Dao Shaohua

Chapter 110

Chapter 110

Hearing the elder brother's words, Yang Xiuming didn't know what to say.

As if seeing the hesitation of the third brother, the eldest brother said:

"Third brother, I know that your classmates have a very good relationship, but she has already betrayed you and framed you."

"People in the arena involuntarily!"

"If you want to hate you, hate me! Brother has already done this for you!"

Yang Xiuming was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly realized, and asked:
"Brother, did you send someone over?"

Yang Xiuqing nodded and said, "Yes!"

Yang Xiuming was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly got up and went straight to the location of Xiao's house.

When he got there, the affairs of the Xiao family were over, and everything was killed inside and out.

However, it was not the elder brother's men who did it, but the hands of the city lord's mansion.

Yang Xiuming was taken aback when he saw the princess from a distance.

She waved to Yang Xiuming.

Yang Xiuming immediately rushed over and came to a stone building of Xiao's house, only to see Xiao Yue'er sitting on a chair, her face had no blood, she was already dead.

His face was peaceful, as if he had fallen asleep, without any pain.

"This is……"

The princess said slowly: "A classmate, say goodbye to her!"

Yang Xiuming said: "You, you killed..."

"I warned her several times to choose carefully, but she didn't listen to me, being controlled by the family, unable to keep herself, at the last moment, she chose Zhang San.

When your brother returns, the Zhang family has perished, and the Xiao family must pay the price.

So if she is a classmate, it is better to die in my hands than she dies in the hands of others. "

The princess said calmly.

Yang Xiuming wanted to say something else, but the princess stood up and left here.

Originally, Yang Xiuqing wanted to kill Xiao Yue'er to solve his younger brother's hidden troubles, but the princess took the first step and destroyed the Xiao family and Xiao Yue'er, which was regarded as a great gift to Yang Xiuqing.

So far, only the bodies of Yang Xiuming and Xiao Yueer are left in this room.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Yue'er died so quickly!
The last sentence was the "I'm sorry" that tricked Yang Xiuming into Zhang's stone building.

The last look at that moment appeared in Yang Xiuming's mind.

I'm sorry, and we will never see each other again forever!

However, Yang Xiuming doesn't hate her, she likes Jiang Si, but Jiang Si is dead, relying on Li Er, Li Er is also dead, Zhang San is pressing every step of the way, the family is oppressing, in the end there is no way but to succumb.

She doesn't have the "Nine Transformations of the Common People's Transformation Heart Art", she is just an ordinary woman, a little philistine, a little greedy, but her essence is not bad, but what can be done in this world!
After a long time, Yang Xiuming turned into a sentence!

"This world of shit!"

People in the arena involuntarily.

He looked at Xiao Yue'er and let out a long sigh, and when he stretched out his hand, thunder broke out.

Amidst the thunder, Xiao Yue'er was turned into powder, which was refined into fly ash by Yang Xiuming.

Yang Xiuming did not go home, but went to the cemetery.

Next to Jiang Si, Zhu Wu, and Li Er, a tomb was built for Zhang San and Xiao Yue'er.

Although Zhang San's mortal enemy, Yang Xiuming still built a grave for him.

These things, as long as there is money, people will naturally work.

Soon, the two tombs were erected. Looking over, Li Er, Zhang San, Jiang Si, Zhu Wu, and Xiao Yue'er lined up in a row. Yang Xiuming didn't move for a long time, looking at them!

"This world of shit!"

Yang Xiuming cursed again!
As soon as he said this, Yang Xiuming suddenly seemed to comprehend countless truths, and there was an ethereal epiphany in his heart, like enlightenment...

The "Rhythm of Everything" he practiced changes quietly.

In silence, he broke through the first level and was promoted to the second level.

With the promotion of "The Rhythm of Everything", Yang Xiuming's whole body was shocked,
Four levels of Qi refining!

True Qi soared by [-]%, life expectancy increased, body strong, five senses expanded, body infinitely flexible.

Name: Yang Xiuming

Lifespan: Seventeen/82

Body: no
Bloodline: Spiritual Fortress
Fate: God of Devouring Demons, God of Heaven's Absolute Misfortune

Boundary: Fourth Level of Qi Refining Period
Talents: Night Demon God, Grass Dragon Snake, Sword Maniac, Dead Ghost
Supernatural powers: covering the sky with one hand, uniting the divine sword, piercing the heart of the sword, and thundering


"Jiutai Laojun Opens the Heavenly Scripture" (First Edition)
"Nine Transformations of the Common People's Transformation of the Heart" (Third Level)
"The Rhythm of Everything" (Second Edition)
"Five Elements, Heaven and Heart Lantern Method"

"The Absolute Immortal Sword of Nine Heavens and Nine Abysses" (Level [-])
Sword intent: suppression, assassination, shock

33 days of being too high, Lei Jue's "Zixiao Thunder"

33 days of Taishang Dao, the best sword in "One Sword Shocks the Heaven"

33 days in Taishang Dao, "The Great Dark Sky"

Verdict: Let our minds be one
So far, he has been promoted to the fourth level of Qi refining, but Yang Xiuming is not happy at all.

Back home, the eldest brother Yang Xiuqing has been silently waiting for the return of the third brother.

When he came back, Yang Xiuqing didn't say anything.

But Yang Xiuming nodded slightly and said, "Thank you, brother."

Yang Xiuqing let out a long sigh and said, "There is no way, sometimes you have to be as hard as iron.

Big Brother liked a girl in Imperial University back then, but unfortunately, she left me in the end and took refuge with the young master of the Wu family..."

The two brothers chatted, one sentence for you, one sentence for me.

"Third brother, you and I have risen, and I will teach the fourth brother well, let him follow our path, and become a strong man.

I will also train the second child.

Our Yang family, from today onwards, is a wealthy family in Yinzhou City..."

When the eldest brother talked about this, there was light in his eyes. This is his ideal in life.

Yang Xiuming listened silently and couldn't help agreeing.

"In the future, I will quietly get rid of the weirdness in the city, try to keep these weirdness from harming people, and save as many as I can..."

Yang Xiuqing said slowly!
"It's just that if we want Yinzhou City to be free from weirdness, we can't do it at all, unless we can control the world!

Otherwise, if the weirdness in Yinzhou City is cleaned up, the imperial capital will still send people to bring new weirdness, which will never be cleaned up. "

Yang Xiuming said: "Brother, I know, my vision was too low before, and I only saw Yinzhou City.

In fact, the real key lies in the imperial capital! "

"Third brother, you are going to the imperial capital for further studies soon. Eldest brother has something to tell you."

"Brother, tell me!"

"Third brother, the Xiong family of the eight great aristocratic families in the imperial capital that the eldest brother relies on, is what it is today.

On me, the brand of the Xiong family has been branded, and I belong to their power vassal.

You are my younger brother, so you have no choice. When you arrive in the imperial capital, you are naturally a vassal disciple of the Xiong family.

This, big brother has no choice but to not give you a chance to choose, directly determines your future, so I apologize to you! "

Yang Xiuming laughed, without his eldest brother, he would not have been able to go to high school, so how could he be where he is today.

"Brother, what are you talking about?

Our brothers are of the same heart, and our profits cut through gold.

Bear's is also very good! "

Yang Xiuqing seemed relieved and said:
"That's good, the Xiong family is not as dirty and clean as the others, and they control the agriculture of the entire Liaochang world.

They have nothing to do with being weird, they are just responsible for growing food and living people.

When you arrive in the imperial capital, report to the Xiong family first, they will take special care of you, at least you will not be bullied by the other families.

The young master of the Xiong family, Xiong Kuohai, has the best relationship with me, this time he is also promoted to Venerable, if you find him and report my name, he will take care of you..."

The two chatted here, they were brothers in battle, fighting the tiger father and son soldiers!

(End of this chapter)

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