Chapter 168 Melon Seed Tomb and Wu Xie
Pan Zi looked at the back, and muttered again in his heart, "The four behind should be the famous four fierce generals!"

The four murderous generals, the most powerful generals under Master Su, are well-known murderers on the road.

A black gold saber can invite so many masters... It's really worth it!

Although Mr. Su has kept a low profile these years, he has never dared to underestimate him. You must know that this master had a Panjiayuan antique shop in his hands back then. Now his business is all over the world, his contacts are both black and white, and his methods are as good as the sky.

Not to mention the four fierce generals, just one Master Su is worth far more than a black gold saber!

Pan Zi was secretly happy, knowing that the journey was safe!
On the other side, seeing Pan Zi's eyes staring at the four murderous generals and others including himself, Wu Wu raised his eyebrows coldly and said, "Look at the eyes and dig them out for you..."

Wu Sansheng of the Nine Gates is a character, but the rest of the opponent's team really can't catch the eyes of the four fierce generals, including the muscular Pan Zi.

Pan Zi smiled resentfully. Although he was a special soldier who had been on the battlefield, he was still much inferior to the four in front of him.

Su Mo stared at Wuwu, and immediately introduced Wu Sansheng one by one.

The four fierce generals under his command are not some extra characters, besides himself, only Zhang Qiling can fight them.

"Master Su's subordinates are really able to come out in large numbers..."

Wu Sansheng admired sincerely, "These four are all masters, I'm afraid there is no such strong person among the Nine Sects!"

Taking this opportunity, Wu Sansheng also briefly introduced the people in his team.

Similar to the original TV series, Pan Zi, Wu Xie, Young Master He, and other confidantes of Wu Sansheng.

At the same time, Su Mo was also secretly observing Wu Xie,

At this time, Wu Xie was a newcomer, with "curiosity" engraved on his face, secretly urging his third uncle to set off, as if he was looking forward to the next tomb robbery.

Everyone exchanged simple greetings for a while, which was regarded as a greeting.

Not far away suddenly came the call of a cow.

Wu Sansheng was startled, "It should be our guide..."

Looking at the old man leading the cow in the distance, Wu Sansheng went up to meet him, "Are you Uncle Li? We contacted him before..."

Uncle Li nodded and looked at the crowd, with an unknown fierce light in his eyes, he hid it well, and Pan Zi and others didn't notice it.

Su Mo narrowed his eyes slightly, knowing that this person was definitely not a kind person.


Uncle Li patted his head and shouted, "So many people? It's just an ox cart!"

Now, Pan Zi and the others were also in trouble, because Su Mo and the others came suddenly, and they only prepared an ox cart.

With so many people, a bullock cart is absolutely not enough.

Wu Sanxing rubbed his brows, and was trying to find a way, but Su Mo said, "You take the bullock cart to lead the way, and we will drive to keep up. Since the bullock cart can go, the cart should be fine!"

Wu Sansheng thought for a while, and felt that what Su Mo said was somewhat reasonable, so he nodded helplessly, "That's the way it is!"

Since then, the team has split into two teams.

Su Mo, four fierce beasts, and six younger brothers ride in a car.

Hu Laosan took Pan Zi and Wu Xie, and Hey Shao waited for others to ride in the bullock cart.

Seeing that the bullock cart had set off, Chaos drove behind the bullock cart.

Zhang Qiling was like a dumb person at first, when he got into the car, he just closed his eyes and meditated, as if he should not approach strangers.

Qiongqi looked at Zhang Qiling, and twitched the corner of his mouth. To be honest, Zhang Qiling's look of me is very annoying, which made him very unhappy.

Su Mo smiled, took out four backpacks from the middle of the system and handed them to the four fierce beasts, and said, "There are some tactical equipment prepared by Lao Hu in advance, you can wear them when you get there, there are pistols and magazines in the bags And my probing claws and swords specially made of special alloys!"

"The probing claws are made for you with the materials I collected after searching for ten years. They are very sharp and flexible at the same time. They are not broken by knives and guns, and they are not contaminated by corpse poison!"

"The battle knife was also made by someone I found, and it also cuts iron like mud!"

Several people took the backpack excitedly, "Thank you, Master Su!"

"Thank you Su!"

Su Mo smiled, disapproving, "Okay, Chaos, drive hard!"


Chaos nodded repeatedly.

The speed of the bullock cart was not very fast, and Chaos also reduced the speed of the cart to a minimum.

The mountain road was very bumpy, and everyone didn't know if Zhang Qiling was asleep. An hour or two later, the bullock cart stopped by a river, and Chaos also turned off the engine and stopped, looking around.

There is a small simple pier built of wood by the river, and three small wooden boats are docked on the pier.

There is a little black dog swimming in the river beside the small wooden boat, very happy.

Seeing everyone on the bullock cart get off, Su Mo and others also pushed open the door.

Tao Tiao looked at the river and said with a smile, "When I saw this black dog, I thought of Little Inch Nail. Master Su, why didn't you bring Little Inch Nail out? With him around, this journey will definitely not be so boring ..."

Su Mo said, "My daughter is reluctant, so let her stay in Panjiayuan..."

Don't look at Taobao's mouthful of small-inch nails at this moment, but in front of the small-inch nails, Su Mo knew that he didn't dare to call them that.

Xiao Cunding, as the first batch of veterans who fought against him, his status is second only to Lao Hu, Zhang Yingying and others. He usually treats the four murderous generals and these second generations with arrogance, and only his daughter Xiannan can Hug it, other little guys are not birds.

Even on the road, Xiao Cunding has the title of "Master Little Dog".

As for why he didn't bring Little Inch Nail, it wasn't because his daughter was reluctant, it was because Su Mo didn't want to embarrass Wu Xie and his party.

Think about it, my grandfather is called Wu Laogou and Master Dog, and there is a little dog beside me, who is really a fucking dog.

How do the two teams work together?

What a fart!
therefore.Su Mo left Xiao Cunjiao in Panjiayuan to take care of the home and nursing home, and Yingzi and his daughter just took care of her.

A group of more than a dozen people looked at the river in front of them and the mountains in the distance.

Pan Zi said speechlessly: "Old man, you won't let us ride this dog for the next trip!
"If that's the case, I'm afraid a dog is enough!"

Pan Zi pointed to the black dog and said.

"Hey! Look what you say!"

Li Bo, the guide, knew that the other party was joking, pointing to a man who was repairing a boat with a hammer in the river, and said. "Oh, this is the next trip. I don't have any cars. I have to take a boat..."

That man's face was frighteningly pale and bloodless, making everyone's skin crawl when they saw it.

Wu Sanxing looked at Su Mo, "Master need to take a boat, look..."

Naturally, Su Mo would not disgrace Wu Sansheng, nodded and said, "It's fine for the third master to decide, I'll listen to you!"

"it is good!"

Wu Sansheng immediately took out the copy paper of the Warring States Silk Book and read it, and studied the surrounding terrain, "That's right, it's here, there can be no mistake, the tree hole is behind the mountain,"

The smile on the guide's face deepened, "Gentlemen, let's go on the road..."

Hearing this, even Su Mo, who is very good at nourishing qi, also had a murderous intent in his eyes at this moment.

What this guide meant, Su Mo knew all too well, it was nothing more than leading them to the waterway, and then seeking wealth and death in the dark environment.

This action reminded Su Mo of Li Chunlai from Gulan County, but when Li Chunlai had his throat sealed with a sword, it didn't end well.

(End of this chapter)

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