Dao Shaohua

Chapter 114

Chapter 114

Taishang calendar [-], September [-], Renyin year, tiger
Auspicious: Trading, accepting wealth, opening a business, breaking ground, praying for blessings, hanging plaques

Inauspicious: traveling, receiving livestock, burial, going out on fire

On the day of the big competition, it was held on Taishangdao.

This time, it was a big competition among inner sect disciples in the mid-stage of qi refining.

For a high-ranking sect like Taishang Dao, a disciple competition is divided into several stages, and it is carried out for several days and months.

Even this time, the Inner Sect Qi Refining Mid-Stage Disciple Competition will have to be held for more than a month.

On this day, Fu Xialiang wore a Taoist robe and wore the latest dharma robe issued by the sect, representing the disciples of the six branches, waiting for the order of the sect.

This kind of sect's disciples' competition, with the primordial spirit as the battle, is just a test of the strength of the disciples. Each person can only bring in one core magic weapon. Except for the core magic weapon, all foreign objects cannot be brought in.

However, it is not so absolute.

There is a business in the Zongmen. Students who participate in the competition can pay for spiritual stones, rubbings of real magic weapons, magic weapon talismans, etc., and bring them into the battlefield of the competition.

Of course, it can't be too much, the items must correspond to the level of a monk, and the maximum number of items cannot exceed 36.

This price is not cheap, it is quite krypton gold.

Zongmen explained that Lingshi is also a kind of strength!
Fu Xialiang only has a third-order Jinqiu blood-stained maple leaf sword, which is the core magic weapon of his life. He has to spend money on the others, and he has no extra magic weapons to rub.

The poor are so free and easy!

He was in the cave, waiting silently.

Such a grand event is completely under the control of the Zongmen Faling, and there are countless strategists who have deduced and calculated it.

Yang Xiuming and Zhang Yue had been here long ago, accompanying him by his side.

"Fu Xialiang, enter Jinfeng Dojo 33, Bing Chou No. 38, wait!"

Zongmen token, an order came.

Fu Xialiang let out a long breath, jumped up, and went straight to the dojo.

This kind of dojo is not far from the residence, and someone has already calculated it.

The ashram is in the center of Jinfenglin, run fast, and it will be there soon.

Here are all monks who are running wildly. This competition is of great significance. Everyone is working hard and rushing desperately.

Suddenly Fu Xialiang saw Junior Sister Bai Li, and they looked at each other from a distance. Junior Sister Bai Li was only in the third level of Qi refining, and she was not qualified to participate in this mid-stage Qi refining competition.

Junior Sister Baili suddenly yelled at Fu Xialiang: "Senior brother, Taishang is pure, and the martial arts are prosperous!"

"Tai Shang is pure, and the martial arts will continue to flow!"

This is an auspicious word blessed by Tai Shang Dao.

Whenever he said this, he went to battle desperately, slashed at people with a knife, and had sex with people, so it was martial luck, not immortal luck!

Fu Xialiang, who was running, stopped quietly, adjusted her crown and tunic, and saluted Bai Li in return!

"Junior Sister, Taishang is pure, and the martial arts are prosperous!"

Looking at the young man in white in the distance, he saluted slowly, briskly, suddenly Bai Li's face turned red, and he didn't know what to say.

Fu Xialiang continued to run, and soon came to the Jinfeng 33 dojo.

Look for a seat, take a good seat, tidy up the seat, and then get up and clean your hands.

I don't know how long this battle will be, and it needs to be cleaned up.

Returning to the seat, getting ready, a handyman from the outer sect sent Bigu Dan.

Fu Xialiang checked carefully to make sure there was no problem, and then took the Bigu Pill, which could keep him alive for a month without eating or drinking.

Many disciples came here one after another and sat down one by one.

Some acquaintances quietly chatted in whispers, and some silently chanted scriptures and prayed for the blessing of the Taoist Lord.

Fu Xialiang put the three-foot golden autumn blood-stained maple leaf sword in front of him, touched it lightly, and cherished it very much.

Suddenly, someone shouted not far away:

"Fu Xialiang!"

Fu Xialiang looked over, it was Feng Yi, the fellow who was killed by him during the ghost cave trial.

"Fu Xialiang, this time you are doomed!
I have joined the Tianfu Alliance, I will kill you, a junior! "

Feng Yi yelled there, but Fu Xialiang ignored him and just continued to stroke the sword.

The so-called Tianfu Alliance is a test of various small alliances established by Dabi's disciples in private.

Trials with a large number of people, this situation is commonplace, with a group of people warming up, more people fight less.

"You disciple of Thunder Formation, if you don't practice Thunder Art well, you pretend to be a ghost there, what kind of sword do you practice?"

"Don't be blocked by me, or I won't let you die and torture you for three days and three nights!"

Feng Yi wanted to say something more, but for some reason, seeing Fu Xialiang silently stroking his sword at this moment, an indescribable cold feeling appeared in his heart.

No matter how arrogant he was, he couldn't say a single word!
At this time, the successive dojos were already full of people.

There were thousands of people, looking at a large area, it was dense.

Suddenly, a Faling voice sounded in everyone's ears:

"From the beginning of the infinite, from the source of the infinite, to the end, to the end, to the infinite."

This is Zongmen Shihao!

After Fa Ling finished reading, all the disciples present responded together!
"From the beginning of the infinite, from the source of the infinite, to the end, to the end, to the infinite."

Then Faling continued:

"Everyone from the same sect who is too superior, this time the sect competition, the middle stage of the inner sect's Qi refining realm, is about to begin."

"Now it's our turn to enter, the nine hundred and ninety-nine disciples of Jin Fenglin.

Dabi world time is about 27 days, and real time is three days!
Please prepare, condense three drops of hard work, and use it as a carrier to build the original body of Dabi! "

Hard work is very important to a monk, and it takes at least a month to recover after losing these three drops of hard work.

But there is no way!

Everyone is condensed, every drop of hard work represents a life in the competition.

Soon, three drops of blood appeared between everyone's fingers.

The blood of the heart appears, absorbs its own mana, and floats into the air.

Faling said again:

"My colleagues, the number of participants in this competition is 230 people. After the ranking is determined, among them, the bottom 480 three will be deprived of their status as inner disciples and directly lose their qualifications to practice the Supreme Dao!
Fellow disciples, each Dabi tester can rub a piece of natal magical artifact with his hard work. In addition, fellow disciples who have already applied for the rubbing of magical artifacts, please add it immediately. "

Fu Xialiang immediately activated the spell, and he imprinted his third-order golden autumn blood-stained maple leaf sword in his heart, so that every time he died, he would naturally carry this sword when he was resurrected.

"My colleagues, please meditate and prepare to enter the Grand Competition.

The sooner you enter the breath, the sooner you adapt to the environment.

I wish everyone, the Taishang is pure and prosperous, and the martial arts are prosperous! "

Everyone responded together: "Taishang is pure, and the martial arts are prosperous!"

Fu Xialiang did not close her eyes and meditate, but waited for three breaths.

Then he said softly, "Let's..."

The three said together: "The mind is one!"

Immediately the three became one, and only in this way could they enter together.

Otherwise, only Fu Xialiang would enter, and Yang Xiuming would be left outside.

In a blink of an eye, Fu Xialiang opened her eyes and appeared in a strange big world.

White clouds and blue sky, green mountains and green waters, autumn is crisp and the wind is blowing!

It's no different from the real world.

Fu Xialiang's body is also a real body, there is no difference.

The long sword in his hand is also a real third-order golden autumn blood-stained maple leaf sword.

After arriving here, Fu Xialiang immediately clenched his long sword and observed carefully.

Suddenly, more than ten miles away in the void, it seemed that a large piece of sky collapsed, with a radius of three miles.

The sky turned into countless glass fragments, falling from the sky.

Fu Xialiang immediately fled into the distance.

Don't look at that one, it's the battle formation practitioner of 33 Tianjue's "Heavenly Crash and Dao Destruction", sending out "Heavenly Crash".

This is the same as Lei Jue's Yunlei, when the cultivator came here, he immediately released himself and struck the sky with a blow.

The last move of 33 Tianjue Tianjue "Heavenly Crash and Dao Destroyed" is Tianbang, and the last move of 33 Tianjue's "Earth Crack and Dao Destruction" is Earth Crack.

If the two spells are cast at the same time, it will cause heaven and earth to shatter. This is called the compound spell of heaven and earth, and its power has been increased by more than several times!
The Qiankun compound spell and the Yin-Yang compound spell belong to one of the twelve compound spell categories, but one is to supplement each other to enhance the power, and the other is to counteract the explosion to form the power!

Although it was still more than ten miles away from here, Fu Xialiang couldn't help but run away, fearing that something good would happen to the cultivator of Earth Absolute, he would come again!
(End of this chapter)

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