su Mo is here now, "Feng Shigu trapped himself in the fairy village in order to draw a corpse, but what Feng Shigu doesn't know is that even if he can be unblocked and born in the future, he is no longer himself. , only the body parasitized by corpse moss is left!"

Both Lao Hu and Zhang Yingying, who are captains of Mojin, have heard about Guanshan Taibao more or less, but they didn't expect Feng Shigu and Dixian Village to have such a secret.

Lao Hu looked at Yuan Zongzi not far away, and said in relief, "This big Zongzi..."

Su Mo nodded, and said bluntly, "That's right, what the Wang family did is similar to that of Feng Shigu's self-appointed fairy village..."

"This General Yuan has not been resurrected. I don't know what kind of magic they used to restore this Yuan Zongzi's instinct to fight when he was alive..."


Hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

If there really was a resurrection from the dead, the world would be in chaos!

Su Mo pulled out the Akasaka Sword and smeared it with the Azure Dragon's blood!

Qinglong Breaks Sha!


A majestic green dragon lingered on the entire Scarlet Heaven Sword, with its teeth and claws open, it was very frightening.

Su Mo attacked fiercely with his sword, stabbing at the Yuan Zongzi with a murderous look.

Yuan Zongzi dodged flexibly, but he still couldn't stop the sharp sword light.

"hold head high!"

As if a dragon chant sounded, the Chixiao sword pierced through the zongzi's head, stirring the brain and blood together.


Yuan Zongzi wailed, then fell to the ground and died.


The brothers in the security team were overjoyed, but Su Mo couldn't be happier.

What kind of role does Guanshan Taibao play in the Wang family?
(End of this chapter)

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