Chapter 198 Ghost Ship, Phantom Eye

This guy is a...pervert!
Being grabbed by Bald Zhang's right hand, Wu Xie got goosebumps all over his body.

Aning introduced: "Consultant Zhang is an expert in marine relics!"

The bald old Zhang was very modest. While holding Wu Xie's hand, he said modestly: "Haha, I don't dare to be an expert. I'm lucky. I happened to publish a few small articles. It's just a small achievement!"

"It's not worth mentioning, haha!"

Although Wu Xie had a pimple in his heart, he still kept smiling and said politely: "You are too humble, you are too humble!
After speaking, he pulled out his hand vigorously.


Su Mo was beside him, looking at Zhang Qiling after the disguise, very speechless.

Nima, is this guy really Zhang Qiling?
Talking so much, what the hell... so masculine!

Liberating nature, right?

Stop pretending, right?
Outside, the boat boss suddenly shouted, "The weather has changed, it's going to rain..."

Not long after, the sky changed drastically, and the clouds filled with clouds.

The sea suddenly darkened.


All of a sudden, there was thunder and lightning, and a torrential rain poured down.

At this time, Su Mo was still on the small boat of Aning.

The whole ship, on the sea, kept shaking, as if it was about to capsize at any time.

Su Mo looked at his own boat on the right again. Although it was shaking, it was very small.

Sure enough, a big boat is reliable.

At this time, both ships turned on their searchlights.

"Tighten the net rope, bring in all the supplies, and hold them up!"

The boss of the ship shouted loudly to his fellow men.

Aning's face was full of rain, and he clung to the pole of the boat and shouted to the boat owner: "Can the boat still sail?"

The boss of the boat responded loudly: "The wind is too strong, you have to find a shelter from the wind!"

Consultant Zhang, played by Zhang Qiling, stole the show again, shouting loudly, "Look, look, I'll tell you that this boat is no good!"

Aning then asked loudly: "Can you find a way to bypass the storm?"

The boss of the boat shouted loudly: "It can't be circumvented, the storm is not static, I'm afraid it's too late!
Consultant Zhang complained again and kept making troubles: "Oh, look, I said this boat is not good!"

The boss of the boat couldn't take it anymore, and shouted at the bald head Zhang: "Shut up!"

At this time, the wind and waves were getting bigger and bigger, there was a constant crashing sound, and the huge waves rolled over.

"Everyone hold on tight, a huge wave is coming!"

Sensing something was wrong, Su Mo reminded loudly.

The boat is unlikely to capsize, but this powerful shaking can completely throw the people on board flying,
"I'm going to help pull the rope!"

After Wu Xie finished speaking, as soon as he took a step, he was blown away by a wave of wind and waves that hit the boat. He overturned the railing beside the boat and was about to fall in a blink of an eye.

Fortunately, the bald Zhang caught Wu Xie who was about to fall down in time, and pulled him back with all his strength!
Consultant Zhang shouted at Wu Xie: "If you don't know how to do light work, don't show off!"

Su Mo looked at the wind and waves in the sea, and murmured, "I'm afraid the lightness kung fu is useless!"

Zhang Qi Ling:"………"

"Hurry up, get in, hurry up, hurry up"

The boss of the boat shouted anxiously.

At this time, another bad news came: "An engine has failed!"

The boss of the ship broke out in a cold sweat: "Go and overhaul, hurry up!"

Wu Xie held on tightly to the cargo in the cabin, and asked loudly, 'What did he say?'

The bald Zhang stood next to Wu Xie and repeated: "He said that one of the engines was broken..."

Ah Ning missed one at this time, and his whole body was blown up by the huge wind and waves.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Su Mo quickly came to Aning's side and rescued Aning.

When the two came to the warehouse, Su Mo said: "I see, after the storm has passed, you should go to my boat. Look at my boat, it is shaking slightly in the wind and waves!"

Aning looked up, and sure enough, Su Mo's [-]-ton freighter did not flutter with the wind and sway from side to side like their tens of meters long boat.

"it is good!"

Aning nodded and agreed to Su Mo's suggestion.

A boatman shouted: "Look, what is that?"

At this time, everyone's attention was attracted.

In the next second, everyone's expressions changed.

"what is that?"

"what is this?"

The faces of several elderly sailors were as pale as paper, and they said, "Ghost ship, ghost ship, it's a ghost ship!"

Su Mo glanced and saw a rusty boat floating alone on the sea.

As the wind and waves advanced, the ghost ship got closer and closer, and it came directly to the side of the ship after a while.


The two boats rubbed against each other and made a loud noise.

The boat boss shouted: "Everyone is stabilized!"

Suddenly, Su Mo noticed that a pair of blood-red hands came to his back, ready to climb onto Ah Ning's shoulders.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Su Mo took out the pistol at his waist,


Bloody's hands were injured, and they were sent flying, landing directly on Wu Xie's shoulders, and actually brought Wu Xie onto the ghost ship.

"No, someone has been taken to the ghost ship!"

Su Mo didn't expect that after saving Aning, it would be Wu Xie who suffered the crime in the end.

Watching the ghost ship leave slowly.

Zhang Qiling's disguised bald Zhang immediately grabbed the rope on the ship's plank, and the iron hook directly hooked the railing of the ghost ship, and slid straight over.

Now, the two ships are completely connected together.

The captain of the boat blinked, gritted his teeth, and pulled out a knife from his back, intending to cut off the rope and cut off the connection between the two boats.

"and many more!"

Su Mo pointed a gun at the boat boss and shouted: "We can protect you, there are still a bunch of brothers in my boat..."

"Don't talk about the ghost ship, even if the ghost king comes, he will die!"

"A-Ning, look at them, I'll save them!"

After speaking, Su Mo followed the chain to the deck of the ghost ship.

As soon as he got on the boat, he saw Wu Xie was about to crawl into the cargo warehouse, dragging his ghost claws with both hands.

Su Mo shot the Ghost Claw twice.



Feeling the attack, Ghost Claw quickly threw off Wu Xie, and ran away without a trace.

Su Mo came to Wu Xie's side, stretched out his hand to help him up, "It's all right!"

"Thank you, Mr. Su, I'm fine. This thing is too evil. As soon as I was caught by it, my whole body lost strength. What is that thing?"

Before Wu Xie finished speaking, the deck on which the two were standing shattered.

Suddenly, the two fell into the space below the deck

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the host for completing the selection of rewards, and rewards illusion (the same style as the blue-eyed fox)]

[Illusion: Looking at it can make it hallucinate (this technique is only effective for humans)]

Su Mo didn't care about any system rewards at this time.

The body fell at a high speed, Su Mo remained calm, quickly stabilized his body, grabbed Wu Xie's shoulder, and the two landed safely.

Look down at the rusty cabin below.Some places are still dripping with rain.

Damp, musty smell very pungent.

Wu Xie covered her nose and asked, "What was that just now?"

Su Mo said: "That's a human face!"

While talking, Su Mo reached out to touch an iron pillar, and said, "Looking at the thickness of the rust, this boat has been in the sea for at least ten years..."

(End of this chapter)

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