People are in Panjiayuan, and they fool Lao Hu to rob the tomb at the beginning

Chapter 184 The Tomb of the King of Lu is Over, Back to Yanjing

Chapter 184 The Tomb of King Lu is over, return to Yanjing
Wu Xie said: "Could it be that at the last moment, the two of them switched places?"

Zhang Qiling nodded, "Iron Miansheng, this man is planning everything, he just wants to use the power of King Lu Shang to achieve his goal of longevity..."

Wu Xie stared at Zhang Qiling, "How do you know? As if you experienced it yourself?"

Zhang Qiling shook his head and said: "I didn't experience it personally. When I was fighting a few years ago, I found a complete set of Warring States silk books in a Song tomb!"

"The content inside should be the autobiography of Tie Mian Sheng..."

"After Tie Miansheng taught all the plans of King Lu Shang, he set fire to his family members and escaped by feigning death..."

"Although King Lu Shang knew something was wrong, there was nothing he could do about it. After King Lu Shang was buried, Tie Miansheng easily sneaked into the tomb, dragged the defenseless King Lu Shang out of the jade figurine, and lay down by himself. !"

Suzhou looked at Zhang Qiling in surprise, who said that this guy is a stuffy person, now he is making up nonsense.

Wu Xie felt something was wrong, and asked, "The corpse of King Lu Shang was dragged out, didn't it become a blood corpse?"

Zhang Qiling's complexion changed, and his eyes were a little unnatural, "He didn't write this in his book, maybe it's because King Lu Shang entered the figurine for too short a time to become a blood corpse!"

"Besides, it's just an autobiography. He just mentioned it a little bit, without detailed records!"

After all, he didn't say such a long word, and he lied again, Zhang Qiling's expression at this moment was extremely unnatural.

Su Mo looked at the way his brother was lying, and was speechless.

It's hard for him to say it, for a dumb person who made up such a long nonsense must have practiced a lot behind it.

As for King Lu Shang's body, Su Mo guessed that Zhang Qiling had taken care of it or placed it there when he came in last time.

After Zhang Qiling finished telling the lie, he seemed to have completed the task, regained his expressionless face again, stood up and said: "It's almost dawn, we should go out..."

Here, Fatty Wang also took off the jade figurine. Hearing Zhang Qiling's words, he stood up and said, "Hey, hey, no, no, the ghost seal has not been found. Doesn't it mean that we have come in vain if we leave now?"

"Besides, what if these foreign mercenaries come back after we leave... What should we do? The ghost seal will never fall into their hands, it is a national treasure!"

Fatty Wang pointed at Aning and said, speaking righteously.

Aning said in a deep voice: "What we are looking for is not a ghost seal, what is a ghost seal? What we are looking for is far more important than a ghost seal!"

Fatty Wang curled his lips: "I don't believe what these women say..."

Su Mo also smiled and said, "These mercenaries are really not looking for Guixi..."

Aning and these mercenaries belonged to Jude Kao. Su Mo knew that Jude Kao had been looking for the whereabouts of the Snake Eyebrow Copper Fish all these years.

And the snake-browed copper fish in front of him is in the silver-edged and top-topped treasure box in Wu Xie's backpack.

Fatty Wang looked at Su Mo in bewilderment: "Master Su, do you trust her? You are older than us and have seen countless people. Why are you still confused by this little girl!"

Taotie's eyes turned cold, and he scolded: Presumptuous!"

Su Mo raised his hand, and then Taotie gave Fatty Wang a hard look, and didn't speak any more. If he didn't stop him, Taotie would have punished Fatty Wang.

However, even so, Fatty Wang was taken aback, and realized that he had said something wrong, and quickly apologized: "Master Su, I didn't mean that, I just wanted to say that this Aning is a member of a foreign tomb robbery group, she unbelievable..."

When everyone was arguing, Pan Zi stood beside Wu Sansheng, and suddenly saw the head of the blue-eyed fox corpse rolling on the ground by itself!
Pan Ziqiang held back the panic in his heart, and shouted: "Third, third master, look!"

As he spoke, Pan Zi pointed to the head of the blue-eyed fox corpse.

Wu Sansheng and Fatty Wang were very puzzled, and looked in the direction of Pan Zi's finger.

A red turtle crawled out of the blue-eyed fox's head.


The corpse trembled, its wings spread out, and it flew towards the crowd.

Pan Zi was terrified and raised his pistol to shoot.

The fat man seemed to have thought of something, and shouted anxiously: "Don't shoot, that's the corpse king..."

As soon as the fat man finished speaking, countless corpses crawled out from the various caves, densely packed, very terrifying.

Behind everyone, the ancient Hydra cypress tree seemed to come alive, its branches swaying, attacking everyone like a poisonous snake.

Chaos changed color and quickly looked at Su Mo.

Su Mo said in a deep voice, "Run away!"

How could everyone dare to stay here, they grabbed the vines on the wall and climbed up.

"Chaos, you guys go too..."

Su Mo pulled out the Akasaka Sword, his whole body erupted with blood, and the corpses couldn't help shuddering. They couldn't avoid Su Mo, and diverted to other people.

"call out!"

"call out!"

Su Mo's speed was extremely fast, a speed that could not be caught by the naked eye. His afterimages were seen in all directions, and the cypress branches of the hydra that disturbed everyone's escape were chopped to the ground one after another.

Seeing that Su Mo was so brave, Chaos and the others felt a little more at ease, and began to run for their lives with light kung fu.

With Su Mo's help, everyone also started to flee for their lives.

Su Mo found a gap and received the jade figurines into the system space.

"Bang bang bang!"

The entire ancient tomb made an overwhelmed sound, about to collapse.

Su Mo stepped on the snow without a trace and flew over, his figure constantly jumping and moving on the Hydra cypress.

Just as Hydra Bo was desperately arresting Su Mo, Su Mo waved his right hand and threw out three packs of high explosives in his hand.



A deafening sound sounded, hitting the Hydra cypress, and the raging fire was burning. With the black smoke filling the air, Su Mo no longer wanted to fight, and escaped to heaven.


"Master Su!"

"Master Su!"

The four murderous generals were finally relieved to see that Su Mo was safe and sound.

Su Mo stood on the side of a mountain, looking at the mountain peak with black smoke not far away, thoughtful.

"Master Su..."

Chaos said respectfully, "A-Ning left, Wu Sansheng and the others went to fight the fire with the villagers..."

Su Mo nodded, indicating that he knew.


Seeing that Su Mo didn't speak, the four fierce generals didn't dare to say anything, and stood behind Su Mo very quietly.

After a long time, Su Mo murmured, "It's time for us to return to Beijing..."


Just leave?Don't say hello to Wu Sansheng's uncle and nephew, dumb Zhang.

Su Mo knew what everyone was thinking, and immediately said with a smile: "Hahaha, don't worry, you will often deal with Wu Xie and the others in the future..."

The four fierce generals scratched their heads, quite puzzled, Wu Xieyuan was in Hangzhou, and their handicap business was all in Yanjing, so it should be difficult to contact them in the future, right?

Wu Wu walked to Su Mo's side, "Master Su, there is something I don't understand?"

Wu Wu is the only female among the four fierce generals. Yingzi liked little guys very much when she was a child, so the relationship between Wu Wu and Su Mo's family has always been very good. If the other fierce generals dare not say anything, Wu Wu can speak freely.

Su Mo smiled slightly, "Three, tell me..."

Zhu Wu asked; "King Lu Shang's ghost seal..."

"Ha ha…"

Su Mo laughed loudly, "The Ghost Seal does not belong to anyone, there is only one person in the world who can own it, and that is Zhang Qiling!"

The ghost seal was taken away by dumb Zhang?
The four fierce generals were taken aback.

Su Mo said faintly, "This world is not as simple as you imagined, it is somewhat "ultimate", even I dare not set foot in it lightly!"

"Zhang Qiling took away the ghost seal, and he will complete his mission in the future!"

Thinking of the Bronze Gate, a trace of fear flashed in Su Mo's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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