Dao Shaohua

Chapter 111 There will be a battle at last, let it go

Chapter 111 There Will Be a Battle, Let It Go

After "The Rhythm of Everything" advanced, Yang Xiuming practiced again, and he could practice for an hour.

The practice time does not seem to have changed much, but during this one hour, Yang Xiuming can use "The Rhythm of Everything" as the basis, and then practice other methods.

"The Rhythm of Everything" not only allows you to control yourself, but also allows you to control yourself freely when practicing exercises.

During this one hour, Yang Xiuming practiced the "Jiutai Laojun Kaitian Jing", which was enough to practice for three hours normally.

Practicing swordsmanship and lightning technique, one hour is worth four hours of practice, four times the income, and at the same time, I also practiced "The Rhythm of Everything"!

The benefits of "The Rhythm of Everything" gradually manifested.

The benefits it brings are not just enjoyed by Yang Xiuming alone.

After free time, Yang Xiuming went to the base camp.

People gather here.

Under the advancement of "The Rhythm of Everything", all three of them have gained a lot.

It's just that Zhang Yue didn't get promoted, he was still at the Ninth Level of Qi Refining, but he was close to being promoted to the Tenth Level of Qi Refining.

Because of this, Fu Xialiang was promoted to the sixth level of Qi refining!
Name: Fu Xialiang
Lifespan: 120/[-]

Dao Body: Thunderbolt

Bloodline: two skillful hands, icy heart and bones
Fate: Son of Thor


Realm: the sixth level of Qi refining period

Talents: Night Demon God, Grass Dragon Snake, Sword Maniac, Dead Ghost
Supernatural powers: Covering the sky with one hand, uniting body and sword, piercing the heart of the sword, and thundering


"Jiutai Laojun Opens the Heavenly Scripture" (First Edition)
"Nine Transformations of the Common People's Transformation of the Heart" (Third Level)
"The Rhythm of Everything" (Second Edition)
"Five Elements, Heaven and Heart Lantern Method"

"The Absolute Immortal Sword of Nine Heavens and Nine Abysses" (Level [-])
Sword intent: suppression, assassination, shock

33 days of being too high, Lei Jue's "Zixiao Thunder"

33 days of Taishang Dao, the best sword in "One Sword Shocks the Heaven"

33 days in Taishang Dao, "The Great Dark Sky"

Judgment: You demons, don't try to deceive me, it smells so good!
Fu Xialiang was very happy and said:

"Great, the sixth level of Qi refining, I have another hole card in this big competition.

I have already refined the way of swordsmanship and sword fighting, and now I am refining the way of swordsmanship and sword stabbing. "

Yang Xiuming nodded, and said, "I've mastered the way of swordsmanship and sword fighting, and next step I'll come to the way of swordsmanship and sword stabbing."

Zhang Yue said: "Lei Dao Lei Ba, I'm almost done, Xiu Ming has to help me find Lei Dao Lei Jing, Lei Dao Lei Talisman."

Yang Xiuming said: "Oh, there are too many junk things these days.

Tomorrow I will find Lei Dao Lei Jing, Lei Dao Lei Talisman for you. "

Fu Xialiang said suddenly: "Seven days later, the Zongmen Grand Competition will start at my place, and you all have to come and help!"

Fu Xialiang had talked about this sect competition for a long time, and Li Xumi also attached great importance to it when he was apprenticed.

"Dabi, what kind of comparison?"

"Yeah, you guys are too high-ranking. There are 3000 million disciples in the outer sect. How many people are there in the inner sect? How do you compare?"

Fu Xialiang smiled and said: "Big Brother, Second Brother, you two idiots don't understand anything!"

This guy is sick again!
"We are too high-level, with 3000 million outer disciples, like a flowing water camp, the cycle is endless, the weak are eliminated, and the strong are promoted.

Every year, [-] elites enter the inner gate.

There are 6606 million disciples in the inner sect's qi refining period. Every year, 10 people are promoted to build a foundation, or fall from cultivation, or leave the inner sect to work in various places.

Basically, the number of inner disciples remains unchanged.

The Zongmen Grand Competition is held once every three years, and all disciples must participate. Those who perform the worst will be directly eliminated from the inner sect. "

This is really a big sect, with 6606 million people at the first opening.

Inner sect disciples are the weakest in refining qi, which is equivalent to an elite rank. Yang Xiuming can only sigh with a sigh.

Fu Xialiang continued:
"The Zongmen Grand Competition, the Qi Refining Realm of the inner sect is divided into four rounds.

In the early stage of qi refining, the first, second and third levels of qi refining are a big competition.

In the mid-stage of qi refining, the four, five and six levels of qi refining form a chess game.

In the late stage of Qi refining, Qi refining reaches seven or eighty-nine levels, and finally Qi refining is perfect, and there is a big competition between them.

I am now at the sixth level of Qi refining, and participating in the mid-stage chess game of Qi refining, I should enter the Chaos Dao Chess and Desolate Sky Chess game. "

Zhang Yue said: "Chaotic Dao Chess? Cultivating the Nine Paths of Immortals?"

Fu Xialiang nodded and said: "Yes, in fact, the real purpose of the so-called sect competition is not to rank us disciples.

Our big competition is just an addition, which belongs to the head-to-head.

The real purpose of Dabi is to add nourishment to the chaotic chess game, and sacrifice the special products of the chess game. "

Yang Xiuming and the two listened attentively.

Last time, when talking about the Nine Paths of Cultivating Immortals, Fu Xialiang didn't know what a chaotic chess game was.

As if sensing the doubts of the two, Fu Xialiang explained:

"I didn't know about Chaos Chess Game before, but I only heard about it from my senior sister in the past few days.

The senior sister said, we are too good, there are 130 nine chaotic chess games.

The Chaos Dao Chess Desolation Sky Chess Game I participated in, how should I put it, seems to be a dimensional world.

The sect uses our essence, qi and blood to condense the projection, and uses our primordial spirit to control the projection, and send us into this world, where we fight each other to decide the place in the competition.

During this process, our projection dies, our primordial spirit leaves, our essence, energy and blood disperse, and stay in the chess game world, so as to nourish the chess game world.

It is said that when a certain chance is reached and a certain number of dead people are gathered, the chess game world will automatically generate special products of the chess game, various strange objects, or magic weapons, or even true spirits.

It is said that the best treasure is called a miracle, it is a treasure that can change fate against the sky and change the universe.

And our big competition ranking is an additional gain.

This kind of death in battle is actually harmful to us, but after more than a month of cultivation, it is recovery, but it is a big profit for the sect.

It takes three years of cultivation to practice the chess game like this once, so the Zongmen Grand Competition is held every three years. "

Yang Xiuming nodded and said, "So that's the case! The world is so big, there are so many wonders!"

Fu Xialiang said again: "These are not important, the key is the ranking.

No. 1 in the mid-stage of Qi refining, the sect has a lot of rewards, not to mention the first, as long as you can reach the top [-], you will have a big prize.

As long as I can rank among the top [-], I will become a disciple of the nine types. In addition, the master is also a formal disciple, and there is also a supernatural Taoism teaching. "

But Zhang Yue firmly said: "First, must be first!"

Fu Xialiang gasped and said, "First, it's too difficult!

The entire sect is filled with masters like clouds, last time Shuijue Gaofeichen, Sword Demon Fengbailing, there are tens of thousands of such people. "

Zhang Yue said: "It doesn't matter, we must be first!

The three of us work together, I don't believe that someone can block my sword!your thunder!Hideyoshi's dark night! "

Fu Xialiang was silent, then his eyes seemed to shine again, and he said loudly:

"Okay, if that's the case, let's give it a go!
What if! "

He seems to have made a decision!
"Big Brother, Second Brother, I'm going to fight!
You help me! "

(End of this chapter)

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