Chapter 178 Emma, ​​it smells so good!
Wu Xie said: "Tomb robbers, it's that group of grave robbers!"

Hearing Wu Xie's words, everyone cheered up immediately, including Su Mo.

Well-equipped tomb robbers are sometimes more terrifying than rice dumplings!
Everyone walked through the tomb passage cautiously, and saw a bright tomb chamber just after leaving the tomb passage.

Wu Sansheng said: "The lights in this tomb haven't gone out yet, there may still be people there!"

In the tomb, all the candles on the stone table have not been lit.

There are many sarcophagi placed in the middle of the tomb, and it can be seen at a glance that they seem to be arranged in some order, not in a normal and orderly arrangement.

On the top of the tomb is a Dahongding covered with murals.

Surrounded by a whole block of stone slabs, densely packed with words.

Wu Xie came to a sarcophagus and asked curiously, "Why are there so many sarcophagi here?"

Su Mo came over, glanced at it, and immediately said, "This records the life of the owner of the tomb!"

Hearing this, Pan Zi also came over, "Master Su, who is up there?"

Su Mo simply translated the text on the slate, "The owner of this tomb is a prince of the Lu State. This man was born with a ghost seal, and he can borrow soldiers from the underworld. Therefore, he is invincible in all battles. Conferred the title of King Lu Shang!"

"One day, he suddenly begged Duke Lu to see him, saying that he had borrowed soldiers from the underworld for many years, and now there is a rebellion in the underworld, so he must go back to the underworld to repay the favor of the Lord!"

"I hope that Duke Lu will allow him to return to the underworld to return to his command. Duke Lu will be ready to play at that time. King Lu Shang kowtowed and then sat down."

"Duke Lu thought he would come back, so he set up an underground palace for him here, and preserved his body. I hope he can continue to serve him when he comes back!"

"It also describes in detail some of the battles that King Lu Shang fought. In some battles, when his ghost seal was lit, a large number of ghost soldiers were killed underground to plunder people's souls."

After hearing this, Pan Zi sighed, "It's so powerful, it's a good thing he died early, otherwise, the country of Lu might be the one who will rule the world in the future..."

"Anyway, now we know who's fighting..."

While talking, Pan Zi became confused again, "With so many coffins, which one belongs to King Lu Shang?"

Everyone came and looked at the seven suspicious coffins again and again, trying to find clues among the clues.

Pan Zi was born in a special soldier and was good at discovering details and clues. Soon he found something wrong with a sarcophagus, and shouted to everyone: "This sarcophagus is open!"

Everyone heard the words and walked over quickly, and after a look, it really had been opened!
Wu Sansheng looked at the imprint on the sarcophagus, and said: "This sarcophagus has traces of being pried with an iron bar, but the prying marks are new, Pan Zi!"

Pan Zi understood what Wu Sansheng meant.

He took out an iron chisel from his bag, stuck it in the sarcophagus, pushed the coffin lid away little by little, and pried out a gap of about ten centimeters.

Wu Sansheng shone the light of the flashlight in and looked at it.

Almost everyone could see what was inside the coffin, inside was a crooked nut corpse with blood on its face.

He was dressed in black action clothes, like a mercenary.

Wu Sansheng was surprised and said, "Why is it a crooked nut?"

Su Mo said: "This person should be a member of the previous tomb robbery gang. Judging from the situation, he encountered something unclean!"

Pan Zi didn't care if it was a crooked nut or not, he reached out and was about to go in and pick something out.

Zhang Qiling grabbed Pan Zi's shoulder with great strength, and Pan Zi immediately grinned in pain: "Don't move, the Lord is under him!"

Pan Zi took advantage of Wu Sansheng's flashlight and looked down.

In fact, as Zhang Qiling said! !
There was another corpse under the foreigner, but I couldn't tell what it looked like.

Pan Zi withdrew his hand, and at this moment, "Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka!"

Suddenly there was a sound of an organ.

All seven coffins sank, and one coffin was opened.

A black man sat up with the corpse of the foreigner.

Two corpses climbed out of the coffin.Chao Su Mo and the others walked slowly step by step.

Su Mo laughed directly, the zombie kings outside were all killed by him, and now these two big rice dumplings are in a hurry to reincarnate.

Su Mo pulled out the Scarlet Heaven Sword, and easily killed the two big zongzi without any effort.

Before everyone could react, they saw that the big rice dumpling had been ruthlessly dismembered by Su Mo.


Pan Zi murmured, "Damn it, there's nothing in my heart!"

"Third Master..."

Pan Zi turned his head to look at Wu Sansheng, "This trip is over, I'm going to ask for a few days off, go home and be quiet!"


Wu Sansheng was also very speechless. Once they went down to the grave, they put their hearts in their throats every time, and some brothers even wrote their suicide notes.

But just fighting with Su Mo this time, just fucking evil, a long sword cut from outside the tomb to the main tomb.

God blocks and kills God, Buddha blocks and kills Buddha!
Wu Sansheng is the best of the second generation of the Nine Schools, and he has also accepted the formal fighting skills since he was a child, but today, Su Mo still refreshed his worldview.

At this time, Wu Xie was also coaxing from the side, "Third Uncle, isn't it easy to fight back, you still tell me to be careful..."


Big nephew, please don't make trouble with your old uncle!
The corner of Wu Sansheng's mouth twitched, and he was speechless for a long time.

Su Mo put away the Scarlet Firmament Sword, looked around, and said, "Take a break..."

No one dared to say anything. After hearing Su Mo's words, their bodies seemed out of control, and they sat on the ground in unison.

This is a natural leader, not lost to Master Zhang Dafo.

After Wu Sanxing sat on the ground, his eyes flickered, and he murmured secretly.

Su Mo took out big duck legs, braised pig's trotters, peanuts, and several bottles of iced Coke from the system space and distributed them to everyone.

Pan Zi took a sip of Coca-Cola and said sincerely, "Today I have finally learned how powerful the famous Master Su is! No wonder Yanjing Metropolis Biography - in the antique business, without Master Su's nod, he wouldn't be able to sell a piece of rubble!"

"Master Su, I, Pan Zi, never obey others, I will obey you in this life!"

Su Mo laughed, "It's just a joke from friends on the road, don't take it seriously!"

Everyone talked and laughed, and the atmosphere in the tomb was very lively.


Suddenly, there was a scream in the tomb.


Everyone looked up and saw a man descending from a small passage on the stone ladder above.

Chubby, not a big zongzi, but a meat zongzi.

Everyone looked at him while eating, as if they were watching a play!
"I'm stupid, what kind of door is this horse, how can it be opened from top to bottom!!!"

While cursing, Rou Zongzi struggled to get up from the ground.

Talking, not dirty!
Everyone was relieved.

Su Mo had a smile on his face, and a hint of mockery flashed in his eyes.

He had guessed who this person was, reached out and grabbed a small handful of fried peanuts, and threw it at the meat dumpling.

The meat dumpling was stunned for a moment, and looked at a red fried peanut on his collar with a cute face.

what's the situation?
Who am I? Where am I? What am I doing?
Where did this peanut come from?
Just for a while, the meat zongzi was full of question marks.

In the end, under the watchful eyes of everyone, the meat dumpling ate the fried peanuts on the collar into his mouth, and while chewing, he said, "Emma, ​​it's so delicious!"

(End of this chapter)

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