Chapter 167; Guazi Temple, Goodbye Wu Sansheng
"it is good!"

After weighing the pros and cons, Su Mo said solemnly, "I promise you!"

The corners of Zhang Qiling's mouth rose slightly, as if he was smiling, but when Su Mo looked at him for a second, Zhang Qiling remained expressionless.

Su Mo was speechless for a while, then said again, "You can rest here first, and take my private plane to the place where Dao Dou is tomorrow!"


private plane?

The owner of the Qinglong Qinglong bloodline in front of him should be far richer than the Wu family!

Zhang Qiling was taken aback for a moment, then nodded slightly, "En!"

Zhang Qiling is a nice person, but chatting with him is too annoying, like a piece of wood.

Su Mo was well aware of the pain. After asking some questions, he didn't stay any longer, turned around and went back to his room.


Back in his house, Su Mo first called Lao Hu and told them that he would be away for a while, and let Lao Hu and Zhang Yingying take care of the company's business.

Originally, Su Mo also wanted to take Lao Hu and Xueli Yang with him for this inversion.

After all, they were very familiar with each other when they entered Kunlun back then, and it was very worry-free to use.

However, thinking that Lao Hu, Fatty and others had already married, Su Mo pondered for a moment, but finally did not bring them along.

However, Su Mo was not stupid enough to go on the road alone, and decided to take the four fierce generals with him.

The fat man was straightforward, and after hearing Su Mo's actions, he was a little angry.

Su Mo could only move Jude Kao out.

Recently, Jude Kao, who had been silent for many years, unexpectedly moved.

Su Mo's international salvage team had clashed with Jude Kao's people many times.

Old Hu had experience fighting against Jude Kao on Hong Kong Island back then. Su Mo let him sit in the base camp, but in fact he also planned to let him deal with this old fox.

This old thing hadn't been alive for a few years, and he was probably a little unwilling to die like this, so the old fox began to ask his subordinates to look around for opportunities to "live forever".

Seeing what Su Mo said clearly and logically, Lao Hu and Fatty had nothing to say, and in the end they could only tell the four evil generals to protect Su Mo's safety.

After coordinating the arrangements of all parties, Su Mo hung up the phone.

Yingzi had just finished washing, and Su Mo made a phone call for nearly half an hour. Yingzi didn't care much at first, but hearing Su Mo's words implying a long journey, she finally couldn't help it. Ask, "Are you going out? It's been a long time?"

Yingzi had just finished taking a bath, wrapped in a bath towel, but it was hard to hide his bumpy figure, Su Mo stretched out his hand and pulled him into his arms, and moved his hands up and down, looking like he was blatantly playing hooligans.

Not to mention, the years have not left any traces on Yingzi's body. In his spare time, Yingzi also practices yoga and takes walks, so his figure should be convex and warped.

Coupled with her eighteen-nineteen-year-old frozen face, she is pure and lustful, making people want to stop.


Yingzi blushed.


Yingzi screamed suddenly, grabbed Su Mo's claws, and said angrily, " are annoying, and you haven't answered my question yet!"

Su Mo lowered his head, and scratched Yingzi's nose, "Well, let's take a long trip!"


Yingzi frowned and said, "But we don't need money anymore..."

"It's not money..."

Su Mo's face turned serious, "Money is not important to me at all..."

This sounds ridiculous, but Yingzi knows that her man is telling the truth. Su Mo's business is all over the world, and the daily turnover of a single auction house is an astronomical figure.

Not to mention these priceless antiques at home.

Yingzi was puzzled, "Then...why are you?"

Su Mo said, "There is a chance of eternal life hidden in this tomb, so I can't miss it, so I decided to find out!"

Yingzi was speechless. "Eternal life? Is there really someone who can live forever?"

Su Mo shook his head, "It's hard to say, there are too many things in the world that we don't understand, such as bottomless black holes, cloudy and treacherous magic kingdoms, if you don't see these things with your own eyes, who would dare to believe their existence!"

Yingzi nodded half understanding.

"All right!"

Su Mo smiled and said, "I'll come back as soon as I go! Don't worry..."

"Sister, it's late at night..."

Yingzi blushed pretty, got into bed, pulled her hair up and tied it into a ponytail, "Take it easy, my daughter is reading a book outside..."

Su Mo grinned, slipped into bed, and bullied Yingzi.

After a while, there was a pleasant harmony sound in the house.


the next day.

The four murderers will prepare the tools to go down to the grave. Su Mo arranged for the company's plane to arrange a private flight. The six of them flew directly to Ludong. After landing, they drove straight to Guazi Temple.

At the appointed place, a group of people had been waiting for a long time. Looking at Su Mo, the leader couldn't calm down for a long time. "Su Mo?"

It's so similar!

The two were carved out by the same Mozi, and they are exactly the same.

Surprised, Su Mo became suspicious.

This guy in front of it Wu Sanxing or Xie Lianhuan?

After Xie Lianhuan mysteriously disappeared, the two joined forces and shared the same identity. Even the Wu family who were closest to them didn't notice the slightest strangeness.

Decades ago, Su Mo, Xie Lianhuan and Wu Sansheng only met each other once, and they didn't get along much.

At this moment, although Su Mo felt that something was wrong, he was still a little unsure about the identity of this person.

Su Mo said, "You... who are you?"

Wu Sansheng understood Su Mo's implication, and smiled. "Master Su, who am it important? Only the enemy will care about my identity!"

Su Mo was stunned, but then he was relieved. Also, with Xie Xiaohua's relationship, the two of them would never become enemies.

Thinking of this, Su Mo's heart suddenly brightened, "Third Master, after 20 years of separation, you still look good..."

Wu Sansheng is also a hero. He went down the donkey and said immediately, "The first time I saw Master Su, you were just an ordinary antique dealer in Panjiayuan. Now your business is all over China. I often heard about it in Hangzhou. Your reputation..."

By saying this, Wu Sansheng is not being modest. He has a lot of handicap in Changsha and many places in Hangzhou, but he does business that is not on the table. Compared with Su Mo, the difference between the two is not a star and a half.

In just over 20 years, Su Mo's wealth has surpassed that accumulated by generations of the Wu family and Xie family!
This made Wu Sansheng very ashamed!
Behind, in Wu Sansheng's team, seeing his third uncle so nervous, a young man was very puzzled, and secretly asked a man next to him in a low voice, "Brother Pan Zi, who is this Master Su? , why is my third uncle so..."

It's difficult for young people to say the following words, but Pan Zi heard the clues, knowing that the little third master was alluding to why the third master was so... cowardly!
Pan Zi explained in a low voice: "Master Su, whether in the business world or in the antique world, this Master Su is very famous. We can't afford to offend you. You have been studying abroad and don't pay attention to this matter..."

"But I think you should have heard of Su's Auction House, and Su's Auction House is the property of this Master Su!"

Wu Xie was shocked when he heard about Su's Auction House. You must know that even in foreign countries, Su's Auction House has a great reputation.

Especially in the past few years, with the development of the economy, Su's Auction House has successively sold many handed down works, and many foreign archaeologists are talking about it in this Su's Auction House.

Pan Zi looked at the back, and muttered again in his heart, "The four behind should be the famous four fierce generals!"

(End of this chapter)

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