People are in Panjiayuan, and they fool Lao Hu to rob the tomb at the beginning

Chapter 193 Master Zhang Dafo vs Su Mo, urgent!urgent!urgent!

Chapter 193 Master Zhang Dafo vs Su Mo, urgent!urgent!urgent!
When it was learned that Su Mo was going to Xisha, the company under Su Mo started running like a war machine at high speed.

Someone bought a ship overnight!

Someone goes abroad to source the best diving gear.

Some people began to prepare a few generations of change of clothes, toiletries, very delicate, and some even bought Xiao Cunding's favorite dog food!
The Su Group has raised many planners, and they usually have nothing to do, but once Su Mo and anyone in the first generation fall into the grave, they will fight.They got busy.

Based on the geographical location of the tomb, these people judged all possible things that could happen.

Such as earthquakes, landslides, and rice dumplings that may be encountered in the tomb!
It is about the safety of several generations, and no one dares to be careless.



The stars were shining brightly. Yingzi had just finished taking a shower, wearing a bathrobe and her hair was not dry yet, so she began to prepare a change of clothes for Su Mo.

"I agreed not to go out... It's only been a few days, and I'm going to fight again..."

"This time it's Xisha, the direction of the Nanhai Sea, why don't you go abroad..."

Yingzi muttered while packing her clothes, her tone was quite dissatisfied.

Su Mo smiled wryly. Although Yingzi's voice was low, as the person next to her pillow, she knew how capable she was as a man.

These words were meant to be heard by Su Mo!
"All right…"

After tidying up her clothes, Yingzi got into the bed angrily.

Su Mo chuckled, and then got into the bed, his hands were dishonest.

"What are you doing…"

Yingzi blushed.

"Of course I miss you..."

Take off your clothes and make out.

Yingzi was ashamed and angry, resisted a few times, and then let Su Mo manipulate him.


Su Mo glanced at Yingzi's luck, and immediately froze in place.

"what happened?"

Yingzi thought that Su Mo was out of state, but when he looked down, his face turned red again.

Yingzi looked at Su Mo on him with some doubts, "What's wrong with you?"

Su Mo raised his eyebrows and asked, "Where did you go today?"

Yingzi's luck should be red like the sky, but at this time... the black air is lingering. In the technique of Qingwu, this phenomenon is targeted by unclean things, and it is difficult for ordinary people to decipher.

Yingzi said: "School is normal today... By the way, a batch of treasures from Nine Gates has been shipped to Eleven Warehouse on the outskirts of Yanjing. The school has connections with several companies under Nine Gates. Hundreds of students from the Department of Archeology went there for internships. , I will lead the team today!"

Eleven warehouses!
Su Mo's pupils shrank, and he immediately got up, "Put on your clothes...follow me!"

Yingzi was puzzled, "What's wrong?"

Su Mo explained: "You are being targeted by something unclean. Stop talking, follow me..."

Su Mo stood up, ignoring dressing, took out his mobile phone and dialed Taozhen's number, "Four..."

"Master Su!"

On the other end of the phone, Tao Tie's voice was respectful.

Su Mo said in a deep voice, "Speak to Chaos... Surround the Eleven Warehouse!"

After finishing speaking, Su Mo hung up the phone directly, and turned to look at Yingzi, "Sister, it's cold at night, put on more clothes..."


On the outskirts of Yanjing.

The eleventh warehouse is very large, and it was originally the place where Jiumen stored goods.

However, the location is remote, and the things here may be transferred to Hangzhou in a few days, so there are very few people here.

But today, the lights are bright, and the car stretches for tens of miles, illuminating the sky of the villages and towns near Shishicang.

"what happened?"

Eleven Warehouse is a very special place, because there are a lot of goods stored here, so there are nearly 100 people from Jiumen stationed here.

But seeing the car lights stretching for dozens of miles, the 100 people also panicked.


"There are more than 2000 people here. There is only one person with such power in Yanjing City...Master Su!"

"What's going on? Why did Mr. Su come to my eleven warehouse?"

Many Jiumen people have seen the pistol hidden in the waist of the person opposite, and there is a military truck specializing in submachine guns in the distance.

More than 2000 people and so many submachine guns, is this going to war?
These 100 people had no fighting spirit, and they shouted in a panic, "Quickly, quickly, call Chairman Zhang, quickly contact Huo Xiangu..."

"If it doesn't work, call the police!"

"No way, brother, the nearby signals are all cut off, and I can't make any calls..."

The people in Jiumen thought that Su Mo's men would be armed with big knives, but instead they brought a military truck equipped with a submachine gun.

The people of Nine Gates thought they could still ask for help, but as soon as the car drove up, the capable people and strangers who came out of the orphanage used the latest technology to block the messages of the three kilometers nearby, and cut off the all telephone lines within ten kilometers.

Until now, the people of Jiumen realized the gap between themselves and Su Mo.

Not to mention that this is enough to destroy 2000 strong men in any family of the Nine Sects.

These advanced equipment and this amazing tactical theory alone are enough to easily crush everyone.

In the eleventh warehouse, everyone began to feel extremely panic and uneasy.

Outside the Eleven Warehouse, Su Mo took Yingzi out of the car, and the four murderers greeted them personally, "Master Su, all the exits in the Eleven Warehouse are sealed..."

"According to your order, we brought seven or eight tons of gasoline from other places..."

Su Mo nodded, and said coldly; "Burn, I will burn everything in the eleven warehouse..."

Since there are dirty things here, seven or eight tons of gasoline is sprayed directly, and the effect of physical attack may not be worse than other methods.

"Master Su..."

The manager of Eleven Warehouse is a 90-year-old man. He is not from the Zhang family, so he has gray hair and a strong spirit, but his face is also pale at this time.

The old man hurriedly said: "Master Su, there must be a misunderstanding!"

Su Mo was too lazy to talk nonsense with this person, "Do it!"

The old man said anxiously, "Master Su, Master Su, there are corpses of Lord Buddha and Mrs. Xinyue inside, you can't do this..."

(End of this chapter)

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