Dao Shaohua

Chapter 113 "Borrowing the Heaven and Earth, Meridian is mighty!"

Chapter 113 "Borrowing the Heaven and Earth, Meridian is mighty!"

There is also a practice room in the cave.

After a day and a night, Fu Xialiang circulated his mana, chanted a mantra, and thunder condensed in his hands.

The thunder is running, and in his hands, one is divided into two, one is grand, and the other is swaying!
Then it continued to run, nine points of thunder, nine changes of thunder, and turned into eighteen tiny thunders.

At this time, the usefulness of Lei Dao Lei Jing is revealed, to control the tiny thunder, otherwise if you lose control, if you miss it, the thunder will collapse.

At the last moment, eighteen thunderbolts collided suddenly.

Nine against nine, mighty against mighty.

Suddenly, a thunderbolt appeared and fell to the ground, forming a thunderstorm like a sea of ​​thunder.

Sustained for ten breaths, in this thunderstorm, annihilated all existence.

Fu Xialiang smiled, it's done!
This thunder was sent out, within a range of ten miles, a mighty thunder struck away in an instant.

The range of the explosion can form a sea of ​​thunder with a radius of [-] feet, in which the thunder is infinitely mighty.

Compared with the battle formation thunder method, this kind of thunder method inherited by individuals has several advantages. It can be attacked and defended, retracted freely, and can be far or near.

The most important point is that these thunderbolts are condensed with their own mana. After they are emitted, they will form a thunderbolt protection on themselves or their companions. The divine thunder explodes without hurting their own people at all.

And you can also use special materials to condense into divine thunder and sell it to make money!
This practice is only a rough practice, and it takes a lot of time to condense the mighty thunder, and it is not worth enough in actual combat.

But Fu Xialiang didn't care, he condensed silently.

As long as the condensing is successful, he will use the Thunder Dao Thunder Talisman to condense a mighty Thunder Talisman.

With this thunder talisman, it seems that there is a model for casting spells, and a model for blacksmithing, and then condenses the mighty thunder, which is very easy.

After a long time, all the spell-casting steps are completely reflected, and it is even easier to actually fight this mine.

In fact, Fu Xialiang's mastery of the battle formation thunderstorm is much more difficult than the mighty thunder to a certain extent.

The page of Fu Xialiang's "Nine Transformations of the Common People's Transformation Heart Jue" has not been changed after the mighty thunder has been practiced, and this thunder is not worthy of the page.

This thunder is practiced, and the rest is simple.

Fu Xialiang began to spend money to buy Ziyin Lei, Wu Yang Lei, Qian Tian Lei, Kun Di Lei, Lian Que Lei, and Xuan Yuan Lei!

These thunder techniques, mastered by the monks of the Supreme Dao, are all condensed divine thunders.

Condensing the divine thunder is the most common means for Leixiu to make money.

Using materials as the carrier, condense the thunder body, infuse it with thunder, and transform it into the form of the physical god thunder, just use it to activate it. This is one of the most popular attack methods in the world of cultivating immortals.

It's just that the price of Shenlei is not cheap.

Zhang Yue and Yang Xiuming's Maple Leaf Swords were all sent over, and they were sold for money to buy thunder.

Fu Xialiang began to practice, and Ziyin Lei, Wu Yang Lei, Qian Tian Lei, and Kun Di Lei were all easy to buy.

He silently sensed the divine thunders he bought, and turned them into thunder talismans with his own ability of thunder talismans.

During the induction, if the thunder talisman is not condensed, the divine thunder will immediately collapse and dissipate.

Can only come to the second one!
Following this induction, Fu Xialiang quickly condensed Ziyinlei's Thunder Talisman.

Ziyin thunder is all practiced in the middle of the night, and it contains endless yin energy. When a thunder strikes, it will be silent and invisible, killing people invisible.

Fu Xialiang quickly condensed Ziyinlei's Thunder Talisman, and then transformed it with the mighty Thunder Talisman.

The thunder talisman of the mighty thunder turned into the thunder talisman of Ziyinlei, and through this, Fu Xialiang turned the foreign object into his own power.

With the Thunder Talisman as the core, in less than an hour, he became Ziyin Lei.

The mighty thunder and thunder talisman dissipated, it doesn't matter to draw another one, and then transform Wuyang thunder...

Then Qiantianlei, Kundilei...

Finally, Lian Que Lei, Xuan Yuan Lei...

Such a transformation requires enough divine thunder, and the number of spirit stones on Fu Xialiang's body visible to the naked eye will decrease.

The two maple leaf swords were sold, but it was still not enough.

Must leave a fight!
The two storage bags Baili gave Fu Xialiang were also sold.

He had to hang back his little broken storage bag.

After three days and three nights, Fu Xialiang could no longer afford any divine thunders. So far, all seven thunder talismans have been cultivated.

In fact, this is the first step to complete, the real difficulty is the next two steps.

But for Fu Xialiang, the rest is easy.

In just one day, complete the Seven Thunders.

He has Lei Dao Lei Ba, Lei Dao Lei Jing, no matter whether he can control it in a small way or a huge catalyst, he can control it freely.

It was another night, and the seven thunders merged into one, which was also completed.

With the last bit of Lingshi, I rented a sect practice field, and tried to use this thunder method.

Just after it was running, a dazzling sound sounded in the void:

"The universe borrows the law, and the Ziwu is mighty!"

Fu Xialiang operated the thunder method, and a dazzling sound automatically appeared in the sky. This is the response of the heaven and the earth, and the resonance of the magic.

Fu Xialiang didn't send out the divine thunder, but said, "Brothers, it's done!"

Yang Xiuming said: "Okay, don't practice anymore, rest quickly and prepare for the battle.

Let's go back to sleep! "

Zhang Yue said: "I haven't closed my eyes for five days and five nights, and I fit together from time to time. I'm exhausted. I'm going back to sleep!"

Yang Xiuming didn't talk nonsense, he left immediately and returned home.

For the past five days and five nights, his body has been in a semi-sleeping state. He has made it clear to his family that nothing has happened.

The eldest brother is now leading his subordinates to build up his own power, buy a house and land to take over the younger brother, and doesn't pay much attention to Yang Xiuming.

The second brother had just given birth to a child, and the second sister-in-law was confinement, and her tired feet hit the back of her head.

Only four younger brothers and five younger sisters circled around him, extremely worried.

Yang Xiuming returned, chatted with them a few words, then collapsed and fell asleep.

This time I really slept, I didn't come back for five days and five nights, and I was exhausted.

It took a full day and night of sleep to recover from this sleep.

Yang Xiuming looked at the "Nine Changes of the Common People's Transformation of the Heart", but shook his head, because "Nine Changes of the Common People's Transformation of the Heart" did not record "Ziwu's Great Universe Thunder"

This means that Ziwu's mighty Qiankun Thunder has not really been practiced, and it is not worthy of being recorded.

The thunder talisman that steals and cheats may not be recognized, but it can't be controlled so much!
There is one day left before Yang Xiuming meets his elder brother.

The eldest brother has quite a few subordinates, three women and seven men, all of whom are elite ranks.

Yang Xiuming is very suspicious that that particularly delicate girl may be his sister-in-law in the future, and his eldest brother respects her very much, and his eyes are full of love.

Then go to see the second brother and hug the newborn child.

Yang Zhenzhu was born not long ago, and when he hugged him, he burst into tears.

This is the next generation of the Yang family, he is the darling of his parents, so he immediately scolded and drove Yang Xiuming away.

Finally, I took my four younger brothers and five younger sisters to play for a while, and bought them sweets.

But the fourth brother Yang Xiuchun said:

"Third Brother, I like a female classmate. I want to marry her as my wife in the future. Do you think it's okay?"

This makes Yang Xiuming angry, the fourth brother is only twelve, and he is going to marry a wife?
Naturally, he gave earnest advice to dispel the little kid's unreasonable thoughts.

Why is it not more fragrant than marrying a wife?
I don't even have a girlfriend, and you still want to marry a wife, dreaming!
(End of this chapter)

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