Chapter 179 Wang Banyue, There Is a Fatty King

"Emma, ​​it smells so good!"

The meat zongzi model is quite silly, and with these words, Wu Xie laughed out loud, "Hahahahahaha, who is this person, it's too funny!"

As a special soldier, Pan Zi was still very vigilant. He grabbed the duck's leg with one hand and raised his gun with the other and asked, "Don't move, tell me, who are you?"

Rou Zongzi looked at the few people not far away in bewilderment, and when he saw the meat and cola beside them, he couldn't believe it even more.

Come on, are these people having a party in an ancient tomb?
However, when Rou Zongzi saw the pistol, he immediately became honest, and quickly looked aside. When he saw Wu Xie, he seemed to be grabbing a life-saving straw, "Wu Xie, Wu Xie, it's me, Fatty Wang! "

At this time.Wu Xie also recognized Fatty Wang. When a group of men in black chased him and Young Master He, it was Fatty Wang who saved their lives.


Su Mo chewed the duck leg, and reminded apologetically, "There is a corpse!"

As soon as the words fell, densely packed black corpses fell from the place where Fatty Wang fell from the sky before.


Fatty Wang became anxious, "There are dead turtles, and you guys are still having a party here!"

Su Mo said with a smile, "This corpse came with you and has nothing to do with us!"


Su Mo waved his hand, "Get rid of these corpses, don't let these disgusting guys affect my appetite!"


Qiongqi handed the peanuts and wine pot to the Taobao beside him, then got up, and jumped in front of Fatty Wang.

Let go of evil spirits!
For a moment, all the corpse turtles trembled and fled.

Seeing Fatty Wang made his heart skip a beat, "Thanks, brother, my savior!"

Qiongqi can be regarded as Su Mo's second generation, a well-known bigwig in the Tao, he didn't take Fatty Wang's words seriously, nodded, and returned to Su Mo's side again.

Fatty Wang scratched his head, looked at Su Mo in the crowd, and became more and more familiar with him.

Suddenly, a white light flashed in his eyes, and Fatty Wang's eyes lit up instantly, " are Master Su?"

"Master name is Wang Yueban, and I'm also picking up antiques in Panjiayuan!"

Fatty Wang took out a business card from his pocket, and handed it to Su Mo excitedly, "I'm your idol..."

Tao Teng looked at Wang Yueban coldly, "Fatty, what are you talking about?"


Fatty Wang also noticed that he said the wrong thing, and shook his head again and again, "No, no, you are my idol, Master Su, you are my idol!"

At this time, Fatty Wang also recognized the four people beside Su Mo, who were the famous Four Fierce Generals under Su Mo's command.

"Ha ha…"

Because of his brother, Su Mo had a good impression of Fatty Wang, and nodded with a smile, "Accept it!"

The four fierce generals were a little surprised, they never expected that this fat man who looked like a meat dumpling would fall into Master Su's eyes.

Zhu Wu stood up and took Fatty Wang's business card.

This made Wang Yueban very flattered, and bowed again and again, "Master Su, I am Fatty Wang, and you have a brother who is triumphant. Fatty Lord, he is also called Fatty Wang in Taoism. We are destined, super destined!"

Fatty Wang is a ghostly ghost, trying every means to get close to Su Mo.

It's because Su Mo's status is too great, so big that there is no limit. Even if the two of them are in Panjiayuan, it is not easy to see him on weekdays.

Before, there was a Hong Kong businessman who wanted to develop business in the mainland. According to the rules, he went to Beijing to visit Su Ye's Wharf, but even such a big man didn't get to see Su Mo.

In the end, it was Mr. Hu and Chaos who met, and the goods of the Hong Kong businessmen entered the mainland.

A big Buddha like Master Su is a big man that Fatty Wang will never get in touch with in his whole life, but he happened to meet him in this corner, how could Fatty Wang miss such an opportunity.


Su Mo smiled and said, "It's really a fate... Would you like to have some?"

"Thank you Master Su, then I'll be impolite!"

Fatty Wang swallowed, opened the package and started to chew.

Familiar with each other, I really don't see outsiders!
Chaos next to him rolled his eyes.

After Wu Xie finished eating the duck legs, she looked at Fatty Wang who was devouring the pig's trotters, and couldn't help asking: "Eat slowly, I'm asking you seriously, why did you come?"

Fatty Wang took another bite of the pig's trotter, rolled his small eyes, and said, "I followed Aning here. Last time, when we were in Neimeng, I was afraid that there was some conspiracy behind this girl." .”

"So I came out of Nei Meng, and I followed her here together..."

"Hey, don't mention them, Ah Ning's people have all turned into blood corpse dumplings, what a f*cking bad luck!"

Su Mo took Fatty Wang's backpack from Qiongqi, took a look at it, and then threw it to Fatty Wang.

"You kid can do it. Not only do you touch Captain Jin to light candles like others, but you also have a topographic map of the Warring States Tomb on your body!"

Fatty Wang smiled awkwardly.

He is indeed not Captain Mojin, he just worships Captain Mojin.

Wu Xie looked at Fatty Wang in bewilderment: "Didn't you say you came with Aning? Why do you still have the ancient tomb map here?"

Su Mo smiled and said, "Did you just come to this ancient tomb?"

When Fatty Wang heard that it was Su Mo who asked, he immediately confessed honestly.

That's right, Fatty Wang came to the ancient tombs of the Warring States period. He first came into contact with Wu Xie and Young Master He in Neimeng because of the Silk Book of the Warring States Period handed down by the Wu family's ancestors.

After Fatty Wang finished speaking, Wu Xie gave him a hard look.

Unexpectedly, this fat man had a simple and honest look on his face, but he was full of bad things behind his back.

Fatty Wang looked embarrassed, and quickly changed the subject, "Have you found the ghost seal yet?"

Wu Xie asked curiously, "Is the ghost seal real?"

Fatty Wang was stunned: "What? You don't even know if the ghost seal is real, why are you here?"

Wu Xie was speechless for a while, but he didn't expect that Fatty Wang, who had a bad stomach, would teach him a lesson.

Fatty Wang asked again: "You always know about that, King Lu Shang?"

When Wu Xie heard this, he knew this, and immediately said confidently: "King Lu Shang, I know, he is a vassal king... He can fight with Yin soldiers!"

Fatty Wang said speechlessly: "What is it? Let me tell you, the so-called King Lu Shang and the so-called Yin soldiers are nothing but a gimmick..."

Saying that, Fatty Wang looked at Su Mo again with a flattering expression, "Master Su, let me tell you, this King Lu Shang is not so much a general as he is a grave robber."

"It is said that his army rested during the day and marched at night, and often disappeared from one place while walking, and then suddenly appeared from another place!"

"And most of the places that pop up are graveyards. Think about it, people in ancient times had a lot of feudal and superstitious thoughts, so it was passed on from generation to generation. The Yin soldiers used the excuse to say that he was actually a Tufuzi!"

Wu Xie retorted: "But you draw a conclusion based on this information, isn't it too arbitrary?"

Fatty Wang looked at Wu Xie and said, "That's not all, just now, we all saw the Seven Star Suspect Coffin!"

Before Fatty Wang finished speaking, Wu Xie interrupted: "What? The seven coffins in the main tomb were the seven-star coffins?"

Fatty Wang was stunned: "Otherwise?"

At this time, Wu Xie also remembered something mentioned in some of his grandfather's notes: "I didn't expect that it was the seven-star suspicious coffin. My grandfather mentioned it in his notes. Seven-star suspicious coffins, seven coffins, only one is real , everything else is a mechanism!"

Fatty Wang said: "This King Lu Shang felt that he had robbed too many tombs when he was alive, and he would be punished after death, so he laid down the seven-star coffin!"

"However. I found that none of the seven coffins was real,"

Fatty Wang looked at the surrounding stone walls and said, "Including the tomb of King Lu, it's also possible that it's fake. In fact, I couldn't figure it out at first.

Fatty Wang said meaningfully, "Until I finally fell into the maze of tomb passages, I suddenly discovered that this is a Western Zhou tomb!"


ps: The real name of Fatty Wang in the Tomb Raider Notes is Wang Yueban, the title is wrong, sorry,

(End of this chapter)

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