Chapter 194 The capital shakes, all parties gather

Under the night sky, the lights are bright!

The car lights that stretched for dozens of miles illuminated the three-mile radius.

When the four fierce generals transferred 2000 people from various markets, their mobile phones kept ringing during the period. Among them were Lord Hu, Lord Fatty, the middle and high-level officials of Nine Gates, and even people from the Yanjing military and officials.

Although the nearby communication signals were blocked, the mobilization of 2000 people still alarmed many forces in Yanjing City.

This night, someone stayed up all night!

"Master Su..."

The old man said anxiously, "There are the corpses of Buddha and Mrs. Xinyue in it, you can't do this..."

Hearing this, the four murderers changed their expressions slightly.

Master Zhang passed away on 01, only two years ago, at this time they openly attacked his corpse, this is a blatant slap in the face of Jiumen.

If Jiumen does not fight back, Nuoda's Jiumen will become the laughing stock of others, and there will be no place for them in Yanjing in the future.

For the sake of face and survival, Jiumen will also go to war with Su Mo in an all-out way!
At this moment, everyone looked at Su Mo!

Everyone is waiting for his final order!

Yingzi sensed something was wrong, and grabbed Su Mo's arm uneasily, "Brother Su, let's go back, I'm fine!"


Su Mo shook his head, took a step forward, stared wide-eyed, and roared at Eleven Cang, "Buddha, I, Su Mo, have always respected you!"

"When you were alive, I stayed away. Even though I didn't like your style of doing things, I didn't have a direct conflict with you..."

"But, what did you do... what did you do to my sister!"

The air waves soared into the sky, and the entire suburb was filled with Su Mo's roar. At this moment, everyone felt Su Mo's anger.


Many people stared wide-eyed, and the living Master Su talked to the dead Buddha through the air, and many people's heads went blank.

Qiongqi stared at Eleven Warehouse, muttering: "Because of Buddha's body, Eleven Warehouse has turned into a small ghost town, it seems that it can't be good today..."


Except for the whispers around, the silence in Eleven Warehouse was terrifying.

Su Mo calmed down and said in a deep voice; "You were a hero in life, and a hero in death. Since you can't suppress the ghosts and ghosts here, don't blame me for being ruthless..."

"Chaos... Do it, burn the eleven warehouses to the ground!"


Chaos and the others froze in their hearts, and they were ready for an all-out war with the Nine Gates.

Although it was an extremely unwise decision, the four murderers would have no choice.

Their honor, their wealth, and even their lives were all given by Su Mo.

They absolutely obeyed Su Mo's orders.

Su Mo gave an order, and several gasoline trucks rushed towards the eleventh warehouse from all directions.

"Wait, Su Mo!"

After receiving the news, Zhang Rishan, Huo Xiangu, Yin Xinyue, and other middle and high-level members of Jiumen in Yanjing rushed over.


A huge buzzing sound sounded, everyone looked up and found a helicopter above their heads.

The helicopter carries a star and is engraved with the eye-catching sign of [-].

Seeing this scene, everyone stopped.

"This... surprised them!"

Seeing this sign, Chaos panicked, and hurriedly looked at Su Mo.

Su Mo's face was calm, and he signaled that the four murderers will be calm and calm.


The helicopter landed, and an old man with white hair came over with a cane.

Although everyone didn't know the identity of this person, they thought he was also a big shot in Yanjing, so they stepped aside one after another.

The white-haired old man looked at Su Mo, "Mr. Su..."

Su Mo said, "Secretary Liu!"

This person is the secretary next to the old leader in the past, and now the feudal official in Kyoto City, one of the top officials in the court.

At this time, Zhang Rishan, Huo Xiangu and others also ran over, as did the middle and high-level staff of Nine Gates, and greeted Secretary Liu one after another.

"Mr. Su..."

Secretary Liu looked at Su Mo, "Give me a face, how about turning over today's matter?"


Su Mo was expressionless and said nothing.

Many people were already laughing in their hearts, thinking to themselves, Su Mo was so arrogant that he didn't give this official any face.

If God wants it to perish, it must first make it crazy, Su Mo, your death is imminent!
Secretary Liu was helpless, "Su Mo, we have been friends for more than 20 years, in front of so many people, if you reject me like this, I will be very embarrassed..."

"Give me a face for my old brother, I gave you a lot of tea from the old leader back then..."

This sentence made everyone dumbfounded.

Listening to the words, all the people present are good people, and they naturally heard that the relationship between Su Mo and Secretary Liu is unusual.

Master Su actually has something to do with this big shot!
Everyone was shocked.

Su Mo said: "The corpses of Master Zhang and Mrs. Xinyue can be taken away, but I will burn the rest here..."

Secretary Liu and Su Mo have known each other for many years, knowing that this is Su Mo's bottom line, he immediately looked at Huo Xiangu, Zhang Rishan and the others, "What do you think...?"

Huo Xiangu gritted her teeth, "Okay!"

"Okay, okay, let's do it..."

Secretary Liu shook his head, obviously not wanting to interfere in this matter, so he turned around and was about to leave.

Su Mo shouted: "Don't fucking die behind my back, I will let you handle this kind of thing in the future..."

Secretary Liu waved his hands without looking back, "Damn, can't you say something nice? Back then, the old leader said you were a good little comrade, but in my opinion, you're just a rascal...Ms. Court , woke me up in the middle of the night..."

"Today's incident can only be limited to this, and it cannot be rumored. I will pretend it never happened!"

Looking at the eye-catching "[-]" sign on the helicopter, everyone fell silent and nodded repeatedly.

If you offend them, I am afraid that you will have no foothold in the whole of China.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Su has something to do with this senior official, and it seems to be extraordinary.

While everyone breathed a sigh of relief, they looked at Su Mo with fear in their eyes.

Su Mo said in a deep voice, "Half an hour, I only give you half an hour..."

"In half an hour, this place will turn into a sea of ​​flames!"

The people from Jiumen didn't dare to be careless, and quickly sent people to take out the coffins of Buddha and Mrs. Xinyue.


Half an hour later, Su Mo waved his hand, and the beer gasoline car cleared the way, and many men who looked like holding golden talismans appeared in all directions at the same time.

These gold-touching talismans are specially made by Su Mo.

Since Su Mo obtained the method of making gold-touching talismans last time, he summoned skilled craftsmen under his command to imitate gold-touching talismans.

The method of making the gold-touching talisman is extremely complicated. It uses the sharpest claw of the pangolin, first soaks it in the ditch for 49 days, and then buries it in the ground at a depth of [-] meters in the Dragon Tower, borrowing the spiritual energy of the earth veins for [-] days. .

It took nearly three years to take shape. After it was formed, it was more than an inch long. It was black and shiny, and extremely hard. The body of the amulet was engraved with two ancient seal characters of "touching gold", which can be used for body protection.

Naturally, Su Mo couldn't wait for more than 900 days, so after 49 days of soaking in the ditch, Su Mo directly dripped his pure green dragon blood on it.

In this way, a group of gold-touching talismans different from those of Cao Wei's period was formed. Although it is not as good as Lao Hu, the pure gold-touching talisman in Fatty's hand is also a rare thing in the world to ward off evil spirits.



With an order, the entire eleven warehouses were turned into an endless sea of ​​flames.

In the night sky, ghosts were crying and wolves were howling, the wind was roaring, and white ghosts were looming and fleeing in a panic.

(End of this chapter)

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