Chapter 183 Tie Mian Sheng and King Lu Shang

Wu Sansheng stabilized his emotions, looked at the jade figurine carefully, and asked: "I heard that the jade figurine can't be taken off from the outside. Do we have to move it out? In my opinion, we should pry it open..."

It’s okay if Wu Sansheng didn’t say anything, but when he heard this, Fatty Wang became anxious, “I’ll just say that you Nanpai don’t have any technical content at all, you can either carry it or pry it, can you use your brain and figure out how to take it off ah!"

The Southern School that Fatty Wang mentioned actually refers to the Nine Schools in the South. People from the Southern School rob tombs based on ancestral experience, and most of the time they rob tombs with violence, lacking real inheritance.

Like many tomb robbers, they use the lowest level of tomb robbery methods, such as looking at the soil and tasting the soil to identify the condition of the ancient tomb.

Knowing a little bit of Jinding acupoint technique is already one of the best.

The northern faction pays attention to the skills of tomb robbery, and even Xiaowei Mojin can be classified as the northern faction.

It's just that Captain Mojin's name is really too big. He has had a good reputation since the time of Cao Wei, and it has been passed down to this day.

Even seven or eight-year-old children can hum a few slogans such as "there is a seal on the hair mound, a talisman on the touch of gold, skill in moving mountains, and armor in unloading mountains".

"Get out of the way..."

Fatty Wang said, "Let you see how powerful Fatty is..."


A steady breathing sound came, this time, everyone heard it, and everyone was shocked.


This guy is really alive!

Everyone looked at each other, and looked at Su Mo at the same time, "Master Su...this..."

Su Mo said, "Tear it down, Fatty, take it down for me..."

This jade figurine is a unique treasure, which can allow people to live for thousands of years. This method of longevity is much better than Feng Shi.

Feng Shigu sewed himself into the body of the black sheep king in order to obtain immortality quickly with the help of the corpse of the black sheep king, and then sealed him alive in the coffin.

From Su Mo's point of view, this method is really suffering. On the other hand, the iron-faced man in the jade warrior is breathing steadily, as if he is asleep, and it is not too comfortable.

"Got it!"

Fatty accepted the order gladly, then took out the magnifying glass, and pulled out a thin line to the jade warrior.

There is a play!

Pan Zi praised, "Hey, Fatty really has two brushes, so many thread ends, and such thin things, you can even find them!"


The fat man gave a low laugh, with a smug expression on his face, "Just watch it..."

As he said that, the fat man pulled the silk thread, ready to take off the jade figurine completely.

"and many more…"

Zhang Qiling, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly called out.

Although the fat man was a little puzzled, he stopped obediently.

Zhang Qiling took a few steps forward, looked at the breathing dead body and said: "This thing sheds its skin once every 500 years, and only when the skin is peeling can the jade spring be taken off. If you take it off by force!
"The corpse inside will turn into a blood corpse. The living corpse in Yuyong has been preserved for more than 3000 years. As long as you pull the thread, the corpse will rise immediately!"

Zhang Qiling moved his eyes to Su Mo, "It will be very troublesome if he picks up the corpse. I'm afraid it's even scarier than the flying corpse that is about to attain enlightenment!"

Zhang Qiling's meaning is self-evident, after the corpse was lifted, it was another bloody battle after all.

Su Mo looked at it, and sighed secretly. In fact, he didn't care. He was confident in suppressing all ghost zongzi here.

However, with so many people around, if corpses were born on the iron face, he might not be able to protect them.

Su Mo shook his head, "Just do what you want..."

"it is good!"

Zhang Qiling responded, looked down at the breathing corpse, and said, "You've lived long enough, you can die!"

After finishing speaking, he stepped forward and grabbed the corpse's neck. The living dead seemed to feel a sense of suffocation, and his whole body twitched violently.

However, it didn't take long, and Zhang Qiling directly broke his neck, extinguishing all life in the jade warrior.

The fat man couldn't bear it, and turned his head to look aside. After confirming that Tie Mian was alive and dead, Su Mo nodded, "Fatty, do it, you have to dig out the corpse no matter what, I want the jade warrior..."

This is the only jade figurine in the world, Su Mo is determined to get it.


Wang Yueban felt that the fight was coming to an end, and everyone was about to leave the tomb, so he would not miss any chance to curry favor with Su Mo.

Wang Yueban continued to dismantle the jade figurines.

Zhang Qiling said again: "There is a purple gold jade box inside the lacquered coffin, everything you want is inside..."

Wu Xie was suspicious, "Who the hell are you? How do you know what we want?"

Zhang Qiling glanced at Wu Xie, but didn't speak.

Wu Xie: "..."

Got it!
Ask for it!

Wu Xie was also familiar with Zhang Qiling's character, so he was bored with the oil bottle, too lazy to say anything, and lowered his head to take out the lacquered coffin from the inner and outer coffins.

Wu Xie opened the box under Wu Sansheng's signal, and there was a silk book inside. After looking at it, he said, "This is the life experience of King Lu Shang. I have studied this kind of writing before, but I only know a little bit..."


Su Mo walked up quickly, looked down, and said, "Apart from the life of King Lu Shang, it mainly talks about two things. The first is the process of King Lu Shang getting the ghost seal, and the other is about It is the jade figurines..."

Su Mo briefly explained how King Lu Shang got the ghost seal, focusing on the jade figurines.

"Lu Shang heard that there was a jade figurine in ancient times that could rejuvenate people and make them immortal..."

"Later, King Lu Shang, who was proficient in Qimen Dunjia, found this ancient tomb of the Western Zhou Dynasty!"

"This ancient tomb of the Western Zhou Dynasty is quite strange. In the cave that serves as the main tomb, there is also a giant tree that he called Hydra, and a skinny young man's corpse, wearing a black golden hazel Yuyi, meditating on the jade bed under the giant tree.

"After looking at it, the military adviser Tie Miansheng said decisively, this is Yu Chung. This young man's corpse seems to be dead but not dead. Every once in a while, the dead skin on his body will fall off, and new skin will grow from it. It is estimated that this man must be a withered old man when he dies!"

"This iron-faced student is very good. He actually knows how to restrain the blood corpse. He used a special method to take out the male corpse from the figurine and seal it in the auxiliary coffin..."

"Later, King Lu Shang built a seven-star suspicious tomb in this ancient tomb of the Western Zhou Dynasty, and his real coffin was hidden in a thousand-year-old tree..."

"Before King Lu Shang enters the coffin, King Lu Shang will kill all the people involved in the project, leaving only two loyal cronies to enshrine him. Those two also died of poison after finishing everything!"


Everyone seemed to be listening to the heavenly scriptures, and they were deeply impressed by the ups and downs of King Lu Shang's life.


Wu Xie asked curiously: "What is the ending of that iron-faced student? Could it be that he was also buried to death?"

King Lu Shang can lead troops to conquer various countries, and he can also go down to the grave to fight, he is a hero like a hero.

However, in this silk script description, Tie Miansheng, the military advisor, is also a strange person, even stronger than King Lu Shang, he can't completely cover up this person's radiance.

It can also be said that without the assistance of Tie Miansheng, there would be no powerful King Lu Shang.

Wu Sansheng thought for a while, and said: "Iron Miansheng, this kind of person is very smart, he should have expected that King Lu Shang would kill people to silence him, so he will not be foolish and loyal to be buried with him!"

Zhang Qiling said lightly: "Of course he won't, because in the end, the one lying in the jade warrior is no longer King Lu Shang, but himself!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked.

A flash of inspiration flashed in Wu Xie's mind, and he suddenly had a guess, "Could it be that at the last moment, the two of them switched places?"

(End of this chapter)

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