Chapter 197 Zhang Qiling and Wu Xie
"Master Su..."

Aning stood on the opposite boat and shouted loudly: "Master Su..."

Su Mo got up and came to the board of the boat, looking across.

I saw Aning beckoning, as if he wanted to go over by himself.

Su Mo didn't think much about it, he jumped up and walked straight to Aning's side, "What's the matter?"


Aning looked at Su Mo's previous position.

Although the two boats were not far apart, they were still more than 20 meters away, and Su Mo jumped over directly.

Aning blinked, and said: "I heard that Huaxia has a light kung fu called Wudang Climbing Ladder... Master Su made this trick?"

Su Mo said: "It's about the same... What are you looking for?"


Aning rolled his eyes, "You are so boring!"

I intentionally wanted to ease the relationship with this Master Su, but I didn't expect him to be so ignorant.

The corners of Su Mo's mouth curled up, and he lifted Aning's chin, "Little girl, don't you like your Master Su, aren't you? You are not much older than my daughter?"

Aning rolled his eyes, "The bad taste of middle-aged people, you are so boring..."

"Come on, let's have a meeting and make a plan..."

After speaking, Aning began to lead the way.

Su Mo followed Aning to the top floor, and saw Wu Xie inside as soon as he reached the door.

Wu Xie stood up and shouted, "Master Su!"

Regarding the snake-browed copper fish, after all, Su Mo owed Wu Xie a kindness, so Wu Xie was also very polite to Su Mo.

Su Mo patted Wu Xie on the shoulder and motioned him to sit down.

Like the original book, Wu Xie and Aning seem to have reached a consensus at this time.

Wu Xie said again, "Master Su, I just received news about the Eleven Warehouse..."

Su Mo smiled, "It's over, don't mention it, don't mention it..."

It's not a glorious thing for my sister to be put together, and Su Mo doesn't want to discuss this topic with Wu Xie.

Su Mo asked casually, "Why didn't that young master come..."

Wu Xie said: "It's too dangerous. It's because of my third uncle. I don't want to let my friend go deep into dangerous places..."

Su Mo nodded, but said nothing.

The three sat down.

Aning looked at Wu Xie and smiled slightly, "Your grandfather's note said that an archaeological team that your third uncle joined found the location of the underwater tomb!"

"However, I don't know what happened on the way, and the underwater tomb was not excavated and salvaged, and the relevant information was also sealed up..."

"A few days ago, Wu Sansheng came to us with information, full of sincerity!"

Hearing this, Wu Xie was a little angry, "The legal salvage you said before was also a lie to me..."

"The reason why you use this ordinary fishing boat as a search and rescue boat is because your action has attracted the attention of the border guards and you have to disguise it,"

"So you can only save my third uncle in private, right?"

Aning didn't care and said: "These are small things for me, finding your third uncle is our big deal!
Wu Xie poked the table vigorously with her hand: "It is important to find my third uncle, but you are a matter of principle!"

Su Mo took the initiative to smooth things over. "It's okay, the salvage matter, we have obtained the legal procedures..."

Su Mo wasn't lying. The reason why Xue Liyang didn't come to Xisha was because she was working at the upper echelons of the customs at this time.

Some procedures still need to be done!

Su Mo looked at Wu Xie and changed the subject, "Your third uncle is missing? No news at all?"

Wu Xie looked depressed, "I've been missing for a while, and I haven't heard from him!"

Su Mo chuckled, "It's okay, you will get used to it in the future..."

Poor kid, it's the first time you lose your third uncle, and you're still not used to it now, but you'll get used to it in the future.

As we all know, Notes on Tomb Raiders is also known as--Third Uncle, where are you?
Wu Xie was suspicious and didn't quite understand what Su Mo meant.

"No, no, this ship can't!"

Outside the house, Baldy Zhang, who was disguised by Zhang Qiling, quarreled with the boss of the boat.

The boat owner said speechlessly: "Why can't it work? Don't tell me you can't do it one by one. It's unlucky. My ship can go anywhere. There is no place that can't do it!"

The bald old Zhang looked around and complained: "Hey, the boat is too old and too small. When a storm comes, it may capsize!"

The owner of the ship was not happy: "Bah, bah, good luck, don't say such unlucky words!"

The bald old Zhang pointed to the side, "I think the big boat next door is pretty good. Compared with your boat, it's full of adults and children. That boat is safe!"

Hearing the sound, Su Mo stood up and said to the next door, "Okay, I welcome you all to come over. I have food, drink, housing, transportation, or equipment. When the time comes, this ship will follow us!"

Aning said: "Master Su, let me introduce you, the one outside is the expert we invited—Consultant Zhang!"

As he spoke, Ah Ning also stood up and shouted, "Consultant Zhang..."

Zhang Qiling's disguised bald old Zhang poked his head out and looked at Ah Ning.

Aning said, "Consultant Zhang, let me introduce you, this is Master Su, and the freighter next to him belongs to Master Su..."

"Haha, hello, hello, Master Su, I remember what you said just now, we will all move there later..."

The bald old Zhang shook hands with Su Mo.

Su Mo nodded and said, "No problem!"

Aning continued to introduce: "This is Wu Xie! He is."

Before Aning finished speaking, he saw the bald old Zhang directly stepping forward to hold Wu Xie's hand with both hands, and seemed to touch it: "It's a pleasure to meet you..."


"My surname is Zhang, the bow is Zhang, Zhang Hao!"

Wu Xie nodded: "Hello, I'm Wu Xie!"

After finishing speaking, Wu Xie was ready to let go and sit down.

However, the bald old Zhang didn't let go of Wu Xie's hand, and directly pulled Wu Xie who was about to sit down again, and kept patting the back of Wu Xie's hand with his right hand.


At this moment, Wu Xie's whole body is not well.


This guy is a pervert!
(End of this chapter)

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